Chaptet 22

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I walked over to Stefan. I pushed him against the wall with my vampire speed. I grabbed his shirt and ripped it right down the middle.

I kissed her chest. He moaned as I bit his nipple. "Elena, what are you doing?" He asked. "What does it look like?" I asked getting annoyed.

I kissed down to his abs. I'm on my knees in front of him. I kissed the lower part of his stomach. I licked his abs. I'm just teasing him. I'm not gonna have sex with him.

I got off my knees and stood up. He's still against the wall. "Aren't you gonna continue?" He asked. "No." I said and smirked at him. "You little tease." He said and smirked at me.

"Do you want me to continue?" I asked. He nodded and I walked over to him. "No." I whispered in his ear and walked away. I walked to my room and got pink hair dye.

I dyed some strands of my hair pink. I put some black jeans and black high heels on. I put on a pink shirt and walked downstairs. Stefan's sitting on the couch.

He looked at me and saw my hair. "What did you do to your hair?" He asked. "What does it look like? I dyed some strands pink." I said.

"I like it. It looks sexy." He said. "I know it does." I said and grabbed my leather jacket. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Out." I said. He got off the couch and grabbed me.

"No, you're not." He said. "Yes, I am." I said and pushed him off me. "Why don't you want me to have my humanity off? You have yours off." I said.

"Because you only have yours off because I killed your brother." He said. "Maybe you shouldn't have killed my brother then." I said and opened the front door.

"If you're going out I'm going with you." He said. "I don't want you to go." I said. "While too bad." He said and followed me. We walked to his car and he opened the door for me.

I got in the car and he did too. He started driving to the grill. When we got there he opened the door for me. We walked inside.

I walked away from Stefan and saw a hot guy. He's sitting on the barstool so I walked over there and sat by him. The guy looked at me and smiled. "Hello." He said.

"Hey." I said and smirked at him. "What's your name, sweetheart?" He asked. "Elena, what's yours?" I asked. "Cole." He said.

I turned around and saw Stefan staring at us. "Do you want me to buy you a drink?" He asked. "Yeah, I want tequila shots." I said. He asked the bartender for some and he handed us some.

I took one and drank it. Someone took one of my shots and I turned around. It's was Stefan. Stefan drank the shot and smirked at me. "Why the hell did you do that? Go get your own." I said.

"Is this guy bothering you?" Cole asked. "Yes, he won't leave me alone." I said and smirked at Stefan. Cole got off the barstool and walked closer to Stefan. "Look man, leave her alone." Cole said.

"No, stay away from her." Stefan said. "Excuse me." Cole said. "You heard me." Stefan said. Cole punched Stefan in the face and I laughed. He deserves it.

Stefan turned back and his nose was bleeding. He wiped the blood away. "Is that all you've got?" Stefan asked and laughed. Stefan grabbed him and bit his neck.

Cole started screaming. Stefan continued to drink from him. I walked closer and bit the other side of Cole's neck. Me and Stefan are both feeding on Cole at the same time.

Some blood dripped down and landed on my chest. Blood ran down my neck as I drank from Cole. Stefan has blood running down his mouth.

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