Injuries - Poe

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Poe x reader

Warnings: none (angsty?)

Word count: 1,755

Summary: Can Poe forgive Y/n for something that happened on her last mission? Or will they break up for good?

A/N's : May The Force/4th Be With You

"I'm sorry! Please Poe!" Y/n yelled out tripping after him. She didn't mean to upset him Y/n just thought why worry him? "Forgive me."

Poe turned towards her with an angry look in his eyes. "Why should I?"

Y/n let out a sigh before trying to plead with her beloved pilot. "Poe, you have to understand-"

"No! I don't and I don't want to hear any excuses you have to say." Poe stated, shaking his head. He didn't want to hear any excuses or reasons why she did what she did. He let out a sigh. "This." he pointed between them. "Whatever we had. It's done!"

Poe turned on his heels and left her standing in the middle of the mostly empty hanger. Y/n was on the verge of tears watching him leave. Had it really been that big of a deal? She just didn't want to worry him but now she might have lost the best thing in her life.

"Y/n" Finn said having watched the whole thing with Rey.

Y/n/n" Rey called out at the same time as her and Finn headed over to the Y/h/c-ed girl. Both cautious and worried about her as they approached.

"Wha- no. I-I'm fine. I just need some air." Y/n spoke wiping tears from her cheeks before she turned and walked between the two, heading outside. Needing to be alone for a bit.

Finn and Rey watched her go wishing they could take away her pain. Finn turned to Rey hoping she could tell him why their friends that were massively in love just had, well that happen. "What just happened?"

Rey turned her focus on Finn to answer her friend. "Remember that mission she was sent on?"

"Yeah." he nodded

"Well, she got hurt really bad and didn't report it. She kept with the mission. Apparently it was a life threatening injury." Rey explained.

"Oh" Finn raised his brows in shock.

"Yeah, that's not the half of it." Rey nodded also having been in shock at the news. "She didn't say anything when she got back to base either. Eventually Y/n just passed out from all the blood loss. Scared the life out of Poe."

"Ok. I get why he's mad, but. Y/n was just trying to finish the mission. It was so important that no one knew what the mission was about or for but Y/n and Leia." Finn said trying to understand why Poe would break up with the girl he loved more than flying. "But why's he taking it out on her?"

Rey shook her head 'no' and shoulders. She didn't have a clue either. "I don't know but ever since he's been distant and Y/n has been tearing herself apart. She feel so bad."

Finn sighed looking off in both directions to where their friends ha disappeared. "You can tell on her face how bad she feels for not saying anything to him."

^ ^ ^

"Poe, man. Your off lately. Have been for weeks now." Finn pointed out sitting across from the shaggy haired man.

"I know." Poe mumbled under his breath rubbing his eyes. He knew he hadn't been at his best for awhile. Not since he broke up with Y/n. He always slept better beside her and she made his life brighter.

"What's wrong man?" Finn asked with a concerned tone and face. He felt for his friend, even though he had a good idea what was wrong but had Poe figured it out yet?

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