||30|| Entrance Exam[s]||

440 21 1

Third pov

"4, 3, 2, 1. Stop!" The timer went off as Talia clicked the stop button. Water fell to the floor, the water tool Tsukiko was holding together dropping onto the sand. Beside her Izuku dropped to his knees

Both of them were practicing holding onto their quirks. Izuku, after gaining One for All, was trying to activate his quirk based on how All Might explained it to him. However, when that didn't work he turned to his other teachers for help.

Isla was the one that made him meditate on any strange feeling he felt in his body. At first, he felt nothing. Then he felt within him something strange. It felt like Tsukiko, then it didn't, so he reached out and 'grabbed' for it like Tsukiko said she did for her quirk.

The first time he got it he broke his fingers. Worst. Pain. Ever! Luckily for him, his sweet sister could heal. If he smothered her in kisses and hugs for an hour, only Gemini was jealous about it.

So, now knowing that 100% breaks all bones when focused on one side of his body only, he chanelled 100% throught his entire body to get a better feel of his new quirk. It sounded simple, but by no means was this so. This meant no moving for him was allowed, only feeling and even that proved to strain him greatly.

He can't move at all.

Tsukiko on the other hand was working on holding the zodiac weapons. Aria's was her easiest by far. A light shield, physical formation of clouds, twin daggers. She didn't train with them, just tried to see how long she could hold onto it after summoning the tool. She lasted 6 minutes.

Reeve came next. His weapons were long range, double bladed bow staff, whips, there were others but those were the only two she was allowed to use from the lazy sign for now. Rekka was a whole mase, a tanto, and a katana. Unfortunately, she was burned by the weapons, lasting barely 30 seconds with them.

Kion didn't allow for Tsukiko to try his, Ryota, Talia, Isla, Lux and Sage, Yin and Yang's weapons as yet until she could master Mastumoto's weapons. Hence she went into practising her hold on weapons sourced from water only.

Both Midoya's were progressing with their quirks much to All Might's amazement at them.

"Excellent!" he clapped. "You held on longer today little Midoriya! And you too young Midoriya! You walked five steps today, without breaking anything." both beamed up at the hero blinding him like the sun.

"Arigatou, All Might!"

"Mm. Arigatou." the hero chuckled at the different levels of enthusisum from them. Izuku's always buzzing with joy he tries– and fails– to restrain. Though Tsukiko is much more calm and soft spoken her eyes give way to her excitment, they sparkle. As do her entire being.

"Right! Unfortuately, the exam starts in an hour! You need to hurry to the site young Midoriya!"

"Ah! I almost forgot!"

"Hold on Izu! Let's try one last thing!" Talia walked over then dragged the teen off into the water.

"I'm hungry..." All Might chuckled.


"Out of the way nerd!"

"He's not in your way Bakasuki!" Katsuki and Tsukiko glared at one another.

"The hell he ain't!" over the nine months he got Mastamoto to train him, he quickly learned. Kion and Ryota hated him cursing around her.

So many unexpected slaps...

He also learned he had no choice but to talk to said nerd, if he wanted Tsukiko to train with him. Absolutely hated every second of it.

"Kacchan!" Katsuki glared.

"Why the hell is she here?! Doesn't she have school? How the hell is she going back?! By herself?!"

"Lux is carrying her to school after. She insisted on coming to U.A."

"Whatever! Just stay the hell outta my way bastard!" Katsuki tsked walking ahead.

"If you don't pass, I'm making you train with Kion and Ryota." Katsuki froze and shivered.

"Like hell I'll fail rainbow dash! Watch, I'm placing 1st on this damn exam!" And with that, he stormed in. Tsukiko grinned slyly as Izuku sighed.

"I'll ban both set of twins if they keep this up..." Tsukiko giggled softly and shrugged. "Lux. Get Kochan to school. Inform me as soon as she reaches."

"Bye nii-san. Good luck. You've got this." Tsukiko floated up, kissing Izuku's cheek. Lux appeared and the two began to walk away from U.A.

"Right! I got this!" he tripped over his feet "I'm a failure."


Tsukiko sat in class pouting at the paper in front of her. She was deceived. Lied to with a smile! The betrayal stung.

Come on Tsu-chan, it's not that hard is it? Aria asked softly genuinely worried about if she was struggling. Tsukiko hummed softly.

"No... but sensei said we were going to draw and get to sleep..." she pouted more, her dark aura threatening to leak out.

Oh I see the problem. Are you still tired little one? Ryota asked.

Mhm. I pushed harder a bit this week. Katsuki requested one extra hour for time with Ny alone.

What?! How did we not know?!

I placed you all to sleep so I could focus on Ny alone. I got a boost from you all sleeping.

That explains why I feel so tired...

You're always tired Reeve...

How about you finish your paper as fast as you can, and then sleep? You can sleep while you wait for the others to finish?

Tsukiko perked up at hearing that. Taking the idea she quickly began her test paper. She was almost finished when a buzz went through her head. Tsukiko slowed her writing confused by the sudden and strange feeling.

SMASH!! A zapp and the sound of Izuku screaming out stunned the six year old. It was almost as if Izuku was yelling in the next room and not miles away from her.

Holy Shit! How can we hear the brat?!

Their bond's closer than I thought... This might be troublesome...

Or, it might be a good thing.

Zuo-nii probably broke a bone fighting...

She's not even worried...

That brat definetly broke a bone...

Tsukiko ignored the lingering feeling of Izuku in the back of her mind, finishing her test and falling asleep in a moments notice.


Tsukiko sat at home watching a kids show. Though, she wasn't paying much attention as Izuku was locked away in his room reading the U.A. letter to state if he got in or not.

Five minutes later and Izuku left his room in tears.

"I got in..." The Midoriya household was still for a moment. Then Inko began to cry. Loudly.

"My baby!!" she wept, running for her son to embrace him in a hug. Tsukiko hopped off the chair herself running over to join the hug. She placed herself behind Izuku trying to sandwich him between them.

"See. I knew you could do it."

"Be happy for yourself too Tsukiko." Info patted her hair softly. "You aced your exam and moved up a trade successfully! I'm very proud of you!"

"Eh... What exam?" When had she even taken an exam to go into a higher class? Inko chuckled as Izuku sweat dropped. It seems only the parent of the household knew what was happening.

Disregarding herself, Tsukiko moved the topic back to Izuku and the three of them went on to celebrate the first of many victories for Izuku.

If Katsuki got a text from Tsukiko congratulating him for passing. Only she knew he shot her back a picture of his 1st place rank in the exam.

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