Chapter 10: Echoes

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"Alright! Enough canoodling. The dance floor is begging for your attention!" Levi and Jasmine sprang apart at Hange's voice. Levi looked unimpressed but he noticed the sparkle in Jasmine's eyes.

"Fine." He grumbled.

"You don't have to!" Jasmine protested as Hange led them both out onto the dance floor. She smiled in delight as she spotted Moblit, dancing with his mystery girl - "good for him" she thought. The music was thumping and Hange wasted no time in letting loose, grabbing anybody near them. Levi stood still, tapping his foot to the rhythm, but soon he was swept up by hurricane Hange. He looked unamused at first but soon found himself moving with the music.

"Thought you said you couldn't dance." Jasmine joked.

"I said that I didn't, not that I couldn't." He held an arm out to her and twirled her around playfully. A rookie nearby looked on, their mouth agape at seeing Captain Levi dancing.

"Stop gawking." He snapped, not missing a beat. A slow song started to play and Jasmine immediately got excited.

"I love this song!" She shrieked, just as Levi said he hated it. They laughed, their eyes meeting. The world seemed to stop around them. Hange intentionally bumped into Levi, causing him to collide with Jasmine. He gulped at the contact and felt a blush creep across his cheeks.

"May I have this dance?" His voice sounded oddly formal and Jasmine shot him a bemused look before nodding. He held out his hand, his slender fingers beckoning. Jasmine placed her hand in his and squeezed, a private moment just for the two of them. A shared warm glow spread through their bodies, leaving them giddy. Levi licked his lips nervously, his eyes serious. The two danced somewhat awkwardly to start, unused to this kind of proximity but enjoying it all the same. The music swirled gently around them, the whispers of a sweet melody lingering in the air. As they danced, the two were aware they were drawing closer and closer with each step. Before long Jasmine's breasts were brushing against Levi's chest. She felt her heart flutter with anticipation. Without thinking about her actions she threw her hands around Levi's neck. His heart hammered wildly as her fingers tickled his neck. His own hands moved down to gently hold her waist. Levi could feel his every anxiety melting away as he stared into Jasmine's big brown eyes – he could see himself in their reflection. His own eyes, usually serious and guarded softened with a gentle warmth. The music swelled to a crescendo and their foreheads brushed lightly. The air around them crackled with electricity and words unspoken. Ever so slowly, Levi leaned in, his lips grazing against Jasmine's - the silent whisper of a kiss. Sparks flew as Jasmine parted her lips slightly and kissed him back, enjoying the way he tasted of peppermint. He smiled against her lips. They pulled away from the kiss gingerly and Jasmine lay her head on his shoulder sighing dreamily. Levi was grinning from ear to ear. Hange, having witnessed the whole encounter wolf-whistled loudly. Erwin who had been dancing with a senior official – an attractive brunette – raised his eyebrows at Levi, his eyes crinkling with happiness for his friend. The song ended and the two reluctantly let go of each other.

"That- that was- wow." Jasmine managed to say. Her mind was a mess of emotions – confusion, surprise, desire – all rolled into one.

"I know, right?" Levi couldn't stop smiling. Had he really just done that?

"We shouldn't have-" He started to speak but Jasmine cut him off.

"You're right." Her voice came out a little too firm.

"We shouldn't have. We're just friends." She finished. Those stupid words were coming back to haunt him. That hadn't been what he meant. He had wanted to say that they shouldn't have waited this long, that he shouldn't have waited this long. Now that the floodgates had opened he was thinking about what a real relationship with Jasmine might look like. But then, what if things didn't work out? What if they broke up? The thought of losing Jasmine from his life frightened him, so he remained quiet.

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