Will You Be Here In The Morning?

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Katy's POV:

Tate lays on my chest, stroking a finger up and down my arm to help sooth me. "Not that I didn't appreciate that encounter, but I feel that came from a frustrated state of mind. Do you maybe want to talk about you?" She says. Those big brown doe eyes stare up at me, trying to read my soul. Tate knows me better than anyone, aside from Taylor. She knows there's things to talk about, but I don't know if I'm ready.

"I'm not ready. I'm sorry if this seemed like I took it out on you." I apologize. Tate and I regularly have sex, and have been for a while. This is nothing new. Whether we're in a good mood or frustrated about something, we always end up in each other's bed. We're not dating but we might as well be.

"I know you weren't. Although you did say you would punish me for my behavior earlier so I had been waiting on you to do that." She smirks at me. I lean down and kiss her again. "Does she know you came over here?" She asks pulling away. "I didn't tell her where I was going. I just said I had to go. So unless she heard us in here, she shouldn't know." I explain, suddenly feeling bad for just running.

"I should probably go back over there. That was kind of an asshole move for me to run out like that." I say getting out of the bed to put my clothes back on. "That's not being an asshole. It's a hard time for you both right now. She'll understand when you're able to tell her the full story. Just go back over there and take care of her." Tate says. I finish putting my clothes back on and lean over to kiss her again. "I love you." "I love you too. Text me and let me know how it goes later." She says.

I exit her dorm room and head back to mine. I take a deep breath before opening the door. I find Camila sitting on the couch eating a banana and watching The Notebook on TV. "That's very fitting." I say smirking at her. She turns around and smiles at me. "I can't help it. I was channel surfing and this was on. You know what Ryan Gosling does to me." "He's a very fine man, so I don't blame you. This is one of the few movies I could watch over and over again, and never grow tired of." I say sitting down next to her.

"Mean Girls was on, but you didn't have any Oreos to eat." I smile at her mentioning our Valentine's Day date whenever we switched up the drinking game with Oreos while watching Mean Girls. "We were kind of lazy dates, weren't we?" She laughs at me. "We totally were, but that's what made us Katy and Camila."

"I'm sorry about running out earlier. You're the first person I've really had to tell that story to. My other friends got the story from the cops and paramedics involved that night. There's a lot I have to fill you in on, and it's just overwhelming. Not to say you're not overwhelmed right now either, since you've been under the impression I died." Camila puts her hand on top of mine again, only this time I don't jerk away.

"It's okay, I understand it must be extremely hard talking about such things. I'm just glad you're alive, for real this time. Although it's going to take me a while to get use to. So far my brain has tried to play tricks on me today, even though this entire time, I knew deep down you had to be alive. I don't know why else I would've seen you all that time ago." She says.

"You know what's crazy about you seeing me, and me saying 'come find me'? I've never told anyone this but whenever I first got to SOA, sometimes I would go up to the roof in the middle of the night and just talk to the moon as if it would relay all the messages to you." I say looking down at the ground.

Sometimes when I was at mine and Taylor's house, I'd go out on the roof when she was asleep, or I'd go out on the roof of my dorm room when Tate was sleeping. This was before Louis and I got together.

"What were the messages?" I feel my face get hot and red. Do I tell her I wasn't over her when I left Hester? Or do I lie?

"About why I had to leave. All the words I wanted to say but never got the chance to because of everything that happened." I say running my fingers through my hair now. This whole thing feels like a dream. What if she's not actually here right now and I've dreamt this entire day up? How do I wake myself up if that's the case?

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