Shadows of Memory

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Emma was with Meredith as they were sealing the envelope containing the money to send to the nursing home where their mum was when Izze walked in looking over Emma's shoulder at the album of photos she was looking at. Emma turned her head looked her up and down, and said, "Nice panties," Meredith added, "Hello kitty," with a sly grin. 


"You don't understand. Me gonads, your ovaries," George whined as they all emerged from Meredith's car.

"Oh, that reminds me. We are out of tampons," Izzie casually mentioned.

"You're parading through the bathroom in your underwear when I'm naked in the shower," George protested.

"Can you add it to your list, please?" Izzie requested.

"What?!" George exclaimed.

"Tampons, you know the thing we stick up our vaginas when it's shark week," Emma interjected with a nonchalant shrug.

"Yeah, add it to your list, it's your turn," Meredith agreed. Emma smiled.

"I am a man! I don't buy girl products! I don't want you walking in while I'm in the shower, and I don't want to see you in your underwear," George yelled.

"It doesn't bother me, okay? Look at me in my underwear, George. Take your time. It's no big deal," Izzie said, smiling as she led them towards the hospital.

"Amen," Emma quipped.

"You have to do something, Meredith; it's your house, and Emma is just as bad," George said, looking at Emma.

Emma smirked and added, "I say the same as Izzie—my body is a work of art; I don't care. Thick thighs save lives."


"O'Malley, Greys, get Karev and head down to Trauma. Shepherd needs you," Bailey said as she was sitting down and looking over charts.

"Shepherd's in surgery," Meredith said, and Emma rolled her eyes at her sister, of course, she knew where he was.

"He got pulled before he could start," Bailey said.

They headed down to the trauma room and all stared at a man with nails in his head.

"Those look like..." Meredith started.

"Nails," Derek finished, nodding his head.

They found out the guy fell down a flight of stairs holding a nail gun and couldn't see but was still conscious. Derek sent both the sisters to locate any of his family, to keep him calm, and to search if there has ever been a case where this has happened before.


After the surgery with the man who had nails in his head, Cristina sought out Meredith and Emma, sharing the news about Liz Fallon, their mother's former scrub nurse, who had been admitted with pancreatic cancer. Together, they went to find her.

"Oh, your mom's a bigger woman," the woman in the room said, smiling at them as they passed through a group of nurses.

"You were her scrub nurse," Meredith said, returning the smile. Emma, feeling a bit out of place, stood behind her, wanting to leave but Meredith stopped her grabbing her arm and pushing her into a seat Emma rolled her eyes but obliged, crossing her arms.

"Oh, you have an attitude just like your mother. I'm Liz Fallon," she said.

"Meredith and Emma Grey. She wanted us to send her regards," Meredith said. Emma shot her a surprised look, doubting when their mom would ever express such sentiments.

"That doesn't sound like her," Liz commented.

"Yeah, I know, right? I agree," Emma muttered, idly picking at the skin on her fingers.

"Excuse me?" Meredith frowned.

"Well, the Ellis Grey I know didn't have regard for anyone except Ellis Grey. But you know that already, don't you? Where is she now?" Liz asked. Meredith and Emma stared at her blankly.

"She's, uh, traveling," Meredith replied. Emma rolled her eyes at her sister's response.

"Traveling?" Liz raised her eyebrows.

"Mhmm," Emma said, nodding.

"Is she practicing?" Liz inquired.

"Not so much," Meredith answered.

"Oh. Doesn't sound like her either. She was all work, just like me. She never left the hospital. But you know that too, don't you? Is she well?" Liz pressed.

"She's fine," Emma said, forcing a smile.

"Good," Liz nodded.

"Anyways, we just wanted to send her regards. Take care," Meredith said, quickly grabbing Emma by the shoulder and ushering her out of the room.

"Ugh, that was so awkward. I think she read right through us, Mer," Emma said, covering her face. "And seriously, 'travelling'? That's the best you could come up with? That's the least Ellis thing ever," she added, staring at her sister.

"Whatever, Emma. It's not like you were any help either, wanting to just leave me there," Meredith responded, rolling her eyes.

"Come on, let's get coffee. I'm about to fall asleep," Emma said, dragging Meredith along to the elevator.


After their shift, Emma and Meredith made their way to the nursing home where their mother, Ellis, resided. Emma felt a sense of reluctance, choosing to sit in a chair across from them rather than actively engaging in the visit. Meredith, on the other hand, eagerly showed their mother an album filled with photos.

"I think these were taken at the old house. There's you in your scrubs," Meredith said, flipping through the pictures. Ellis stopped her at one photo, pointing at it with curiosity.

"Who are they?" she asked.

"That's Dad and Emma," Meredith replied, and Emma couldn't help but scoff from her seat.

"Your husband. Thatcher Grey, and Emma Grey, your daughter. You used to call them Thatch and Em," Meredith explained.

"Thatch? Em?" Ellis repeated, trying to grasp the names.

"That's the red wagon he got me for my birthday. I'm about four years old in this photo, and Emma is one. This is your family," Meredith said, pointing at the picture, a hopeful expression in her eyes.

"Sure, sure," their mum responded with a nod.

Meredith closed the album, casting a reassuring smile at her sister, who seemed visibly uncomfortable with the situation.

"I saw Liz Fallon at the hospital today," Meredith said, attempting to change the topic as she put the photo album away.

"Liz. I love her. How is she?" Ellis chuckled, turning around with a smile. "Is she still a scrub nurse? She was excellent."

Emma scoffed and stood up. "Can we go, Mer? I'm hungry."

Meredith nodded, staring at their mother with a mix of disbelief and sadness.

As they left the nursing home, Meredith cast a concerned glance at Emma. "You okay?"

Emma sighed, adjusting her coat. "I just... it's hard, Mer. Seeing her like that, not remembering..."

Meredith put a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. "I know. It's tough for both of us."

Emma managed a small smile. "Let's just grab something to eat. I could use a distraction."


Hii everyone!! Thank you so much for reading and voting it really means a lot:) I hope this note finds you well. As I'm planning the rest of this book out, Is there anything you'd guys like to see in the book I'm open to suggestions or any criticism? 

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