Chapter 6

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My alarm went off and I got off my bed. It is time to go to the grill with my friends and my brother. I decided I want to change so I put on a pair of Jean shorts and a green tank top.

I went downstairs. "Jeremy, it's time to go." I said. "Okay." He said. We walked to the car and got in. I started the car and driving to the grill.

I pulled into the parking lot and we got out of the car. We walked inside the grill and I saw my friends sitting at a table. I walked over to my friends. Bonnie, Caroline, Vicki, Tyler, and my ex boyfriend Matt are here.

I don't want Matt to be here. He cheated on me. He's here because he's Tyler's friend. Jeremy walked off. He's probably with his girlfriend Anna. "Hey guys." I said and smiled at them.

I sat by Caroline and Bonnie. I hugged both of them. We sat there and started talking. I even talked to Matt a little bit. I really don't know where Jeremy is.


I decided I'm going to go to the grill because I'm hungry and I want to see Elena again. Even though she hates me. I put some black jeans, a white shirt, boots, and a leather jacket on.

I grabbed my car keys and walked out of the boarding house. I walked to my red Porsche and got in it. I started it and started driving to the grill. I pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car. I walked into the grill.

I started looking around and I saw Elena and her friends. She was laughing and talking to them. This is the first time I saw her laugh and her laugh is beautiful. I smiled to myself.

I walked to the barstool. "What can I get for you, handsome?" The bartender asked. "Bourbon." I said and smirked at her. She poured the bourbon into a glass and gave it to me.

I looked over and saw a teenage boy by me. I continued drinking my bourbon. I drank the whole glass. I looked over at the boy.

"You will not scream and you will follow me." I said as I compelled him. "I will not scream and I will follow you." He said. "Great." I said and got off the barstool.

He followed me and we went outside. We went to the side of the grill. "What are you going to do to me?" The boy asked. "I'm gonna kill you." I said.


I was sitting by my friends and I saw Jeremy walk with someone. It was a guy and he was wearing like all black. Oh my God! That's Stefan. What if he hurts Jeremy.

"I'll be back." I said and got out of my seat. I quickly walked out of the grill. I looked and saw Stefan and Jeremy. Stefan was drinking Jeremy's blood. "Oh my God!" I yelled and ran over to them.

Stefan stopped and turned towards me. Jeremy groaned and held his neck. He fell onto the pavement. I ran over to him and kneeled down. "Stefan, how could you!" I yelled as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I didn't know he's your brother." He said. "Shut up and heal him." I said and more tears rolled down my face. Stefan bit his wrist open and fed it to Jeremy. His neck started heeling.

Stefan grabbed Jeremy and helped him up. Jeremy's blood was running down Stefan's mouth. Stefan wiped his mouth. Stefan walked up to Jeremy. "You should go home and forget this ever happened." Stefan said and looked into Jeremy's eyes.

"I'm gonna go home, Elena." Jeremy said and started walking. "How did you do that?" I asked. "I compelled him." Stefan said. "Stefan, stay away from me." I said.

"Elena, I didn't know he is your brother." He said. "I don't care, if he wasn't that would have been someone else that was getting killed. You're a monster. You have no heart in you." I said with disgust in my voice.

I walked back into the grill. I went to the table. "Elena, we're gonna get going. Good night." They all said. "Goodnight." I said. They all walked out.

I went over and sat at the barstool. I need a drink. I heard something behind me. I turned around and Stefan was behind me. "I told you to stay away from me." I said.

"I don't know if I can." He said. "Then I'm leaving." I said and got off the barstool. "Wait, let me buy you a drink." He said and grabbed my hand. "Fine." I said. I sat back on the barstool and he sat next to me.

"Why do you kill people?" I asked. "That's my nature, Elena. I'm a vampire." He said. "That doesn't mean you have to do it." I said. "Well I want to." He said.

"If you ever hurt my friends or family I will drive a stake through your heart myself." I said. "I promise I will never hurt you, or  your friends, or your family. I didn't know that was your brother." He said.

"Can you order me a drink?" I asked because I'm not old enough. "Of course." He said and smiled at me lightly.

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