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The day went by and the bell has just rung.
It is now lunchtime and everyone is going to the cafeteria.
While everyone in the cafeteria was eating lunch, the doors opened and everything was silent as everyone got out of their seats and bowed down to tue group known as the VP

Izuku:You may rise

And just like that.Everything continued like how it was before the VPs came in.
The betrayers thought they were all that and went to where the VPs sit.

Uraraka:Hi Deku!Why did everyone do that for you and your group if they should be doing that for us?

Izuku ignored her and continued eating

Once again.He ignored her and continued eating his food which were hot chicken wings.
He likes sweet and spicy food he really doesnt mind but loves sweets more.

Momo:Deku answer her!
Iida:It is not herolike-
Mycah:Shut up.
Mycah:You heard me damn well.I said shut up.
Iida:Or what?I am from a hero family!-
Adam:Just stop talking at this point.Dont you see how pissed you are making him?
Ace:So just go away before something happens to you guys
Rooklyn:You really dont wanna see dis' dude pissed. So as Ace said,go away
Iida:I dont think s-
Mycah:You have two choices for the near future in 5 minutes.Either go now or stay and piss me off more.If its the second one you pick then dont blame me for what shall happen
Iida:Are you threatening me!
Mycah:It's not a threat.


Mycah:It's a f*cking promise.

The betrayers ran away.Scared for their lives.It was a smart choice,if not,then they may not be able to walk,talk,move or even breathe properly ever again.
Mycah had been pissed off the second they started  trash talking during the VPs warm-up.
He decided not to say much.But that...What had just happened had annoyed him and he has had it.

The VPs ate their lunch and left early for the arts room,they needed to get better by atleast art and crafts.(I actually do arts and carfts as a club at school-)

But they can never catch a damn needed break can they huh?

Author-Thank you all for reading this book and my others books.It means alot for me and I hope that you guys may stay with me as I will most likely publish more books wth time.I was thinking of writing a different tupe of book not anime related what do you guys think?I may start planming it out either this month or next month bye everyone and see you all in the next chapter or one of my other books!

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