Tension and sunflowers

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The descent in the elevator felt like an eternity. The weight of their rooftop revelation settled heavily on Emma's chest, a suffocating mix of longing and guilt. Arizona, usually radiating warmth, seemed withdrawn, her gaze fixed on the metal doors. The silence was punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the machine and the frantic beating of Emma's heart.

The elevator doors slid open, revealing Aaliyah, her face alight with a radiant smile. She held a bouquet of sunflowers, their cheerful yellow heads clashing with the storm brewing in Emma's chest.

"Arizona!" Aaliyah's voice was like sunshine, momentarily warming the tense air. "There you are, love. I was starting to worry you'd gotten lost in some... surgical labyrinth." Her gaze flickered to Emma, curiosity sparkling in her eyes. "And who might this be?"

Emma forced a smile, the taste of ash in her mouth. "Hi, I'm Emma. Arizona's..." she hesitated, unsure how much Aaliyah knew. "Friend," she finally settled on, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aaliyah's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of knowing crossing her eyes. "Oh, lovely to meet you, Emma. Arizona, these are for you," she said, extending the sunflowers.

Arizona took the flowers, their vibrant yellow mirroring the turmoil within her. "Thanks, Aaliyah. We were just finishing up a... case," she stammered, her voice tight.

The silence was heavy, laden with unspoken emotions. Emma felt like a trespasser, a silent observer in a world she wasn't meant to see. Yet, a part of her yearned to understand, to know how Aaliyah fit into this complex equation.

Aaliyah, ever the perceptive one, sensed the tension. "Well, case closed and all that," she said, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "How about we celebrate with dinner? My treat, and maybe you can finally tell me all about this... fascinating case?"

The invitation hung in the air, a test. For Emma, it was a tightrope walk – accept and risk further entanglement, or decline and potentially push Arizona further away.

Arizona's eyes pleaded with Emma, a silent communication only they understood. At that moment, Emma knew what she had to do.

"Thanks, Aaliyah," Emma said, her voice firm despite the tremor within. "It's been a long day, and I have an early shift tomorrow. Maybe another time?"

Relief washed over Arizona's face, quickly replaced by a flicker of sadness. Aaliyah, though disappointed, nodded understandingly. "Of course, Emma. Take care. And Arizona," her gaze turned pointed, "dinner still stands. We need to talk. "

Aaliyah took a step closer, her eyes searching Arizona's. "And maybe you need to talk to me too, love," she said softly, her voice laced with concern.

The air crackled with unspoken truths. Arizona, caught between her feelings for Emma and her commitment to Aaliyah, felt the weight of the situation pressing down on her. Emma, equally conflicted and harbouring her own secret, stood frozen, unsure of how to proceed.

The tension stretched, a tapestry woven from unspoken desires, friendship, and the weight of Lily's message. As they stood there, the weight of their reality and their shared secret threatened to spill over, forcing them to confront the truth and make difficult choices.

"I need to go," Emma said finally, her voice barely a whisper. Cristina's waiting for me at Joe's."

With a final wave, Emma walked away, leaving Arizona and Aaliyah standing in the echoing hallway, the sunflower's vibrant yellow a stark reminder of the sunshine that threatened to be eclipsed by storm clouds.


As Emma pushed through the doors of Joe's, the warmth and familiar hum of the bar offered a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil she carried. Cristina sat hunched over a booth, a frown creasing her usually vibrant face.

"Hey, sunshine," Emma said, sliding into the booth. "What's wrong with your face?"

Cristina sighed, her shoulders slumping further. "He dumped me," she said, her voice thick with disappointment.

"Oh, no," Emma said, empathy washing over her. The weight of her own secret felt heavier in light of Cristina's pain.--

Emma sat down next to Cristina who looked glum.

"He dumped me," Cristina said sighing to herself. 

"Oh," Emma said not knowing what to say. 

"The clinic has a policy. They wouldn't let me confirm my appointment unless I designated an emergency contact person. Someone to be there, just in. case... and to help me home, you know, after. Anyway, I put your name down. We may not talk much but you're one my people. I would've put Mer down too but I think she has enough to deal with McDreamy," Cristina says, despite the sadness in her eyes, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

Emma squeezed Cristina's hand. "Aww, you love me," she teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"Don't push it, little grey," Cristina said, playfully shoving Emma's shoulder. "But seriously, thanks. You're a good friend."

The warmth in Cristina's words momentarily eclipsed the storm brewing inside Emma. But as the silence stretched, the weight of the rooftop revelation returned. She knew Cristina deserved honesty, but sharing her secret felt like betraying both Arizona and her own fragile hope.

"So... want to tell me why you're late and looked about as shocked as a fish out of water when you walked in?" Cristina asked, her gaze sharp despite the sadness lingering in her eyes.

Emma hesitated, swirling the ice in her drink. It was tempting to confide in Cristina, to seek solace in her friend's understanding. But the words wouldn't come. The fear of hurting Cristina, of jeopardizing her friendship with Arizona, held her tongue hostage.

"Umm, not really," Emma mumbled, avoiding Cristina's gaze.

Cristina raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "Okay," she said, her voice neutral. "But remember, whatever it is, I'm here for you. We all need someone to talk to sometimes, even the mysterious Miss Grey."

Emma forced a smile, the weight of her secret pressing down on her chest. She knew Cristina wouldn't pressure her, but the unspoken question hung heavy in the air. Could she keep this hidden forever?


Bit of a shorter one today sorry been super busy but might be able to update later 🤞. What do you think is going to happen between Arizona and Aaliyah?  do we want an Arizona POV? 

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