I Have Questions

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Wednesday Morning
Katy's POV:

"Okay, if you would, please state your name and age." "Katy Wood, 16 years." I answer. "Do I need a lawyer present? Did Liam have one?" "No, Mr. Booker did not have a lawyer. But if you feel you need one, we can assign you one." "Uh, no. I guess it's okay." "Very well. We're just going to ask you some basic questions to start off with. What was your relation to Mr. Derek Wood?" "I was his daughter." "Do you remember the first time he laid his hands on you?" Detective Roderick asks. I try my best to think back that far.

"I remember being in diapers. I guess I wasn't potty training quick enough for him. He got mad at me for having to change my diaper. I remember being spanked really hard. It was super painful, which scared me. I started crying, and that just angered him even more. I don't really remember anything past that, but that evil scrapbook he made showed a lot of bruises and cuts on my back." I explain. She nods her head before scribbling notes down. I feel like I'm in the middle of a therapy session; a very, very fucked up therapy session.

"Did your father ever put his hands on you or touch you in a sexual way?" I don't know why but that question makes me bust out in laughter. Detective Roderick raises an eyebrow at me, causing me to quickly cover my mouth. "I'm sorry...it's just he hated me so much, he never even hugged me unless he absolutely had to, much less touched me in a sexual way. Honestly the only time he touched me in general was when he was got physically aggressive.

"Did he ever lay hands on anyone besides you like your mother?" "God no. That woman was his entire world. He treated her like an absolute queen, which is why I never could quite understand how he could turn around and be so vile towards me. My mom was the only one that could get him to stop hitting me." "And how often did your mother intervene when he would hit you?" I take my time thinking about her question. It wasn't very often, not that I can recall at least.

"A lot of times she wasn't around for it. She did some secretary work for him at the factory, but she never worked the hours that we did. A lot of times her and everyone else had already gone home and left just me and him alone. If I did something at work that day that he didn't like, there was always a physical altercation. At home, a lot of times those would happen in whatever room she wasn't currently in. The few times she was around, it always took longer for her to say something than she should have."

"So she used her words to try to stop him. Did she ever try to pull him off you?" "Maybe once or twice. Most of the time it was her just trying to reason with him through her words." "And how long did it take him to comply to her requests?" "It really depended on how mad he was. Sometimes just a few seconds, other times she basically had to yell stop over and over again before he would even budge. It was like he was trapped inside of his own world, a world that focused on nothing more than hurting me." She nods her head at me.

"Any other people?" "He gave verbal threats to people, but I never saw him put his hands on them. He was a man of secrets though, apparently." I say frowning, thinking back to what Sheriff Clark told me over the phone yesterday.

"Everything okay, Miss Wood?" "Yeah, sorry. This is just the most fucked up game of 20 questions I've ever played." I look up and notice Taylor staring intently at me from the kitchen, sipping on a cup of coffee. I can't decipher her facial expression. This is honestly the first time I haven't been able to read her. "Are you comfortable with continuing, Miss Wood?" "Of course."

Do I even have a choice at this point?


"Thank you for your time, Miss Wood. My team and I will be putting some records together from yours and Mr. Booker's statements. Joshua, would you please come over here?" Detective Roderick says. Suddenly a guy who doesn't look to be much older than me comes up and smiles at us. "This is Joshua. He'll be one of the bodyguards assigned to you guys. Joshua, would you mind taking Katy outside with Liam? I need to get statements from some other people in the house before we wrap up for the day." "Of course boss. Would you mind following me outside?" Joshua asks me, extending his hand for me to take. I stare at it before slowly raising my hand to meet his.

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