||4|| The day with Inko||

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Third pov

Inko looked around amazed and amused at the sights and laughter happening all around her. There were people that tried approaching kids who ended up crying or running away from them, then there were the loud ones that ran straight to the adults.

One even ran head first into the foot of one. But he took it and the little girl seemed impressed. Inko giggled.

"Oh my what a greeting." She smiled.

"Mm. Most people can't handle her because her quirk makes her like that." Tsukiko spoke up "She found someone." She smiled and Inko awed.

Is she really only two?

"Midoriya-san! You made it!" Kyoto smiled when Tsukiko presented the greenette to her.

"Ah...hai! I, um..." Kyoto shook her head giving the short woman before her a pat on her shoulders.

"No need for you to overthink anything.  Just enjoy the event. See if kids will approach you, or approach kids yourself. Or maybe..." her smile turned sly and Inko began to sweat not knowing what the woman was thinking. "Spend the day with the one attached to your side." She pointed down.

Inko looked down shocked that she didn't realize she was still holding onto Tsukiko's tiny hand. The girl herself was talking to other kids hand still holding securely to hers.


Inko's heart raced and her face reddened in embarrassment at not letting the child go and enjoy the event too, but joy overwhelmed that feeling. The joy of holding onto something precious, onto someone precious. She smiled softly.

Right! I can do this! I am a mother! I know what to do! Or maybe I don't...maybe she won't like the things I suggest we do! Oh no! I've only been around boy children that I have no idea how to handle a girl! I mean I was a girl once but-

"Midoriya-san..." Inko was pulled from her panicked thoughts with a slight tug on her dress and the hold on her hand. She look down to see Tsukiko craning her neck to look up at her.

"Hai?" Inko lowered herself, tucking her dress between her legs so she can stoop and make it easier for Tsukiko to see her.

"Can... can I...stay with you?" The tiny girl blushed now looking down and holding tightly to her own dress.

She's as precious as Izuku is!!! Oh my Gosh!!! Inko internally cried.

"O,of, of course! Of course you can! I would love to spend the day with you!" She smiled and got the sun in her eyes in return.


"Mm! Now, what shall we do first?" Inko stood taking Tsukiko in her arms as well and began walking.

"Um...we can try the food stands?" Tsukiko suggested but her eyes were on one stand alone.

Inko followed her line of sight and smiled. Wordlessly she made her way there.

"Choose anything you like!" Tsukiko stared shocked.


"Mhm! Anything!"

"Then...I'll have what you take!" She declared with such seriousness Inko laughed.

"Alright dear. Hmm, any recommendations?"

"His cakes are really nice, his muthi too!" Both Inko and the man chuckled at her slip up of the word 'mochi'.

"Five please!" He smiled and handed the two a bag filled with six mochi.

Inko passed the green one to Tsukiko and watched happily as she ate it humming happily. She too ate one and had to agree. They tasted lovely.

Going down the food part of the carnival they got to be taste testers and had eaten takoyaki, fish cakes, riceballs and some fried foods. Inko made sure to by extra so she can give some to Izuku.

Now the two were at the games. Inko thought Tsukiko too small to play soccer with the other kids, luckily for her it didn't interest Tsukiko who preferred trying to catch the fish alongside the girl Inko had seen ram her head into the man's leg. Said man was now also following her. Both of them shared a look of acknowledgment and understanding.

They were hooked and wrapped tightly around the two girls and the event wasn't even halfway over. Watching the two interact Inko's heart sored when she saw Tsukiko present three fishes for the girl who couldn't catch one.

"Thank you Iko-chan!!" She giggled bouncing in place as she got the fishes.

"Watch them and be nice."

"Hm!" She nodded back and the two separated.

"Where to next?" Inko asked

"Bear?" Tsukiko pointed titling her head as she asked "Can we try to get a bear, please?"

"Of course!!" Inko walked over and paid. The man gave her three rings to start the game and, she lost.

Tsukiko smiled softly asking to try. With the height the gata slippers gave her she luckily didn't have to tip toe to see. Inko paid and handed her three rings again.

Tsukiko got the first two, out of pure luck and when she threw the third one a strong gust of wind sent the ring on the last one that she was about to miss. Inko clapped as Tsukiko smiled happy that she won.

"You didn't use your quirk did you?" The man asked eyes narrowed. His narrowed eyes were quickly countered by the glare of Inko herself.

"Are you accusing a child of cheating because of the wind?" He looked to the frowning green haired woman who was giving him such a look he began to sweat. "Are you?"

"Ah, no but-"

"But is it not windy today? How can you accuse her of cheating when the wind blows? What are you trying to pull?" She glared at him in such a way it seemed like she was growing in size as he shrunk.

Not to mention, the glow of her darkened green eyes were accompanied by massive figures in the form of shadows staring down at him as well. The only thing he could clearly see were the threat in their glowing eyes.

"Gomen it won't happen again. Please take what ever prize you wish to have." The man rushed out sweating up a whole pool beneath his feet.

"I see. Arigatou. " Inko smiled lowering herself to look at Tsukiko who was watching her like the most amazing woman in the world "What would you like, Tsukiko-chan?"

"That one!" She pointed at a medium size green bear. The man passed her the bear which looked extra large compared to Tsukiko.

"Hehe, arigatou Midoriya-san." Tsukiko gave Inko her biggest closed eyed smile yet.

Unseen arrows shot Inko multiple times in her heart striking the woman with new resolve and determination as she was finally set on her decision.

Tsukiko is about to be a Midoriya. Now all she had to do was convince Izuku.


Be honest. How many kids do you know that aren't menaces compared to the ones that are. Don't be shy. 

I'll start. 8 out of like 30-something! They start off nice until they get comfortable then BAM! Menace!

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