||11|| Cake Master ||

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Third pov

"There's no way you can make a better cake than I can! You're three!"

"So? Because you're 12 you can make cake better than me?"



Izuku and Tsukiko had been watching a baking show as of late. The two loved cake and thinking out loud Inko suggested they make some homemade ones so they'd have. And to see their reactions, casually mentioned how she'd love to taste one of their cakes. Which sparked the whole 'fued'.

"How about you both make a cake?" Inko suggested enjoying every second of it. Izuku smiled nodding.

"Great idea kaa-san! When you eat my cake you shall never question my skills again!" Izuku puffed out his chest trying to hold a serious face but breaking at the giggles that left Tsukiko, making him smile.

"I will not!" She stomped her tiny feet "When you eat mine and taste defeat we shall see who the true master is! Ryota!" And she summoned a sign.

"Oi, that's cheating Kochan!"

"No! You were born before me, you already have a height advantage!" Izuku paused, unable to refute that.

"Lovely to meet you, Midoriya's. Take this as my own way of introducing myself and testing Izuku." Ryota greeted bowing slightly.

"Lovley to meet you as well. Which sign are you?" Inko asked

"I am Libra." He bowed, again.

Ryota was tall and lean even taller than Aria. He stood at 6'9 which meant Izuku had to look up all the way just to see his golden eyes. His hair was long and black. It was combed back into a low ponytail with two strands loose going down his back.

"Ryota, will you reach the things I can't?" Tsukiko asked climbing onto the stool she used when she wanted to help around in the kitchen.


"Alright you two, are you ready? We're going for three hours." Inko announced sitting by the dining table where she got front row view of everything happening.

"Hai!" Both kids nodded shooting playful looks at one another.


10:15am. Baking start.



Izuku was muffling his laughter. Although he wasn't much better with flour on his face and up his entire arms Tsukiko had her entire hand in cake batter and she looked so shocked by it.

"Ah...I slipped." She blinked staring at her batter covered hand.

Izuki in turn slapped a hand over his mouth turning away to hide the laughter that raked though him. With shaking hands he kept at what he was doing. Following directions



"Am I doing this right...?" Izuku bit his lip stirring the food coloring into the bowl of cake batter he had.

This is where he had no directions on the box. He wanted to add a color to his cake but had no clue how much coloring to place. He didn't want to place too much or too little and he had just dropped two drops of red food coloring in his bowl.

Sighing and not wanting to think more on it Izuku shrugged adding two more drops before using a toothpick to make an odd pattern on the cake. This he had seen people on TV do. Only if he could remember how many drops they placed!

Tsukiko on the other hand had two separate bowls of cake batter. One white and the other chocolate. Ryota had given her the cake pan and she was just finished spraying it with cooking spray, as advised to use by Inko.

Then she began her experiment. White batter, chocolate batter, white batter, and so she went until the pan was filled. But she wasn't done with some crushed cookies she dropped them into the top and used a toothpick to push some down while keeping some on top.

Once satisfied with the amount she nodded and placed her cake in the deep freeze. At that moment Izuku had also placed his cake in the oven. They turned facing in each other.

"Admit your defeat now! No one will hold it against you!"

"Ha. Never! A hero never surrenders!" Izuku folded his arms sharply turning his head away

"Tsk tsk. I warned you. Do not shed tears when I turn as the visor!" Tsukiko declared.

"Victor is the word, Kochan." Izuku corrected.

"Eh? Victor?" He nodded

"Mhm. You said visor, it's Victor. It's like an English name." Izuku explains wondering if that was the right example to use.

"Oh! I see...can I say it again?" Tsukiko blushed. Izuku smiled nodding. With that the role playing resumed.

"Do not shed tears when I turn as the victor!" Izuku placed on his 'glare' as well.

"The same can be said for you as well!" And they turned away from each other laughing quietly with their backs turned.

"Quite the show." Inko giggled as Izuku nodded, having heard her.

"Indeed. I am recording everything." Ryota spoke from beside their mother

"Oh? You must have a good view up there."

"When you watch it over. Everything is in sight. Even Izuku secretly assisting Tsukiko by getting the things she needed."

"I don't think my heart can handle that cuteness overload." Inko sighed leaning on her wrist to continue watching her children.

The hour passed and both cakes were now on the counter. Izuku had made a marble cake and Tsukiko a cheesecake. Inko now had a slice of both cakes in front of her while Izuku and Tsukiko had a plate of each other's cake.

"Be honest okay, kaa-san?" Izuku spoke up as Inko took a bite of his cake. She lit up humming in surprise.

For his first time baking a cake without me it turned out quite well! She kept humming happily as she ate the cake. This made Izuku smirk down at Tsukiko who pouted folding her arms.

"That was nice. Sweet but not too much.  You did great Izuku!" Inko held a thumbs-up.

She turned taking a bite of the cheesecake. Then she paused and tears sprung from her eyes.

"Tasty~!" Tsukiko beamed turning to Izuku with a raised eyebrow. "Wah! You both made this decision so hard! Both cakes taste so good!" Inko gushed "But...Izuku won."

"Haha! I win!" Izuku jumped up bouncing around the kitchen.

"Aw..." Tsuiko pouted stabbing her slice of cake before taking a piece. She bit into it pausing before her eyes widened. "Ah..." Tsuiko stared at the cake as if it took her stuffed bear, then she looked at Izuku "I will accet defeat this time." Izuku chuckled at the mispronounced word but he understood so he didn't comment on it.

"Mm. Don't worry Kochan, your cake tastes amazing too!" Tsukiko stared at Izuku as he devoured the cake on his plate. "Can I have more?" Izuku smiled.

"Oh no. Neither of you had lunch. So no more cake until after you've eaten!" Inko shot forward.

"Aw. But kaa-san ~"

"Hahaha. No." She smiled at Izuku who huffed accepting defeat. Tsukiko smiled giggling at the dejected look on Izuku's face.

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