She's Not Camila

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Katy's POV:

I reach for the handle to open the door, but it opens before I can. Tate jumps when she sees me. "You scared the shit out of me! I honestly didn't expect to see you this soon." She says laughing. I look down and see she has a trash bag in her hand.

"Wanna walk to the dumpster with me and tell me how it went?" "Boy, do I have so much shit to tell you." Ah, there's my voice. So it really was Taylor that made it disappear. "Lay it on me, baby." I tell her about my entire day, parents, secrets, and questionable feelings for Taylor.

"I'm fucked, Tate. I can't have feelings for Taylor." "Why can't you have feelings for Taylor? What's so bad about it?" "She's my best friend, and has been my sister figure. Plus she's 8 years older than me. It's like incest." I say. She laughs at my statement. "I think you're reading too much into it. So what if she's 8 years older than you? It's perfectly normal for people to like someone that's not their age. And she's not your biological sister, so it can't be incest. It's common to fall for you best friend, especially in a situation like you and Taylor. The more time you spend with someone, the more likely you are to fall for them." Tate tries to convince me.

"My point is I'm 16, and she's 24. I'm jail bait. She would never feel the same. Plus...." "I know she's not Camila." "I'm not ready to like someone else. I'm not even to that point with Louis yet." No one will ever be Camila, and that scares me. What if I never get over her? How do I move on with someone else if she's stuck in my head?

"You're naive." She says catching me off guard. "I mean in the sense that it's obvious that Taylor likes you too. Why do you think she keeps bringing up that you're not 18 yet? She's trying to remind herself of that. She's probably under the impression that you don't like her in that way. You're supposed to be 18 to legally get away with dating someone older. But if you're consensual at your age now, and you're fully aware of the circumstances, why not jump in?"

She. Is. Not. Camila. I want Camila, and only Camila. This is just a crush that will fizzle out. All of my other crushes have, so why won't this one?

"Plus, have you noticed that same sex couples always have larger age gaps than the heterosexual couples do? People hardly bat their eyes over that." "Which is a total double standard." "You're dead set on avoiding this, aren't you?" Tate asks.

I'm fully dead set on avoiding this. I cannot like Taylor. And no matter what Tate says, there's not way Taylor likes me back. It's just not logical. She's the famous Taylor Swift. I'm the average Katy Wood...I mean, Katy Oliver. I'm lucky enough to be friends with her. Dating someone like her is a whole other ballpark.

"I know the harder I try to avoid it, the worse I'm going to feel. But I can only imagine how I'm gonna feel if I try to go for it and fail. I don't want to lose her too." The thought of losing Camila and Taylor makes me sick to my stomach. There's no way I would survive that. "You don't have to jump the gun and run after her right now. Just don't punish yourself for feeling things either. Roll with it and see where things go."

By now, we have made it back inside. "Did you eat?" I ask. I was going to bring her leftovers from my parents, but there wasn't anything left between the 5 of us. Detective Roderick joined us for dinner. We wanted to thank her for all the hard work so far. "Yeah, I did! Thanks for asking. I had some food at work. I remembered to eat today." "Proud of you." I say patting her on the back.

"Okay, so I know you're stressed and upset. Why don't we put our phones away for the night, and just forget the rest of the world exists." Tate says taking my hand as we sit on the couch. I hesitate to answer, thinking about all the people that I would ignore tonight if I put my phone up. I still have to fill in Liam, Louis, Ariana, the rest of our group, Frankie, and Joan. What if my parents try to get ahold of me? What if Taylor tries to call?

Angel In The Outfield (Camila/GxG)Where stories live. Discover now