A pause in the storm

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The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. Arizona stirred awake, blinking away the remnants of sleep. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she realized she wasn't in her room and she wasn't alone in the bed. Next to her, Emma lay curled up, her head nestled against Arizona's chest, and her arm draped over Arizona's waist.

Arizona couldn't help but smile at the unexpected sight. Emma, who had been determinedly avoiding any sign of vulnerability, looked surprisingly serene in her sleep. The rhythmic rise and fall of Emma's breaths against Arizona's chest created a sense of calm that Arizona hadn't anticipated.

Careful not to disturb the peaceful scene, Arizona slowly shifted to get a better look. Emma's usually furrowed brow was now relaxed, and the tension that often lingered around her seemed to dissipate in slumber. Arizona marvelled at the vulnerability that sleep unveiled, a side of Emma she rarely saw.

As Arizona observed Emma's peaceful expression, memories of the previous day flooded back – the chaos of the hospital, Emma's stubborn insistence on pushing through her illness, and the eventual concession to rest. Arizona couldn't deny the genuine concern she felt for her friend and the instinct to protect Emma from her own tenacity.

The warmth generated by their shared body heat made the room feel cocooned and comforting. It was a stark contrast to the sterile and demanding environment of the hospital they were accustomed to. Arizona hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to wake Emma or let her continue resting.

Ultimately, she decided to cherish the rare moment of tranquillity. Gently reaching over, Arizona grabbed her phone to check the time. It was still early, and neither of them had pressing duties at the hospital. With a soft sigh, Arizona settled back into the pillows, allowing herself to enjoy the unexpected closeness.

The room remained hushed, undisturbed by the chaos of the hospital that lay beyond its walls. Arizona continued to relish the quiet intimacy, Emma's presence creating a haven of tranquillity. However, as the morning sun climbed higher in the sky, signalling the beginning of a new day, Emma began to stir.

Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the soft light filtering through the curtains. Confusion momentarily clouded Emma's gaze as she registered her surroundings. It took a moment for her to realize she wasn't alone. As her eyes focused on Arizona, memories of the previous day flooded back.

Emma blinked, surprised by the warmth she found herself enveloped in. Her head rested on Arizona's chest, and her arm was casually draped over Arizona's waist. The initial confusion gave way to a sense of calm realization. Despite her initial resistance, Emma couldn't deny the unexpected comfort of the situation.

Arizona felt Emma's movements, and she looked down, meeting Emma's gaze with a soft smile. "Good morning," Arizona greeted, her voice a gentle whisper not to disturb the tranquillity.

Emma's brows furrowed slightly, caught between the remnants of sleep and the awareness of the present moment. "What...?" Emma started, her words trailing off as she took in the peculiar scenario.

"I took you to my house as I couldn't remember where you lived and you had passed out in the on-call room on the floor and then I made you some soup, I was going to sleep in the spare room but you insisted," Arizona explained, her tone light.

Emma's eyes widened with realization. The memories of the soup, the on-call room, and Arizona's insistence on her well-being flooded back. A mix of embarrassment and gratitude played across Emma's features. She attempted to sit up, but a sudden wave of dizziness made her hesitate.

"Easy there," Arizona said, placing a gentle hand on Emma's shoulder. "No need to rush. You're not at the hospital, and you're off-duty for a bit."

Emma took a deep breath, allowing herself to adjust to the newfound awareness of her surroundings. "How long have I been out?" she asked, still feeling a bit disoriented.

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