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Third pov

The semester was over and summer vacation had started. All the kids were extremely happy about this fact. They get to go outside and play, go to the beach or mountain. It was a well needed vacation. However the weather said, no.

The day started off bright sunny and cool. It was the idle temperature to take a walk in the park, go to the beach, eat ice cream all those fun things. Then rain decided to drench everyone as it came down hard forcing people inside and ruining their day.

This however, did not bother Izuku and Tsukiko. They were already inside snuggled up under blankets and watching hero tapes Izuku had recorded. They were currently on the rescue hero 13. Izuku was doing as he promised to do. Introduce Tsukiko to the world of heroes. He was going to start with All Might but restrained himself and began with rescue heroes and other toys working his way up the Ladder.

At some point when watching a tape of Best Jeanist they had fallen asleep. Izuku on his stomach one arm under his head, the next almost touching the floor as he slept away, while Tsukiko was sprawled over his back looking like she was trying and failing to give him a back hug due to short arms.

The two slept well into lunch until both woke up to their stomach growling. Izuku woke up first, using his free hand to rub his eyes. Though still half asleep his mind was playing catch up and it seemed so was his body. Why hadn't he moved yet?

Then he felt and heard it. The sound of breathing and the movement that came with it. Confused Izuku looked behind him as best as he could. When he saw Tsukiko, who had shifted to laying on her back, his brain clicked into place and he relaxed.

Through flexibility and skill Izuku didn't know he possessed he raised Tsukiko off his back and laid her on the couch beside him instead and on the inside, didn't need her rolling off the couch. Checking the time Izuku nodded and got up. He secured Tsukiko then went to the kitchen to see what it had for them to eat.

"Huh, there's some left overs from yesterday. We can eat that, but what about later? Kaa-san is working late and I'd have to cook dinner for us since I'd rather not wait on her to cook because she'll be tired. Ah, maybe I should start teaching myself how to cook. Can't be that bad right? Maybe Aria will be able to assist me in this. I wonder if I can ask? Ah, but Kochan is still sleeping and I don't want to drain her energy..." and he went off muttering to himself lost in thought.

This is how Tsukiko found him. Muttering away obviously lost in thought as his body moved on autopilot to take out and heat up the food.

"Zuo-nii." Izuku shrieked throwing the spoon in the air. His reaction jumped Tsukiko fully awake and from the fright had activated a shield from her quirk.

Izuku calmed when he realized it was only Tsukiko and turned to apologize when he saw the glowing golden dome around the three years old.

"Ah! Kochan, gomen! I scared you too huh? Is this part of your quirk?" Izuku picked up the spoon and set it on the counter kneeling to be closer to Tsukiko's face despite the barrier being three times her size.

Curious he placed his hands on it and felt the warmth from the dome. The tattoo on his wrist glowed and he fell through the barrier.

"Eh? Huh? Ano..." he looked around mind reeling. Looking down at his wrist he saw that the symbols changed from Aquarius to Aries. "Oh!" Izuku smiled sitting up to face his imotou.

"That's pretty cool, Kochan!" He reached out to touch her. The moment she was in his arms the barrier burst into glass shards though none of it cut them. "Wa~ Kochan! That was really cool! You have to tell me of your quirk some time ne?" Tsukiko opened her eyes and looked up nodding slowly.

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