No More Order - Cal Kestis

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Cal x fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 365

Summary: Y/n being worried about her and Cal's relationship since he's so Jedi Order but he says there's no order no rules.

"Why are you pulling away from me?" Cal asked as soon as they were alone together on the Mantis. He had to ask it had been bugging him as of late. In the village shop and on their last mission Y/n seemed so distant. An Cal needed to know why. What had changed?

"Huh?" Y/n turned around with a confused look casted Cal's way.

"Why are you distancing yourself from me- from us?" he questioned reaching out and grabbing ahold of her hand.

Y/n shook her head playing dumb. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do." Cal stated, he could tell in her body language she knew what he was talking about.


"Please, just tell me. Why?" Cal pleaded with her, eyes wide with concern and hurt.

Y/n let out a sigh. "I'm just scared."

Cal furrowed his brow. "Of what?"

"This." Y/n answered pointing between the two of them with her free hand, and eyes watering. "Ending."

"Why?" Cal was confused, he could understand being afraid of the Empire. Who wasn't? But why would she be afraid of their relationship ending? Did he do something to make her think that? "Have I done things that would make you think this?"

Y/n shook her head at his question. "No, it's just. Your so- or at least you were so Jedi Order and that means no relationships. I just don't want to be heartbroken if you go back to thinking that way."

"y/n, the Jedi Order is gone- done, over. No order, no ruled. I love what we have and I wouldn't end it for anything." Cal pulled her into him in a tight embrace. Calming her enough to get her breathing back to normal. "You don't need to worry. Y/n/n."

"I love you." Y/n smiled up at him with tear stains on her cheeks.

"I love you too. Next time please just talk to me." Cal smiled at her hoping if she ever felt something like that again she'd talk to him so they could work it out.

Y/n nodded with a smile letting out a light laugh. "I will."

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