Pokémon Lockdown Episode 11: The Makings of a Pokémon Trainer

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INT. PR Warehouse Lobby Room – Night

At Joyce's warehouse Gen was sitting on the couch in the lobby area alone in silents. Cassie would walk and sit next to him.


"How are Twil and the others?"


"Joyce said they'll need some time to rest after healing them up. Twil especially, given the neck injuries she got."

Gen's head was tilted down.


(Sigh of relief) "That's good, glad nothing was fatal for them."

Cassie lightly smiles.


"You should have taken his offer, you know. You would have gotten closer to see the mayor and get out of this shithole island."


"I already told you. I won't simply take a free win and stain my honor as a trainer. Besides we're the two rising stars challengers, remember?"

Cassie crossed her arms then looks over at Gen.


"Get real. Vance was right about me. I only made it this far by using you, and Pokémon that aren't even mine. Hell, I haven't even done anything and made it this far. Yet you battled every turf leader we faced and won. I'm just a freeloader to you if anything."

Cassie would be silent for a moment then hops off the couch to stand.


"Well, I always knew you were using me. I'm not that naïve, you know. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't doing the same. I mean without your help letting me rent and use your Pokémons, I would have lost Braviary a long time ago. Heck, I would probably even be dead in this city. Plus, I say you've done a lot making it here with me. After all you were the same guy who went toe to toe with a guy named Juggernaut Bulk, and you called out Spear for being a cheating turf leader. You helped me more than you realized Gen."


"But now you're better off. With the money you gained, you can rent Pokémon from Joyce that could help you take down the rest of the turf leaders."

Gen looks up at Cassie.


"Sure, I could, but... I can't let what Vance said be right."

Cassie had a look of determination. Then she pointed at Gen.


"Which is why I going to help train you to beat him."


"Tch, you and that Pokémon trainer honor." (Sigh) "All right then. I guess, I'm stuck with you."

Gen smirks as he sees Cassie wasn't giving up on him.


"So, what's this training you'll putting me into?"

Cassie giving Gen a smile.


EXT. PR Warehouse Junkyard – Day

The next day, Cassie was helping Gen train with Cyndaquil and Lucario.


"First off, you need to know what your Pokémon are capable of. Knowing what they can do is important for planning."

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