||15|| Her first Snow ||

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Third pov

Tsukiko couldn't sleep. She didn't know why but she simply couldn't. So she got off her bed and went to make her way to Inko's room.

Wait. Look outside. Aria and Ryouta's voice sounded.

She listened going to the balcony and opening the curtains only to see the early morning sky covered in grey. Things fell from the sky but it wasn't rain. Tsukiko tip toed to open the door walking outside to be met with the cold winter breeze.

Despite the coldness she couldn't help but stare up into the sky. The wind blew back her hair showing her heterochromia eyes to the world. Her eyes shone in wonder and awe at the sight before her.

It's snowing...

"Snow?" Tsukiko mumbled back. So this was snow?

She lifted her hands catching some snowflakes in each. She brought her hand down staring in awe still. She watched the snow melt in her hands smiling at it as she lifted her hands to catch some more.

"It's pretty!" Tsukiko smiled as her hands caught more snowflakes than before "But cold..." she shivered slightly.

"Wah!! Kochan!" Rushed footsteps made their way over to her but before she could turn around to greet who was obviously her brother, she was pulled inside by her waist.

Izuku, being the clumsy uncoordinated person his is, tripped over his feet and sent them both rolling back inside where Tsukiko now laid on her back staring up at the ceiling on top of his stomach.

Izuku recovered fast, jumping up and spinning the three years old in his lap. He was mumbling nervously as he checked her over. Cupping her cheeks, placing his hands on her forehead, dusting snow off her hair covering her tiny hands with his bigger ones as he blew into them. He was all over the place and yet in one spot. He was muttering things she didn't understand.

"Ah! I have to close the door!" But that she understood.

"Zuo-nii, it's snowing." Tsukiko followed after him tugging at his sleeping shirt.

"Oh! You're right!" Izuku who was so occupied he hadn't noticed before, paused smiling up at the sky before he shook his head "Bad Izuku! Study the snow later!" He scowled himself shaking his head and shutting the door, this time locking it.

Once he did that he spun to face Tsukiko again. Then he panicked...again.

"Kochan! What were you thinking?! You could have frozen! Or get sick! Or, or catch hyperthermia and die!!" Izuku fussed kneeling in front of Tsukiko once again and blowing hot air in his hands that cupped over her frozen ones. He would rub them together afterwards.

"Sorry but, at least I got to see snow." Tsukiko beamed up at him. Izuku was stabbed.

"Agh!" He fell back eyes swirling. Tsukiko's eyes widened and she froze up.

"Ah. He died again."

"Oi! Wake up!" Yang appeared kicking Izuku in his side.

"I'm up! I'm up! Stop kicking me Yang!" But the sign didn't listen "Wahh!!! Go back!!" With a glowing light Yang froze mid kick and began to disappear.

"Next time..." the sign warned, glaring at the green haired boy before he disappeared.

"Izuku, Tsukiko? What's that noise? And why are you two awake so early?" Inko came outside flicking the lights on to see the sight on her two children sat on the floor.

"Kaa-san, it's snowing." Tsukiko turned to look back at Inko while pointing towards the balcony door. Inko looked up through her window blinking as indeed, it was snowing.

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