●Chapter Fourteen: The Pressure●

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Connor let out a sigh as he moved out of his cabin his eyes caught on a few staff members talking, "From what Penelope said the two are missing in the woods."

One whispered. Confused, Connor let his head tilt as he moved over to the two but felt a hand pull his wrist causing him to move behind one of the cabins near the two. "Connor, do you know where they are?" A panicked but strict voice asked, making him look up to see Jimmy. Confusion formed on his face as he looked up at him. "Who?" He asked causing Jimmy to let out a sigh moving his hand to his face. "Shit, okay, I need to think." Connor felt his eyebrows move down as his gaze narrowed on the Hispanic man.

"Jimmy, who?" He said more sternly causing him to pull his bangs back looking back at Connor. "Your little partner." He said causing Connor to go still. "What the fuck do you mean where they went? Are they okay?" He asked panicked causing Jimmy to feel panic rise in his chest and annoyance form. "No, I don't know where they went and I don't know if they're okay! I'm supposed to be watching you and the other little kids, but I can't and I don't know what to fucking do!" He spat, his throat closing in, it hurt to breathe as he breathed in and out quickly.

His chest rising, Connor took a step back, "And I'm trying my hardest right now and it's never fucking good enough and I can't lose another kid!" He yelled grabbing his hair, Connor felt his eyes widen as he noticed the man struggling to breathe. "Sir-"he was cut off by a voice. "Jimmy." Turning Connor saw a man he hadn't seen, he was ginger, with a mustache, his hair was long and, in a ponytail, and he had two eye colors.

The man adjusted his glasses moving to Jimmy grabbing his upper arms and pulling him to his chest. "Breathe it's okay, just listen to my heartbeat." He spoke out as he moved his large hand onto his back and the other in his hair. The black-haired man closed his eyes listening to the advice as he tried to listen. His chest, throat, and nose felt like it was on fire. He felt like he could breathe normally if he put the effort in but when he did it didn't work, tears formed and for the first time Connor saw the man start to cry.

He choked out a sob shoving his face into the ginger shoulder, his mouth being blocked to cover his sobs. He choked on one causing him to cough and continue, Connor moved his hands over his ears as he stared at the ground not able to handle the sound of someone he saw as a brother breaking, the sound echoed into his ears and he squeezed his eyes shut, a heavy and painful feeling over his chest.

He couldn't do this, it was all too much, before he knew it he started to breathe quickly and heavily. His hands shaking as he pinned himself on the wall, it was too much, too much, make it stop, please. The sound of a muffled voice hit his ears but he couldn't process the words. "Co.....r"

"Con....or" It repeated Connor felt hands wrap gently around his wrist, the grass under him made him realize he was sitting, when did he sit down? "..nNor.." The voice again repeated, Connor moved his eyes slowly open as everything was blurry and tears were in his vision. A purple blob was in front of him, "Connor can you hear me?" The voice asked causing Connor to blink, a tear falling. There sat in front of him Rain. "R-ain?" He choked out as a hiccup escaped him; his voice came off raspy as Rain nodded her head moving his hands away from his face.

She held his wrist as she let him process, Rain could remember when Eugene used to have panic attacks. This was clearly not the same though, it looked like an anxiety attack. "Hey, it's alright, okay?" She asked, this was the first time he'd seen her so calm. Nodding his head, the brunette pulled his hands back wiping his tears embarrassed and ashamed. "We figured out Eugene and Ethan went into the woods with Penelope and when she left to grab something they were gone." A male voice came from behind Rain bringing his attention to see Jimmy whipping his tears and nodding his head. "Uhm, alright, ill go look for "He was cut off by the man.

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