May The 4th Be With You - Poe Dameron

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Poe x Solo-Organa reader

Leia x daughter reader

Warnings: none

Word count:

Summary: Leia has a mission for her daughter, where she gets to chose her own pilot. Y/n's alittle nervous about it and her mom knows how to calm her nerves.

Authors Note: Thought of why not do a star wars my 4th imagine and use the phrase as the title and the purpose of the imagine. Happy May The 4th Be With You Day!

"Poe I have to go!" Y/n laughed trying to get out of the pilots' grip.

"Just stay for a little while longer." Poe mumbled into her neck, holding her tighter to his chest.

"I can't! My mom wants me at the bridge now. She needs to talk to me about something." Y/n stated struggling to pry his arm from around her waist.

"Ugh. Fine." Poe grumbled letting go of his grip.

"I won't be long. Promise." Y/n promised as she got out of bed, turning around to lean down and give him a kiss.

"Just hurry back." Poe spoke with a graveled half-asleep voice.

"I will." Y/n smiled at her sleepy pilot. It was still really early but her mom had requested this meeting the day before so there was no choice to get up.

After getting dressed quickly, Y/n headed out to meet with her mother. It wasn't hard to find her since she is the general after all.

"General?" Y/n smiled coming up to her mother.

"Commander or Jedi." Leia smiled toward her daughter. She loved to tease her about both her professional titles.

"Mom..." Y/n shied away from embarrassment. Leia knew that her daughter got embarrassed when her titles were used. Especially by her family or friends.

"You are both. Be proud of that. Of those titles." Leia reminded her with a knowing look.

"I am. I'll try to show it more. So what did you need me here for?" It's not that Y/n wasn't proud of them she just didn't like all of the attention on her.

"I have a mission for you." she said as she kept adjusting some backup plans on the holopad.

"Really?" Y/n asked surprised. After her last mission caused her to end up in the med bay for 2 weeks she thought it'd be a while before she sent her out again.

"Yes. It's a mission only you can do. Due to your credentials." her mother explained the rest of the mission details to her. It seemed like it should be an easy in n out mission. Wouldn't take that long either.

"You'll need a pilot." Leia told her with knowing eyes.

"Is it my choice? The pilot I mean." Y/n asked trying not to give away how excited she is that she might get to take Poe with her.

"Yes. Even though I already have a feeling who your gonna choose." She gave Y/n a mischievous smile. She would've done that same with Han back in their day.

Y/n laughed at her mom's look. "Oh, you know who I'm choosing, come on mom."

"I figured." Leia smiled laughing lightly along with her daughter. "You leave tomorrow morning. So go tell Poe and BB-8 and pack up."

With that Y/n headed back to her room to pack and tell Poe about their new mission. While Leia got back into strategy conversations.

^ ^ ^

As Poe and Y/n with the help of Chewie were loading everything that they'd need for the mission. Y/n had stopped for a second just standing at the bottom of the ramp of the ship. Poe noticed as he was coming down the ramp how tense Y/n was, and he knows what that usually means.

"You look happy and nervous. What's wrong?" Poe asked concerned for Y/n. There wasn't a reason for her to be nervous about the mission.

Y/n sighed, he could always read her like a book. "I'm happy for the mission, happier that you're coming. But I'm nervous for it as well."

"Everything will be fine. I'll be there to back you up. That is if you even need it. Okay?" he smiled teasing her trying to up her mood. Which worked since Y/n started smiling and let out a laugh. "Now let's pack and get some sleep."

Now that they were all ready to leave in the morning they could get some rest.

^ ^ ^

"You got everything you need?" Leia came up asking the two just to make sure they weren't forgetting anything.

"Yes General."

"Yes, mom." Poe and Y/n answered at the same time.

Leia smiled at the couple. They often spoke at the same time. And it amused Leia very much. "Poe, can we have a minute?" Leia asked politely folding her hands together in front of her.

"Yeah." Poe gave a nod in understanding. Before heading back up the ramp Poe gave a kiss to Y/n's temple muttering a 'love you' before leaving the mother and daughter alone to have a minute.

"What's wrong mom?" Y/n asked wondering why her mother wanted to speak alone.

"Your nervous." Leia spoke softly.

Y/n furrowed her brows together. "How'd you-"

"You're my daughter. I know you." She stated. Leia always could tell how her daughter was feeling, if only she could've had that with her son. "You'll do a great job. I have faith in you."

Y/n smiled moving in to hug her mom. "Thank you, mom."

"It's no problem. Now, you should get going on your journey." Leia smiled hugging her daughter back.

Y/n pulled away from the hug with a smile. Turning to go join Poe on the ship.

"Y/n." Leia called out before Y/n reached the top of the ramp. "May The Force Be With You." she nodded towards her daughter.

"May The Force Be With You too." Y/n nodded back as she stood at the top about to close the ramp. Ready to go on this new mission.

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