Chapter 4: Something Old, Something New

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Jasmine felt somewhat dejected as she lugged her hefty suitcase towards her lab – it was disheartening having to return to her ramshackle facilities after her week of luxury. She noted with dismay that the tents outside of the lab had been dismantled – they didn't need them now that Sawney and Bean were dead. The two titans had been killed suddenly one night. Jasmine had heard that there were multiple assailants involved and that they had escaped using ODM gear - it was jarring to think the culprits could be amongst them. She wondered how Hange had taken the loss and felt a pang of guilt for not being there for them.

"Oh you good little thief! Come to mama!" Hange burst through the lab doors and made a beeline for Jasmine and her case full of goods.

"Not a thief. I asked very nicely and I guess Moblit and I did a good job because they were very generous." Jasmine unzipped her bag to reveal a mass of plasticware, reagents and a brand-new set of pipettes. Hange squealed in delight and embraced their friend gratefully. Jasmine wanted to ask Hange if they were okay, but something told her to let sleeping dogs lie. Hange sauntered into the lab, balancing armfuls of labware.

Jasmine pulled her lab notebook from the suitcase and scrutinised it. The day after she had "lost" it, it had miraculously turned up in the lab. She wanted to believe that she had just been forgetful, but deep down she knew that wasn't the case. Under her notebook sat pages of data – Jasmine would have to sit down and start analysing her results when she got some downtime. She had managed to extract a small amount of DNA from the titan blood and had successfully sequenced it – but there was still work to be done before they got any useful information.

"How are they? Still in one piece?" Moblit's worried voice cut through Jasmine's thoughts. Poor Moblit had returned to responsible mode the moment he had set foot back in Wall Rose.

"I counted ten fingers and ten toes, and they seem like they're in a good mood." Jasmine joked. Moblit let out an audible sigh.

"Well, we should probably get going if we want to make it before dark." The trio were due to join the scouts that were camped out at the castle and had a long ride on horseback ahead of them.


Levi looked up from his paperwork as he heard the rhythmic thud of galloping hooves. He'd been stuck behind this damned desk all day trying to catch up on report writing – a task he detested. He rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms and back before lazily looking at the sprawl of greenery that lay outside of the castle grounds – he wondered if there would ever be a day where people would roam free without worry. It was a thought he often had, but one he tried not to entertain too much. The probability that he would be alive to experience freedom was a slim one, but he would fight until the end. Levi's life had been full of loss – there wasn't much for him to live for. And so, to keep the depressing thoughts at bay, he chose to focus on his purpose and his strength. He had a role to play in slaying titans and freeing humanity – and he intended to fulfill it. His thoughts drifted to the new recruits that were due to start soon. They would arrive at the end of the week and Levi couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement at the prospect of more Survey Corps members. They would be a pain in the ass to train, but it would be well worth it.

As the galloping came to a rest, Levi stood up from his desk, grateful for the break from his dreary work. He made his way to the main entrance of the castle and could hear his
friends' laughter and voices filling the courtyard.

"Reckon we missed the spring clean?" Moblit snickered.

"It's Levi we're talking about. There's always more to clean." Jasmine chimed in as she dismounted her horse, a beautiful dark grey mare named Luna.

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