Unveiling Truths

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"Umm," Emma paused mid-stride, stretching as she entered the kitchen, her eyes widening at the sight of cupcakes strewn across the countertop. "Do I even want to ask?" she mused, a playful grin quirking her lips as she settled onto a stool at the kitchen bench. Without hesitation, she plucked a cupcake from the tray, eagerly unwrapping it and taking a generous bite. "Oh my God, these are amazing," she murmured through a mouthful of frosting.

"Something's missing," Izzie sighed, her hand absentmindedly pushing back a strand of flour-dusted hair as she scanned the cluttered kitchen.

"Really? What could possibly make these better?" Emma teased, devouring the last of her cupcake with relish.

"Exactly!" George chimed in, his cheeks smeared with chocolate.

Izzie furrowed her brow, frustration evident in her voice as she flipped through a recipe card. "There's something specific, something I'm forgetting. Why can't I remember?"

"Just call her. Call your mom and ask," George suggested with a shrug, trying to be helpful.

Izzie glanced up from the recipe, a stubborn glint in her eyes. "I don't want to call my mother," she declared, marching away from the kitchen counter. Emma exchanged a bemused glance with George, both unsure of how to respond to Izzie's determination.

Moments later, Derek and Meredith sauntered into the kitchen, the morning sunlight casting a warm glow around them.

"Good morning," Derek greeted, setting down his briefcase and notes before turning his attention to the array of cupcakes.

"Would you like one?" George offered, holding out the tray of treats. Derek shook his head, his focus already shifting to the cupboards as he reached for a bowl and the box of cereal.

"You're like a health nut, aren't ya? Muesli every morning," George teased.

Derek chuckled, shaking his head. "No, I don't," he denied, joining Meredith at the table where George and Emma were seated.

"Okay, but the muesli thing? You've been doing it for at least the past seven days," Izzie interjected, rejoining the group and tidying up her cooking supplies.

"Come on, I haven't been here for a whole week," Derek protested, turning to Emma with a quizzical expression. "Have I?" he asked, his voice laced with amusement.

Emma smirked, nodding in confirmation. "Yep, seven days and counting," she affirmed, enjoying the playful banter unfolding before her.

"See, even they think it's weird," Meredith remarked, leaning her chin on her fist as she observed Derek with a mixture of fondness and amusement.


"Emma you have to come meet this psychic patient!" Meredith calls after her sister who was leaning against the nurse's station filling in someone's lab.  

"Psychic?" Emma scoffed carrying on with what she was doing. 

"He predicted someone on the fourth floor would die...and they did," Meredith said with her eyes wide. 

Emma sighed in annoyance putting her pen down and looking at her sister. "The ICU is on the fourth floor mer, people die there all the time."

"Just come meet him!" Meredith says pulling her sister along by her arm as Emma looks up slightly to see Arizona standing there with a smile on her face. 

"Save me," Emma whispers and Arizona chuckles before shaking her head and carrying on walking. 

"Mr Duff, this is my sister," Meredith smiled walking into the room still dragging Emma along. 

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