Fractured Trust

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"I know that look. It'll be one of two things. Either your boss is giving you hell or your boyfriend is. Which is it?" Joe asked the sisters, casting a knowing glance at Meredith.

"Both," Meredith grumbled, her frustration evident in her tone as she took a sip from her glass.

"Her boyfriend is her boss," Emma chimed in with a chuckle, adding a playful twist to the conversation as she raised her glass to her lips.

"Which was a problem. But not as much a problem as my boyfriend having a wife!" Meredith vented, her irritation palpable as she took another sip, her thoughts consumed by her tumultuous relationship.

"Tell you what, this one, it's on the house," Joe offered, extending a peace offering in the form of shots for the girls.

"ALL HAIL THE CHAMP!" Joe's voice boomed across the bar as Cristina and George entered, adding to the lively atmosphere."So, I heard my guy Alex finally got what was coming to him," 

"George knocked him down in one punch, you should have seen it," Cristina tells him recounting the tale with a hint of amusement as she sat next to Emma

"I don't want to talk about it," George muttered, his discomfort evident as he settled onto the stool beside Meredith.

"Brag, champ, brag. You've earned it," Joe praised, acknowledging George's victory with a grin.

"Can I have a beer, please?" George requested, his desire for a distraction clear as he turned to Joe for a drink.

"Let's play a game of whose life sucks the most, I'll win. I always win," Meredith declared.

"No, you don't want to play with me," Cristina sighed, her tone laced with resignation

"Oh, I do... I'll even go first. Derek's married," Meredith revealed, her voice dripping with bitterness. 

George's reaction was immediate, his beer nearly escaping from his mouth in a spray of surprise, much to Emma's amusement.

"George, beer is dripping from your nostrils," Cristina snapped as George turned away wiping his nose. 

"Told you I'd win," Meredith remarked, a hint of triumph in her voice as she savored her victory.

"No, you didn't win," Cristina countered, her tone cryptic as she prepared to deliver her own bombshell.

"Did you hear me? I said Derek is married. As in pigheaded, adulterous, liar married. Nothing you can say could top that," Meredith challenged, her frustration reaching its peak as she dared Cristina to outdo her revelation.

"I'm pregnant. I win," Cristina replied, dropping her bombshell. The stunned silence that followed was broken only by Joe's unexpected collapse onto the floor behind the girls.

Okay. Maybe Joe wins," Cristina shrugged with a bemused smile, prompting the trio to turn around and see what had caused the commotion.

Emma couldn't help but let out a playful laugh at the unexpected turn of events. "Wow, talk about a plot twist!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise as she shaked her head in disbelief, before standing up and rushing over to Joe. 

As Joe attempted to rise, Emma quickly intervened, gently urging him to lay back down. "Whoa there, Joe, take it easy," she advised, her voice calm and reassuring as she helped him settle back onto the floor.

As Joe attempted to rise, Emma quickly intervened, gently urging him to lay back down. "Whoa there, Joe, take it easy," she advised, her voice calm and reassuring as she helped him settle back onto the floor.

"The medics are on their way!" someone shouted, the urgency evident in their tone.

"You called the gurney patrol?" Joe complained, his frustration evident as he glanced around the bar.

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