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Third pov

I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late! Izuku was crying as he rushed down the street. In all fairness he was only late because he and Tsukiko had an All Might marathon, again, and it ended after 3 that morning, so they slept in. Then he had to drop her off to school first because, and as punishment, Inko made him do it. When he got to her school he could have left earlier but a boy was standing too close to his sister and he didn't like it. Neither did Yang, Matsu and Kion so the three of the four of them scared the kid away.

Then he entrusted the two boys he did know, to keep all the other boys away from her, only then did he leave - after ensuring he got his three kisses. But of course a villain had to attack and he just had to get some notes in. Thankfully after the road was clear and he bolted to school.

I'm so thankful Lux and Sage like to chase me as a warmup! This is easy compared to what they put me through! Izuku mentally sighed. Those twins had energy for days which was no wonder Tsukiko summoned them less, they took up most of her energy quite fast then gave her back too much. She didn't sleep a wink for two days.

Hence the marathon to tired her out.

Shaking himself from his thoughts Izuku narrowly missed running into a woman carrying her groceries.

"Ah! Gomen!" he bowed quickly and rapidly before he spun and he was off again. "Gah! I'm so late!!" if he noticed the way people stared at him for shouting that, then he didn't care.


Izuku sighed, he made it. He made it to class in one piece and right before his sensei too. He's not good at parkour but that was the fastest he's ever ran and jumped up and over stairs in his life. Once again, he must thank Isla and Thalia. Then again, it has been a good year since they started him on mission impossible - as both sets of twins liked to call it. 

Taking a breather Izuku pulled his notebook out and began to write, feigning that he has been here at his usual time which was an hour before school starts. His homeroom teacher came in and did the role call. 

"Right, the topic for today..." he hummed "You guys are all 3rd years now. It's time to start thinking seriously about your futures!" the man snatched a paper into his hand "I would hand out these career forms but... I assume you all want to be heroes!" Their sensei cheered swiping all the paper from his desk and throwing it into the air.

This prompted the students in the class to cheer loudly and activate their quirks. All, expect two. Izuku sighed looking away as he nervously did a very, very quiet mini cheer.

"Hai, hai. You all have wonderful quirks but you know it's against the rules to use them in school."

"Sensei!! Don't lump me in with these losers! As if I have anything like their crappy quirks!"

Ah, he's started... Izuku sighed setting his head down and hoping his teacher won't do what he always does. Out him.

"Right, you're aiming for U.A. High school, Bakugou." he hummed and the class was in an uproar once again.

"AHH! The stupid chattering of extras!" Bakugou jumped onto his desk. "I aced that mock exam! I'm the only one here with the stuff for UA! I'll even surpass All Might and become the best hero out there!! And become one of the richest people in the world!!" He went on a rant.

I aced that exam too...he doesn't need to know that though...

"You're also aiming for UA right, Midoriya?" Izuku groaned hiding his face away in his arms. There it was, his teacher outing him again. The class was silent for a moment before everyone burst into laughter.

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