Holding onto sunshine

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Rain lashed against the Seattle hospital window, mirroring the storm brewing within Emma. It had been two agonizing weeks since she last saw Lily, two weeks spent searching for a bone marrow donor, two weeks filled with gnawing worry and silent prayers. Now, armed with a bouquet of vibrant sunflowers (Seattle rain couldn't dim their cheer) and a heart full of trepidation, Emma pushed open the door to Lily's room.

Sunlight, weak and watery, filtered through the window, illuminating Lily's pale face. Her usual bright eyes were dull, framed by dark circles etched by illness. Despite the tubes snaking up her nose and the IV clinging to her arm, she managed a weak smile. "Emmy!" she croaked, her voice barely above a whisper  "Where have you been? I missed you."

Emma's throat tightened. Seeing her usually boundless friend so subdued was like a punch to the gut.  "Hey, Sunshine," she forced a smile, her voice thick with emotion. ""I...I've been busy, Lily," she managed, forcing a smile. "But I'm here now, and that's what matters. I brought you some sunshine, even if it's the fake kind."

Lily's eyes lit up briefly at the sunflowers. "They're beautiful," she breathed, reaching out with a shaky hand. Emma placed the bouquet in her grasp, careful not to disturb the IV.

Silence stretched between them, thick and heavy. The rain hammered against the window, a grim symphony to their somber mood. Finally, Emma broke the silence. "What have you been up to, little artist?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Lily's face clouded over. "Nothing much," she mumbled, picking at the blanket with her free hand. "Just...sleeping, mostly."

Emma's heart ached. Lily, always overflowing with stories and mischief, reduced to quiet slumber. "No drawing?" she asked, hoping to spark some of her friend's spirit.

Lily shook her head, a flicker of sadness crossing her face. "My hand gets tired too quickly."

Suddenly, an idea struck Emma. "What if we draw together?" she suggested, pulling out a sketchbook and pencils from her bag. "You tell me a story, and I'll try to draw it."

Lily's eyes widened slightly. "Really?"

"Of course! You pick the adventure, and I'll be your sidekick with a pencil."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Lily's lips. "Okay," she whispered, her voice gaining a hint of its usual spark. "Once upon a time, there was a brave princess..."

And so, the afternoon unfolded in a symphony of whispers and sketches. Emma listened intently as Lily, her voice growing stronger with each sentence, wove a tale of a princess battling a fire-breathing dragon. With each detail, Emma's pencil danced across the page, capturing the princess's determination, the dragon's ferocity, and the whimsical landscape of their battleground.

Laughter, albeit weak and infrequent, filled the room, chasing away the shadows of fear for a while. As the light waned, casting long shadows across the room, Lily's voice trailed off, her eyelids drooping with exhaustion.

"That's all for now," she whispered, a hint of contentment softening her features.

Emma squeezed her hand gently. "The princess is safe for tonight," she assured her. "We'll finish her adventure tomorrow."

Lily smiled, a genuine one this time, before drifting off to sleep. Emma sat beside her, watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest, her heart heavy but strangely hopeful. The rain outside had stopped, replaced by a sliver of moon peeking through the clouds. Like the princess in Lily's story, they were in the midst of a battle, but even in the storm's wake, hope, fragile yet resilient, remained. And as long as they had each other, Emma knew they wouldn't face the dragon alone.

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