Prom and New York: Part 2

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Katy's POV:

"That was such a great game! We must be good luck charms. Thanks again for getting these tickets for us." I say standing up from my seat and hugging Liam as he does the same. "Thanks for coming with me. Sorry you had to miss prom though." "Psh, like I really needed to be there anyway. It's not like I missed anything." I say getting on Snapchat to look through people's stories. Liam and I decided earlier that we were gonna wait around a while so that traffic wouldn't be as bad. "Wow, it looks like we really didn't miss anything after all." Liam says. I look over at him and notice he's looking at people's stories on his phone. I chuckle to myself as I keep scrolling. My scrolling soon comes to a halt when I land on Jacob Whitesides' story. I don't even have to fully open it to see a picture of him and Camila together in the prom. I'm about to fully open the picture, but a man's voice makes me look up from my phone.

"Katy Wood and Liam Booker?" "That's us!" Liam says smiling at the man. I swear I've seen him before, but I don't remember where. "My name is Andrew Ward. I don't know if you've heard of me before, but I'm the founder and also Chancellor for The School of Arts in Nashville, Tennessee. It's crazy that you two are at this game, because I was actually coming to Austin, Texas to see you and a few other students." He says. Mine and Liam's mouth simultaneously drop.

"It's an honor to meet you, sir." I say shaking his hand. "Likewise. I've been watching you both for quite some time now and I must say, I'm very impressed. You're both some of the best high school athletes I've ever seen. I wanted to offer you both a spot starting in August. Every year, I travel to different states and get ideas of students I want to offer spots to. I do about 100 people for each category, but only one person gets a full ride scholarship. I've chosen you both for Baseball and Softball." Mr. Ward explains, causing our mouths to hang open once again.

"That's...I" I manage to get out. "This is a really great opportunity. Thank you so much for choosing us. We want to say yes on the spot, but we need to go home and talk to our parents first...especially our dads." Liam says making my stomach drop. So much for that dream. "Our dads are business partners. His dad owns a social network and my dad owns his own chemical factory. My dad uses his dad to advertise the factory and all that. They want both of us to take over the companies one day. In fact, they've basically already written our future for us. They don't exactly support us playing sports, so even with a full ride scholarship, I don't think they would approve." I say. Mr. Ward nods his head in understanding before speaking up again.

"I want kids to be able to live their own dreams, not their parents dreams for them. Anyone is welcome to apply at The School of Arts. Not everyone gets in though because not everyone takes it seriously. That's why I go through and offer spots to people that I know really want to be there. I've had a lot of students in your shoes. That's why I started this program where people sponsor students to go there. There's different sets of trustworthy families that volunteer to pay for everything that the scholarship doesn't cover. A lot of students get jobs, but still get sponsored at the same time. It's hard making a living by yourself whenever you're an adult, but it's even harder when you're still in high school. If you go home and your dads don't approve of you coming, but you still want to follow your dreams, let me know and I'll get you both set up with families. I know it's a really big decision to make, so take your time on it. I really think you two belong there though." Mr. Ward says before handing us both a business card.

"This has all of my contact information whenever you guys decide. I'm telling you, don't worry about what either of your dads have to say. I make sure every student is financially taken care of somehow. I had a dad that didn't support my dream of wanting to become an Architect. All the men in my family have been lawyers. I was in law school for three weeks before I dropped out because I hated every second of it. It wasn't for me. A few years later, I graduated as an Architect. After making enough money from designing different buildings around the US, I used the money to build The School of Arts. At first it was just a high school. I didn't realize how popular it would become. Last year we finally finished a University that's a mile from the high school. They're separated by different dorm rooms. Sometimes you just gotta take a leap of faith, even if it's really crazy." He says smiling at both of us before walking away. I look around and notice that almost everyone in the stadium has left already.

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