Mission Together? - Poe Dameron

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Poe x Fem!reader Solo/Organa/Skywalker

Warnings: none

Word count: 837

Summary: Will Poe Be able to control his feelings when the mission is about a certain someone? They talk about it.

Authors Note: If you guys want me to make a part 2 where the mission happens comment below

Poe smiled as he left the mall bathroom to see Y/n/n still asleep. What saddened him a bit was that he got back not long ago from talking with Leia, and she requested him to wake her up. Considering they stay in the same room. "Y/n, it's time to get up." Poe spoke softly as he gently shook her awake.

"Go away. Sleep time." Y/n grumbled, digging her head further into her pillow.

Poe chuckled "Well get up and go tell your mom that."

Y/n shook her head 'no', answering with a quick reply. "No way."

"Why not?" Poe asked raising an eyebrow in the process, confused and assumed by how fast she replied.

"Cause that would mean I would have to tell her why I want more sleep. That leads to telling her what you and I did last night." Y/n stated as she turned to face him and moved to sit up in bed up against the headboard. She gave him a pointed look as if to make her point further. "An that's never going to be a discussion I have with my mother."

"Don't want your mom to know about what we do in bed?" Poe smirked leaning in closer to her. He playfully went in to nip at her neck.

Y/n let out a huffed laugh. "Would you want to talk about what we do in bed with my mother? Or better yet, she's your general."

Poe stopped once he heard her words. He pulled back from her neck and nodded with a gulp. "Ok, ok I see your point."

"Yeah." She stretched out the word and nodded along with him. "What was the reason she had you come to wake me?"

"We have a mission." Poe answered with excitement in his voice and eyes.

"Together?" Y/s asked shocked with wide eyes

"Hmmmhmm" he nodded with a smile

Y/n furrowed her brow "Why?"

"Why? What do you mean why?" Poe asked taken back by her response.

"She never pairs us together because we-" Y/n pointed between them. "-Are together. It's a conflict of interest, it could cause problems with us and the mission. Don't get me wrong I'm glad we get to have a mission together cause yes they are a rarity. But my question of 'why?' still stands."

"Well, I do think I know why." Poe said with his head tilted back and up to the side.

She squinted at him before laughing. "Please do share your knowledge."

But when Poe looked at her once again the look in his eyes wasn't a playful one. It was serious.

"The mission." Poe started and Y/n nodded in acknowledgment. "It evolves your brother." Poe finished and studied her face to see her reaction. After all he's good at reading her.

"Oh" was all that left her mouth at his words.

"Are you ok?" Poe asked interlacing their hands together.

"Hmmmhmm: she hummed wordlessly

Poe reached up with his unoccupied hand to cup her cheek so she'd look him in the eyes before stating softly. "Hey, you know you can talk to me right?"

Of course, Y/n knew that. She trusted Poe with her life and all her secrets. He is one of the only people that know the story of what happened to her brother and who he is now.

"Are you going to be ok with that? With my brother being involved?" Y/n asked him Ben Solo or as he goes by now Kylo Ren has been a topic that leads to overprotection and a fight once between the couple. Y/n watched as Poe just sat there in front of her looking off at the wall, eyes very blank. "Poe!"

"I don't like him." Poe grumbled turning his attention back to her.

"I know" Y/n smiled sympathetically. Kylo had tortured him and all she understood his dislike.

"Everything he's done." he scoffed

"I know" she nodded in understanding

"The way he treats you." Poes face tinted red thinking about how Y/ns brother treated her and the other members of his own family. "I can't stand it."

"I know babe, I know." Y/n ran her hand that was free through his hair. Trying to soothe his anger and nerves.

"I'm not gonna let him touch you." his voice was hard but Y/n could hear the vaurinbltliy behind it.

"You can't control that-" As much as Y/n appreciated his protectiveness and care, she knows he can't prevent her brother from doing anything. No one can. But maybe her, but she's still to drained from the last encounter she had with him.

"I can damn well try." Poe stated with no room for arguing. Doesn't matter if the guy tortured him before or the fact that he is the brother of the love of his life. Kylo Ren is never gonna lay a finger on her, ever again. Not if Poe has anything to do with it.

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