Party of Hearts and Heels

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Emma regretted granting Izzie permission to host a party for her boyfriend at their house tonight, especially after George informed her that the guest list had ballooned from a manageable ten to an overwhelming seventy. To make matters worse, Emma hadn't even consulted with Meredith to see if hosting a party was acceptable.

Meredith was on the brink of a potential lawsuit. Post-surgery, she confessed to Emma that her glove had popped, and in her drowsiness, she accidentally squeezed the patient's heart. This led to a near-fatal outcome a few hours later. A meeting with lawyers was set for the next morning, involving both Meredith and Burke.

In their conversation, Meredith shared a funny incident: Burke had left a towel inside a patient he had operated on five years ago. The irony was not lost on Emma, especially recalling Burke's cocky and arrogant demeanour The unexpected twist had Emma laughing uncontrollably. She knew she probably shouldn't be but she did not like Burke at all.


"Emma!" Meredith shouted, and Emma turned around to see her sister running down the hallway towards her.

"Hey, what's up?" Emma greeted.

"I need to go see Mum tonight; the people at the nursing home want her to sign everything over to me before her Alzheimer's progresses too much. Do you want to come?" Meredith asked.

"Um, no thanks. I'm going to keep an eye on the party, you know, make sure it doesn't go out of control," Emma said, creating an excuse to avoid facing her mom.

"Party?" Meredith asked, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"OH YEAH, I've been meaning to tell you Izzie is throwing a party for her boyfriend," Emma revealed.

"Okay, fine. There better not be more than 10 people going, though," Meredith warned, hurrying away before Emma could reply. Emma stood there with her mouth open.

"I'm completely fucked," Emma muttered before turning around.


"Emma! Emma!" Arizona shouted as she spotted Emma making out with a girl in the corner. Ignoring the calls, Emma remained engrossed until Arizona firmly grabbed her shoulder and turned her around.

"HEY!" Emma exclaimed, but her eyes widened in realization, and she mouthed, "Oh." Arizona shot her a death glare.

"What are you doing here?" Arizona raised her voice over the loud music, and the girl Emma was with retreated. Emma pouted, which only fueled Arizona's frustration.

"Me? What are you doing here? This is my house. What the hell is an attending doing going to a party?" Emma questioned, genuinely confused.

"I got told there was a party, and I needed to relieve some stress," Arizona explained, shrugging her shoulders.

Emma nodded, understanding. "Fair enough. Anyways, did you need something? I was kind of busy... about to relieve some of my own stress too, you know," Emma said, giving Arizona a suggestive look. Arizona's eyes darkened, trying not to let jealousy show.

"Um, no, it's fine... just carry on doing what you were doing," Arizona replied, turning away.

Emma stood there a bit confused but she was drunk so she didn't put too much thought into it and went back into the crowd to find someone else.


As the party continued, Emma found herself in the middle of the dance floor with the girl again from before, and the pulsating beats of "Smack That" filled the air. Laughter erupted as Emma and her dance partner moved with the rhythm, playfully interacting. The girl's forearms rested on Emma's shoulders, and their bodies melded into the infectious beat.

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