Can I Be Him?

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Katy's POV:

"Do you just insist upon making me look like a fool?" Is the first and only thing my dad says to me before he's slamming me through our front door. I land face first on our hardwood floor. I try to get up but I'm stopped when I feel my dad forcibly roll me onto my back. He takes me by my shirt collar and drags me out into the garage.

"GET THE FUCK UP!" He yells. I shoot up, hoping that will help calm him down. I don't even know what I've done this time. I thought our dinner with the Cabello's went great. Well, great for the most part. It got a little awkward towards the end.

He begins frantically digging through our chemical cabinets before pulling something out. "Are you aware of what this is?" He holds up the same type of bottle that he smashed on my head that day I messed up in the factory. I stare at it blankly, feeling too scared to say anything. "I've used this type of bottle before to teach you not to fuck up. It seemed to work so now I'm gonna do it again." He says smashing the bottom part of the bottle against one of our tables. He holds it up afterwards. I can already feel my skin tingling in pain just looking at those jagged edges; wondering what he's gonna do to me this time.

"You know, at first I was starting to have a little faith in you. You actually kept your mouth shut and you seemed to be leaving a great impression on Alejandro." I start walking backwards as he steps towards me. I feel my back collide with one of the cabinets now as he pushes the bottle ever so slightly against my abdomen. It's not enough to draw blood yet but one wrong move and I could be in trouble.

"But then you decided to make our company look bad when Alejandro asked you about your stupid jacket."

*Earlier at the Cabello's house*

"So Katy, Camila tells me you shared something of great value with her today." Alejandro says to me. I look across the table to see him and Sinuhe smiling at me while Camila blushes and tries not to make eye contact.

"Oxygen and carbon dioxide?" I answer, not really knowing what else I shared with her other than air. "I don't think he means the molecules that form your air capacity in your lungs, sweetheart." My dad says causing everyone to laugh. He literally finds every way in the world to make me look like an idiot, even if I've already done it for myself.

"Aside from air, she said that you gave her your softball jacket to wear today because she was cold and forgot hers at home. I understand you've never let anyone else wear it before. Obviously it has to have some sort of great value to you then." Alejandro says.

"Yes sir. Playing softball is my life. I'm the happiest when I'm on that field. It's my dream to get drafted to a great college team and go to the women's college World Series." "Well I'm sure you'll get one, you being the team captain and all. How proud does that make you, Derek?" I feel the color drain from my face now. My parents have no idea that I've been team captain since the second week of practices my Freshman year last year.

"You didn't tell us you were team captain. That's awesome, sport!" My dad says patting me on the back. I can't even tell if he's acting or being serious right now though, especially because my mom is next to him smiling brightly at me. Did I finally just prove to them that I'm occasionally worth something?

"So Katy, what would you like to study after getting drafted?" Sinuhe asks me. "Um...I haven't really thought about it honestly. Exercise science really interests me though." "That's exciting! I expected you to say business or chemical engineering since your dad says you plan to inherit the factory one day." "Well, that's always a degree for her to fall back on if she gets older and decides that inheriting the factory isn't her calling in life." Alejandro says.

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