Hope he's okay.

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I looked around to catch Luka, but she wasn't here today. Huh.. Okay.

"Hi Meiko!" Gumi waved at me.

"Oh.. Hello Gumi..?"

"Have you heard what happened to Darcy!" Gumi laughed.

"No..? What happened..?"

"She fell down the stairs, and then Neru threw milk on her!" Beamed Gumi.

"Is she okay..?" I wondered.

"Yeah. She was just crying like some baby.. I think she's searching for Kaito. She's so obsessed with him. I have no idea why. I remembered when you liked him when you were younger, does that bother you?"

"What- No.. It's fine. I barely remember anything about him! Haha!.." I chuckled nervously to hide my lies. Why did I lie? I mean.. I have no idea if I liked him.. I was declaring I didn't when I was younger.. But at the same time.. My heart has this feeling towards him. And whenever someone brings him up into a conversation I tend to have this squirming feeling in my gut. What is this..?

I then entered the gym with Gumi. I looked around and saw Kaito. What? What is he doing here..? He doesn't have any classes with me.. What happened to his cheek..? It's all scraped, and numb..? Did he get into a fight..?

"Woah. What happened to him?" Gumi said while covering her mouth with one hand.

"I don't know. He looks like he got beat up."

"Yeah. Did Gakupo do it? No way. I mean, Gakupo would, but the news would've reached everywhere." Gumi said, and then noticed. "Wait a second. Why is he even in the gym..? He doesn't have class here."

"That's what I'm saying.." I agreed.

He was only sitting on the bleachers with his bag beside him. He was watching the other kids walk around, and talk with their friends. Me and Gumi were so confused, we just kept looking at him.


N25 KAIMEINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ