Getting Along.

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What is this feeling.. I felt so weird when she hugged his arm like that, and then when he pushed her off his arm, I felt relieved. Why?.. Why do I even care about him dating someone else that's not me..

"Hey, you!" Someone called out, I thought it was someone else that was trying to speak to their friend, so when I looked around I saw no one. Was she talking to me..?

I then faced her. "Yeah..?"

"What did you do when Kaito got a failing grade?" She looked at me in spite.

"Oh.. It wasn't that important, it was just a formative grade!.. We both weren't paying attention-"

"Yeah, yeah. If you're going to make him fail again, don't." She replied.

I just stared down at her. She was short, and could barely hit a punch. What would she do?.. I mean Luka can take her on, or something.. Or someone else.. But what did I do wrong to upset her?

"Wait what..? But doesn't he already have bad grades..?" I assumed. I barely see him doing his work.

"No. I'm his girlfriend, so lay off from him." She responded.

"Oh. Okay." I said dully. So that is his girlfriend. Then what was all of that work we did in science- No.. We were just working partners. Nothing more. It's not that important. I then walked away from her. I kept thinking about it the whole day.


The bell rang.

I walked out of my classroom with my books, and went to my locker to stuff them inside so that I could head for lunch. After I unlocked my locker, Kaito came out of nowhere behind me.

"Do you want to come with me?"


"Yes, or no."

"Yeah?.. I guess...? Wait- I need to-"

He then took my hand, and we hurried to another hallway. We were then under the stairs.

"Wha- What..?!" I was so confused, I didn't know what to think at the moment. I looked at Kaito as he was looking in the other direction. It was like he was guarding to see if no one was coming. He then faced me.

"Whats going on-"

"Darcy. She keeps following me everywhere, and I can't seem to get her off me."

"But she's your girlfriend..?"

"My what."

"Your girlfriend..?"

"She isn't my girlfriend. Why would you think that?"

"She told me you were.. I believed her.. Plus you're always with her." I said disappointedly.

"You don't think I don't want to be around her? She's annoying."

"Oh.. Then why don't you tell her to stop following you..?" I asked, still confused.

"I already did. She hasn't listened to me." He replied, annoyed.


"..Is that your lunchbox?" He pointed at the box that I was holding.

"Oh, yeah.. Are you not going to the cafeteria to get your food..?"

"No. Their food is shit."

I laughed a little, and nodded to agree. "I can share my food with you if you like."

"No. It's okay."

"You sure..?"


I then opened my lunchbox. I was having sushi, before I took a bite, I heard his stomach rumble. I then looked up at him staring at the sushi. I handed him the chopsticks.



"Feed you?"

"No.. Eat the food, you're hungry." I finally answered.

"But I thought I said-"

"Just eat it.. I don't mind..."

"Oh.. Okay. If you insist."

He finally took a bite, he then took more bites, only leaving half for me. I caught myself smiling at him. He then raised his head at me.

"What are you smiling for?"

"I just thought how we never really talked when we were younger."

"You're right.. I was too scared to talk to you."

"Me too.." I stated. I then chuckled while he gave me the chopsticks. I took the final bites, and then jumped when she came out of nowhere.


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