Gone Astray.

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"What the hell." I said in surprisement.

"I checked for you in the bathrooms, classrooms, closets, and the cafeteria. I couldn't find you anywhere." Darcy explained.

"You checked the inside of the bathrooms..?" Meiko asked, a bit disgusted.

Darcy completely ignored Meiko's question, and pulled Kaitos arm.

"Let's go to the cafeteria, and forget about her!"

"What. You can't just make my decisions. I barely even know you." I told her.

"I met you on the first day of school, of course you know me!" Darcy said brightly.

"It's fine, Darcy. You can stay here with us if you want." Meiko suggested. I looked at her with pettiness. Meiko just only glimpsed at me with concerness. I sighed, and snatched my arm away from Darcy's hand.

"Don't touch me. You might have germs all over you." Even saying that, and thinking about it made me want to vomit. Germs, and bacteria might be infected all over her hands.. And she's been touching my arm.

"Don't worry! My hands are clean!" Darcy announced, proudly.

I could hardly not believe that. I can just imagine all the squirming... nasty... disgusting... wiggling... smelling... slimy... gooey bacteria...

"But sure. I guess I will stay here with you guys." She gave Meiko a dirty look. Meiko only slightly smiled, I knew that she wasn't comfortable with her for some reason. Darcy has been acting rude to her after all. I then got up, and reached my hand to Meiko to help her stand up too. She took my cold hands, and lifted herself up. Her hands felt warm. I didn't want to let go, but I had to. We then faced Darcy. My face was a bit bright. Darcy scoffed.

"So have you eaten anything?" Darcy asked.

"Yeah-" Meiko was then disrupted.

"Not you." Darcy spat.

"I was trying to say yeah.. We both did." Meiko continued.

"Uh. What class do you have after this." I turned my head to Meiko. I wondered if we had the same class.

"She has English with me." Darcy groaned.

"Oh. I have that too." I was sorta disappointed, but a bit confident since Meiko was going to be there.

"I was meaning to ask you.. What happened to your classes..?" Meiko asked, confused.

"I had them changed. The teachers didn't want to stand me by not doing anything." I answered.

"Oh.. That makes sense." She nodded.


"I'm going to class early. You want to come Kaito?" Darcy smiled.

"No." I replied harshly, I didn't want to be even near her.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you in class then!" Darcy walked away. I heard Meiko sigh in relief.

"She's annoying, right?"

"I wouldn't want to say that.. But I suppose so." She nervously smiled.

"Well. What now." I asked cluelessly.

"I didn't have time to close my locker." She stated.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." I apologized.

"It's fine!."

"Well, let's just go there. Somebody might just steal your things or something."

"Yeah.. Right."

We then left under the stairs, and walked to her locker. It was silent and awkward. When we arrived at her locker, it was closed.

"Oh.. Strange. I don't remember it being closed."

"Uh. Yeah. Maybe someone just closed it."


She turned the lock, and turned it again, and turned it again. She then unlocked it. Her things were gone. She just placed her lunchbox inside.

"Where did everything go.."


"My books. My bag. It's gone."

"Who would want to steal that?"

She just shrugged, and closed the door.

"You can't just go to class like that."

"You do it all the time, and you're fine."

"That's different. I don't want you to get in trouble. Plus, this is all my fault for just dragging you along with me."

"It's fine.. Don't worry about it. I'm sure the teacher will understand.."


We then wandered around the hallway. I was still wondering who would take her stuff.

"You sure it wasn't that vomited green hair girl?"

"Yes.. She didn't do that." She confirmed.

"Ughh." I grunted. I felt so bad.


The bell finally rang. We both walked to class.

"You didn't tell me Gakupo was in this class." I whispered.

"Oh.. Yeah, well, he is."

We then sat next to each other. I didn't honestly know what to feel. I only looked down at her shoes. I couldn't really face her. I don't even know if this is considered weird. I was barely paying attention, till I heard someone call out my name.

"Hi Kaito!" Darcy waved. I just looked at her, and then to the board.


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