Expecting twins - Poe Dameron Part #1

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Poe x Fem!reader Solo

Warnings: none

Word count: 856

Summary: Y/n has been feeling sick lately so Poe and her mother Leia suggest she go to the medbay. Poe has to go on a mission so Leia goes with her. Turns out their expecting. With twins.

Authors Note: Part 2 will include telling Poe

"Sick again?" Poe asked coming into the bathroom in their shared room, kneeling down next to Y/n. He held her hair back out of her way.

"Yeah." Y/n groaned, she was sick of being sick.

"I'm sorry." He grimaced, wishing he could do something to help.

Y/n shook her head, he wasn't to blame for her being sick. But it was nice that he sympathizes for her. "Not your fault."

Poe sighed watching her get up and wash her mouth and face. Poe had been worried for awhile now, watching Y/n throw up for weeks. "Y/n/n I really think you should go to the medbay."

"It's just a stomach bug." Y/n waved him off.

Poe sighed, he'd been trying to get her to go for a while now and she just keeps refusing. "We got a meeting with your mom."

"Ugh." Y/n groaned at having to leave the comfort of their room.

^ ^ ^

"Poe. Y/n." Leia greeted the young couple as they entered the command bay. Leia instantly noticed how her daughter didn't look very well.

Y/n lifted her hand at her mom the best she could do to acknowledge at that moment since she had a sudden dizziness come over her for a second. Poe stopped beside her, resting a hand on her back just in case.

"Hey General." Poe smiled and greeted his mother in law once they made it up onto the platform.

"Mom." Y/n nodded trying to smile but she still feels a bit sick.

"Still not feeling well?" Leia raised a brow. Even though she was asking she already knew the answer, she is Y/n's mother after all.

"No she's not." Poe answered before Y/n could speak. Which made the woman in question roll her eyes at their behavior.

"You need to go to the medbay." Leia stated in her stern mom voice she used to use when Y/n was a child.

"Told you." Poe smirked in a 'I told you so way.'

"Well I'm making it an order." Leia smirked as well. Y/n couldn't refuse a direct order from her general or mother.

"Fine." Y/n grumbled, annoyed that her mom and husband were ganging up on her.

"I'll go with you." Poe smiled happy that she would finally have to go and get checked out now.

"You can't. I have a mission for you." Leia spoke up, it was easy for her to notice the conflict on Poe's face. "You won't be gone long, it's a quick mission but you leave before lunch."

Poe nodded, he hated that he wouldn't be there but he'd be back as soon as possible. Poe tilted his head down to kiss her forehead. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Okay, love you." Y/n smiled at him in understanding. She hates when he has to go but she knows it's necessary.

"Love you too." He smiled back before he left to go prepare his X-Wing.

That afternoon Poe took off and Y/n stood there watching him leave. He sent one last wave which Y/n returned before he left.

"Let's get you to the medbay." Leia offered her arm to her daughter as they turned to leave the hanger.

Once they got there the mother and daughter were put into a room, and there they sat and waited for the doctor to come in. Which didn't take long.

"So, what are your symptoms?" The doctor asked.

"Achey, tired, puking all day." Y/n listed, even though she hadn't wanted to go she did kinda wanna know if something was wrong.

The doctor nodded with a smile. "I think I know what's going on but let's double check, okay. So how long has this been going on?"

Y/n glared at her mom, then her shoes before back at the doctor and she stated biting her lip. "If you ask Poe a month, if I tell you the truth about 2 an half."

Y/n could feel her mother's eyes on her but she choose to ignore it.

"Okay. Lean back for me. This is gonna be cold." The doctor said as she squeezed some gel onto Y/n's stomach, before moving a handle kind of thing around on top of her tummy.

"Well this is the reason your feeling sick." The doctor started as she moved the wand thing away and wiped clean Y/n's stomach. She smiled at Y/n before saying. "Your pregnant."

"What?" Y/n raised her brows, jaw dropping in shock. Sure her and Poe had sex and sex create's a baby but they've been very careful. The two wanted kids but not during such a dangerous time.

"Your pregnant Mrs.Dameron. And it looks like twins." The doctor shared the news with the mother and daughter with a smile. The doctor left the room after to give them some time to digest the news.

As Y/n sat there with the news of being pregnant she couldn't help but joke with herself that Poe was at fault for her being sick.

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