Superheroes and Surgical Tapes

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Amidst the chaos of the ER, the blaring alarms and the urgent shuffle of medical professionals, Emma received a call about a child injured during the Dead Baby Bike Race. Racing against time, she swiftly navigated through the crowd, her focus unwavering as she mentally prepared for what lay ahead.

The child, a young girl with tear-filled eyes, was clutching her arm. Blood seeped through a makeshift bandage, hinting at the severity of the injury. As Emma approached, she spoke with a soothing tone, trying to reassure the frightened child.

"Hey there, sweetheart. I'm Dr. Grey. What's your name?" Emma crouched down to meet the girl at eye level, aiming to establish a connection.

"It hurts," the little girl whimpered, her voice barely audible over the ER's commotion.

"I know, but we're going to take care of you, okay? Can you tell me what happened?" Emma gently examined the child's arm, noting the debris and signs of abrasions.

The young girl sniffled before recounting the harrowing incident. "I was standing by the corner, and the bikes were going really fast. One of them lost control, and it knocked me over," she explained, her eyes wide with fear as the memory replayed in her mind.

"Okay someone page Peds," Emma called out to a nurse as she placed a reassuring arm on the girls leg.

Recognizing the severity of the situation, Emma had to page the pediatric team. She needed their expertise to ensure the best possible outcome for the young patient. While awaiting their arrival, Emma continued her initial assessment, providing comfort to the distressed child.

Emma maintained a calm demeanour, offering a reassuring smile. "You're very brave for telling me. We're going to fix you right up, okay and make all the pain go away,"

The little girl just nodded still quite nervous. Emma looked up at the little girl's parents who nodded and said "Thank you,"

Arizona Robbins, a seasoned pediatric surgeon, responded to the page. As she entered the scene, her eyes met Emma's and she pushed through any tension knowing to separate work and personal life.

"Dr. Robbins, thanks for coming. We've got a young patient here, arm injury from the Dead Baby Bike Race. Possible severe right broken arm and deep lacerations, I just want to make sure we've got all the bases covered," Emma explained, her voice steady despite the urgency of the situation.

"Hey there, sweetie. My name's Dr. Robbins, and this is Dr. Grey. We're here to help you, okay?" Arizona spoke gently to the young patient.

The child nodded, her teary eyes fixed on Arizona's reassuring smile. Emma, observing the interaction, marvelled at Arizona's ability to connect with pediatric cases.

Arizona stood up after analyzing the patient herself, "Okay take her to the x-ray room to see how bad the arm is and if she needs surgery to set it," Arizona said looking at Emma. Emma nodded and kneeled back in front of the girl.

"We're going to take you to this super cool room called the X-ray room to see how your arm is that okay?" Emma said.

The little girl nodded and hopped off the bed.

With a gentle hand on the young girl's uninjured arm, Emma led her towards the X-ray room, accompanied by Arizona. The child, still a bit wary, looked up at Emma, finding comfort in the warm assurance she exuded.

"Hey, sweetheart, we're just going to take a few pictures of your arm to make sure we can see everything clearly, okay?" Emma spoke with a soothing tone, crouching down to be at eye level with the child.

The little girl nodded, a hint of trust forming in her eyes. "It's gonna be like a little adventure, just a magic camera looking inside your arm," Emma added, trying to lighten the mood with a playful smile.

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