||1|| I saw you ||

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Third pov

A lone figure sat on the swing in an empty park. It was raining drenching his skin as he stared blankly down at the sand, now turned mud, under his feet. He pushed himself lightly swaying back and forth on the swing as he was buried so far beneath his thoughts that he never saw the eyes watching him.

He sighed closing his eyes. He was sad, he was hurt, was cold, was wet, he was...tired. Just simply tired. Being born in a world filled with quirks as a quirkless was tiring. The countless bullying was tiring, being made fun of was tiring. But he'd bite his lip take a deep breath and suck it in, why? Because he wanted to be a hero even though no one believed in him, even if no one supported his dream.

But today...today he was simply tired. It could do with the fact that he was sick. He hid it from everyone of course, not that they noticed. Not even his mother noticed, not that he wanted her to. She was stressed enough as is. He was also pretty sure sitting in the rain while being sick was a bad idea, but it wasn't raining when he left school and this was as far as his body allowed him to go before he exhausted himself.

He sighed. I should really go... his thoughts kept saying but he was so, tired...

A hand touching his forehead startled him out of his thoughts and he looked up from his shoes. He was met with the sight of a small child, whose hair color contrasted greatly with the dark surroundings from the rain. She was tiny, no older than four or five he was certain and she was just as drenched in the rain as he was. All thoughts of himself flew out the window at the sight of the child's arms showing bruises and her bare feet touching the wet cold ground.

"Ah! W, what are you doing out in the ra-, in the rain?!" He spluttered pulling off his jacket to hang over the girls head despite the fact that his arms wobbled and his body ached.

"I saw you..." she muttered ever so softly as she tiptoed to pull his arms down. Now he was confused.

"You...saw me?" She nodded eye not leaving his eyes.

"Hmm. I saw you walk to the swing and fall asleep. You didn't know because you're sick."

She knew!? How did she- no! He shook his head. Worry about that later you need to get her out of the rain! She can get sick!

"P, Please tell me where you live! I, I, I need to get you out of the rain!" He was panicked his heart beating and face burning from being both flustered and sick.

"No." Her answer again was soft but firm. This took him by surprise.

"Eh?! But, but, y, you- I need to- you need to-" she walked closer to him going into his chest as if he was embracing her in a hug. At least that's what it looked like from an outside perspective.

"It's okay... breathe." She took a deep breath and he followed.

How was this tiny child so calm compared to him? And why are their roles reversed? How confusing and embarrassing. But she didn't think so. Her mind was on one thing, the person before her.

"Better?" She looked up at him with such big eyes it made his look small. He gave a nervous smile.

"Y, yeah...thank you..." this made her smile a bit, and though her smile was a small one he could have sworn the sun shone for a moment through the rain. Or was it the moon? Either way she glowed.

"Will you let me carry you home now?" He tried again, in a slightly calmer fashion.

"Hm...no. Orphanage." She answered making his eyes widened in confusion.

"The orphanage? Why would you..?"

"My fosters are not...kind...I was going to the orphanage when I saw you, and I came to you."

"Oh..." he saddened. It hurt him to know he was slightly right about the bruises on her arms. Who knew what others there were that were hidden from him. "Um, okay. I'll, I'll take you there." But she shook her head.

"You first... you're sick." He don't know how he hadn't noticed before. It was such a big and obvious thing but he hadn't noticed.

The rain wasn't falling on him anymore. Or them, neither of them were being soaked. How..? Then he saw it a dome of sort over them. It was like watching the rain through a clear umbrella.

"Quirk." She answered his silent question.

"That's pretty cool." They smiled. Then she began tugging on his arm.

"I sen' you home now." He laughed nervously.

"I, I don't feel comfortable with you, walking by yourself. Please, please let me walk you home. Or um...it's raining heavily, so um...is it, is it okay for me to bring you home? Just until the rain ends! I promise I won't do anything! I won't-" he cut himself off with a cough.

"I'll stay with you until the rain stops." She nodded holding onto his hands with her tiny ones.

Nodding back he reached to pick her up but paused. He didn't want to hold her without permission. Seeming to know what he was aiming for she lifted her hands allowing him to continue his actions.

Despite them no longer being soaked by the rain. He still covered her head with his school jacket as he began to quickly walk home. He made it home in five minutes and spotted the orphanage down the street right on the corner.

Huh, it was closer to my home than I thought. Still he went into his apartment to dry both him and the girl in his arms off. Honestly he was shocked he could carry her with how physically weak he was, or was she just that light? In all honesty, it was probably both.

He entered his home. His mother yet to return from work and he set the girl down.

"Wait right here, okay?" Once he received a nod in return he quickly pulled off his soaked through shoes and socks, then dashed into his room that was the closest.

He got a towel and ran back out, dropping to his knees and immediately began to dry off her hair. At some point the way he dried her hair made her giggle softly, but he heard and it made him smile.

"There! All done!" He smiled once he patted her now semi dry hair.

"Thank you..." he smiled more. For the first time today he felt good about something. All because of- wait...he doesn't know her name!

"Ah! G, Gomen! I never asked your name!?" He was going into panic when she smiled up at him.

Her hair fell from off her left eye which was covered the entire time. His panicking halted. His breath left him and he stared in astonishment at how beautiful her eyes were. The left eye was purple with the right being green. Two completely different colors complimenting each other in such a manner that it was, breath taking. She was absolutely adorable too!

"Tsukiko..." her saying her name brought him out of his stupor.

"You have very beautiful eyes Tsukiko-chan! And I'm Midoriya Izuku!"

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