06:00 pm

13 2 0

"Run faster forest, or we'll be watching from the door" I am about to faint. My hair is officially ruined, London's humidity messing with my patience. We see a long line of people and we take back our breath that has been stolen from running for ten whole fucking minutes. We have about ten people in front of us, and the ticket said no one is allowed past six o'clock. I feel sick from running, my low stamina makes me almost puke on the shoulder of the hipster waiting in line before us. I look at Cami, crouching down with her heels in one hand and her hair in four directions. People start gathering behind us rapidly, not just us are late apparently.

"What do you think the band's gonna look like?" she asks me panting, gently re-applying her lipstick on. Now her smudged mascara and frizzy hair suddenly look good. I literally look like a wet dog next to her. If looks could kill, she'd be the beauty and I'd be the corpse next to her. My hair is anywhere besides where it was supposed to be. I only applied mascara and fake eyelashes, and I feel the right one barely holding for dear life. Help.

"I think If they are in their forties they'll be considered young to me. And the singer is definitely a man with gray hair and a bandana. I don't know why, don't ask me" she laughs. She takes my head forcefully, and then she starts putting some of her lipstick on me too.

"I like them old anyway" I laugh as she takes back her lipstick. She signs me to press my lips, and as I do, I see the queue starts moving faster, at the point that as she finishes putting her lipstick back in her purse we arrive in front of the bouncer. A large man with sunglasses and a rose tattoo on his arm. A classic

"Tickets please" Cami hands the tickets out to him. He examines the tickets and then he scans Cami. I start worrying if he saw two tickets and if he saw me being with her. He looks at the clock that ticks right on time at 06:01, and Cami rapidly starts to fix her bra through the tight dress, the guy most likely getting an instant boner by following her with his eyes.

"Get in ladies" we smile, and I feel relieved her natural magnet has worked, and as we climb down the stairs to the underground lounge we hear him yell "That's all people, you came too late, the doors are closed". I feel bad for those people, and the fact that a second would have doomed us has my stomach turning. She takes my hand and squeezes through the crowd filling the stairs. If there are so many people on the stairs, I just can Imagine what's there.

We pass a long hallway, and a girl behind a small bar offers us something to drink. Cami tells her to get two Cubas ready, and she in less than ten seconds hands them to us, wishing us a happy concert experience. Cinemas have popcorn, club rock concerts have alcohol at the entrance. Seems right to me. "Drink up before someone makes you throw your drink on you" We rapidly gulp down the cup, and the crowd suddenly doesn't activate my social anxiety alarm anymore. The taste It's actually good, and I would've never thought I'd like anything else besides wine. I should be drinking all my life, honestly.

A girl that definitely doesn't have the right age for being here comes towards us, slamming drunkenly on the opposite wall laughing. She looks up at me and smiles "You have beautiful hair blondie", I smile, screaming a "Thank you" over the music that suddenly started to get louder "You need help?" she shakes her head, losing balance again "I am an independent lady" I smile worried, but Cami takes my hand and drags me away. I wave at her and she does too, for then to throw up in a trashcan.

"Now strengthen up your hand on mine and let's swim between these people, be ready for insults" and we do. I grip her hand as hard as I can, and as we squish in the middle-to-front row, the lights turn off. We hear many screams, and I grow more and more curious to see who these guys really are. Lights flash, smoke comes out, and a dramatic drum roll starts, and the volume is so loud that my heart beats to its beat. Turututu, tutu, tutu, tututu, tuuuuu.

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 by A.P.MaryWhere stories live. Discover now