Christophsis - Poe Dameron

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Poe Dameron x reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 997

Summary: General Organa's daughter goes to pick the best pilot in the resistance after he got stranded

Author's Note: my first Poe Imagine sorry if it aint that good (yet)


"Hey mom" I said answering the hologram

"Hey sweetheart, I got to ask a favor of you" she said

"Shoot" I said sitting down in the pilots seat of my J-Type 327 Nubian royal Starship.

"I need you to pick up one of my pilots. His X-Wing crashed on Christophsis. It'll be him and his droid."

"Yeah I'm actually near Christophsis so I'll pick him up and meet you at D'Qar."

"Thank you sweetie see you soon" she said before ending the call.

See I was coming back from getting supplies from Coruscant. I haven't seen my mom in person in years, calls all the time but I've been recruiting people for the Resistance also supplies for them to; Ships, parts, droids, etc. . .

^ ^ ^

I got to Christophsis, looking around for person and droid that my mom described. Suddenly I felt something bump into my leg, turning around I looked down to see a little BB-8 unit. He started beeping excitedly then it hit me it was the little BB-8 unit I use to fix up and play pranks on people with.

"BB! Oh My-" I kneeled down.

He started beeping excitedly and talking to me when a tall dark haired, handsome man walked up right behind him.

"BB-8 we don't just run into people. I'm sorry, I don't know what got into him." the handsome stranger said

"No problem I actually know BB here. And I believe I'm your ride off of this rock." I smirked up at him

"What?" he asked confused

"You crashed here, I was sent to pick you and BB up. Granted at the time I didn't know the droid was BB here but that was a pleasant surprise. . . Ok you still look confused General Organa sent me." I told him

"General Organa sent you?! Thank the stars" he exclaimed, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Yeah, lets leave. The sooner we leave the sooner we got to D'Qar, And you two back to the Resistance." I told them making a motion for them to follow me towards my ship.

BB-8 started rolling straight onto my ship and the pilot followed behind me. Once we got on I shut the door and pushed the button for the landing pad to close. Walking over to the pilots seat I sat down and put in the coordinates to D'Qar and started to get us in the air. Once we got into space I put us in hyperspace.

"Ok so do-do you work with the Resistance?" he asked, that's when I noticed he was seated in the co-pilots seat.

"Uh, yeah. I usually get supplies, smuggler when needed. " I smirked in his direction

"You know I never got your name?"

"Thats because I didn't give it to you" I told him stifling a giggle

"I'm Poe Dameron Resistance pilot. Seems you already know BB-8 here." He told me pointing to himself then to BB.

"Well short version my mom really trust me with stuff thatś why I'm in a lot of stuff thats off records and I'm trusted with a lot of classified information." I told him getting up to check system controls before we get any closer.

"Your mom. Wait whos your mom?" he asked turning to look at me.

"Leia, well I guess to you its General Leia Organa." I said moving back to the pilot chair. Were coming out of hyperspace soon."

I looked over to him he looked at me jaw dropped eyes poping out of his head, he looked dumbfounded

"Are you ok there?" I asked glancing over to him

"General Organa has a daughter?!" he exclaimed shocked, well more shocked then before

"Yeah, Leia and Han, mom and dad, General Organa and General Solo. They had twins, me and Ben." my voice flattering at the memory of my brother

"General Organa never talks about a daughter and Ive never met or seen you before?" he said

"I - uh , haven't seen her in person in years just calls. So this will be interesting." ?I said trying to keep my voice steady

For the next hour or so we got to know each other and we even started flirting together. It's strange I think Iḿ getting feelings for him. I have never had feelings for anyone, crap. What do I do? Does he feel the same? I mean he's flirting back and I have been making him blush.

As we come out of hyperspace and I landed the ship next to some X-Wing. As soon as I opened the door and the ramp touched the floor BB zoomed out and Poe and I started walking off the ship.

"BB-8 nice to have you back. And you Commander Dameron." General Organa said before pausing as I poked out from behind Poe

"Hey mom, long time no -" I squealed when Poe pushed me into the arms of my mother.

"It's great to have you back" she said into my hair before kissing my head

"I missed you mom" ?I told her wrapping my arms around her tight

"I missed you to sweetie" she said, before we pulled away

I stepped back, she looked towards Poe

"I'm gonna need a full report in about a hour, Commander Dameron." she said to him, and he nodded. "We'll catch up later." she told me before walking away.

"So I bet your a really busy person Commander so I'll see you around I guess" I said awkwardly before I started to turn but then he grabbed my bicep turning me around. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I was wondering could we - uh - if your gonna stay around awhile, maybe we - uh - could go on a date or hang out sometime?" he asked in a stuttering mess.

"I get the feeling you don't do this often and that your normally really confident" i smiled at his nervous face "yeah I would like that"

"Great!" he said before kissing my cheek and off he went to give a report.

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