Shadows in the light

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"Morning," Meredith greeted, concern in her eyes as she walked into Emma's room, bearing coffee as a peace offering for the aftermath of the chaotic party. She set the cup on the bedside table and took a seat next to Emma, who promptly curled up in her lap. Meredith sighed, wrapping her arms around her little sister and stroking her hair, offering comfort amid the hangover.

"Morning," Emma groaned, her voice muffled as she nestled against Meredith.

"Have you thrown up?" Meredith asked, her maternal instincts kicking in.

"Only three times. Why did you let me drink? And why did you let me have sex with some random girl? She woke me up for work at 4 am. 4 am!! It's like she's asking to be murdered," Emma mumbled into Meredith's lap.

Meredith continued to stroke Emma's hair, waiting patiently for her to recall the events of the night, specifically involving Arizona. A few moments passed, and silence lingered in the room. "Was the sex good at least?" Meredith finally asked, breaking the quietude.

"Meh, I've had better," Emma replied, groaning as the room began to spin again. "Omg, kill me now, please, Mer."

Meredith couldn't help but giggle. "Oh, just you wait. You're going to feel a lot worse once you remember the whole night."

A few minutes passed, and Emma turned to look up at Meredith, confusion and bewilderment on her face. Meredith waited, and then... "Oh god, ARIZONA! Omg, I am so dead. Why did you let this happen?" Emma exclaimed, sitting up abruptly. However, the sudden movement prompted another wave of nausea, and Emma rushed to the bathroom, hand over her mouth.

"Fucking hell, why do I always drink so much? I always regret it the next day," Emma groaned, leaning against the toilet seat.

Meredith leaned against the doorframe, amused. "Because you're an idiot," Meredith replied matter-of-factly.

"That I am," Emma agreed, slowly standing up. "Ugh, I have to get ready for work. What the hell am I going to do about Arizona, Mer?"

"That sounds like a you problem, Ems," Meredith chuckled, walking away.

"Oh, that is so helpful!" Emma shouted after her, then groaned and ran her hands down her face.

"Hey, do you want any painkillers?" Izzie offered as she walked past.

"Enough to kill me, please," Emma nodded. Izzie laughed and handed her some painkillers. Emma swallowed them dry, and Izzie turned on the shower, leaving Emma to take a shower and try to wash away the regret.


George, Cristina, Izzie, and Emma waited outside the conference room where Meredith was having her meeting. "50 says Meredith gets tossed out on her ass, and Burke walks away clean," Cristina smirked.

"100 says to shut the fuck up," Emma cheekily grinned back, a dance between her and her sister.

After what felt like an eternity, Meredith finally emerged from the room. "Only one-month probation, Burke saved my ass in there," she announced, greeted by cheers.

"Wow, was not expecting that," Emma mumbled.

"Don't you all have something better to do? Come on, people, move!" Bailey snapped, urging everyone to disperse. The group scattered, leaving only Cristina, who lingered.


The next few days at the Hospital were marked by an awkward tension between Emma and Arizona. Emma attempted to approach Arizona several times to discuss the events of the party, but Arizona seemed to expertly evade any one-on-one conversation.

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