2 Years later & The news...

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They are now in their third year just newly adults and they have a very huge reputation now the VP's are skateboarding to school just wanting to get a fresh breeze of air.
They stopped by Starbucks and ordered coffee to be able to stay full of energy

Izuku:You know what?
Izuku:The best part of the day is when it ends
Rooklyn:Youre right about that
Liam:I heard that the principal wanted to make an important announcement
Alexander:I wonder what it is to make our group come earlier than everyone today
Mikala:I also heard him say something about another school from a different country
Izuku:I guess we'll find out now

They were in front of the school they got off of their skateboards and put them in their lockers.
They started walking to the principal's office.

Knock knock

Izumi knocked on the door they waited for a response and when they heard a 'come in' they opened the door wide enough for them to get in.

Izuku:So what is it that you needed us for here uncle?
Haide:I know you all wont like what I shall say but...I dont really have a choice it is what we do for every third years every year it is sadly inevitable for all of us
Damien:What do you mean?
Haide:Class 3A from Japan of U.A are coming for a few months to this school
Izuku:Why do I have to see them again?I thought maybe it would be a little nore longer until I dont see them,but I guess that I wouod have to face them again....So its fine where are they staying?
Haide: ....
Izuku: ...Uncle?Where are they staying?
Izuku started putting a few of the pieces together
Izuku:Theyre staying with me right?Is it true?
Haide:Sadly they are kiddo
Izuku:Then its fine
Damien:I worry for the near future
VP's:You are not alone om that...
Haide:That is what I called you all here for
Liam:When are they coming?
Haide:They're coming tomorrow
Izuku:That is enouh time atleast...
Haide:For what?
Damien:You dont wanna know what these two are planning
Damine said that while pointing at Izumi and Izuku who were looking at each other with a look that said,

'How to get away with murder legally?'

So it was best not to ask what they are planning
Haide:I think you both forgot who your family is
Izumi:Oh yeah...
Izuku:We totally forgot!
Haide:Dont forget about your guys' own mafia
The two finished each other's sentence
Haide:Y'all can go!Shoo shoo outta ma office
Izuku:Kay! Bye uncle
The VP's all said bye and left the office
They went to their classroom to see that no one is here not even their teacher.They just went in amd sat down next to each other.They have a corner that is for the group and where they always sit in class.
Liam went to Izuku and hugged him from behind wrapping his arms around Izuku's waist and layed his head on Izuku's shoulder.

Liam:Are you okay love?
Izuku:Kinda not...I have to see some of the people who made me feel like I was nothing for a few months

Izuku had many thoughts in his first year about how he is as a person and if he was ever enough but after a few months the thoughts died down,because Izuku got comfort and more love than ever.
The VP's and his family did their absolute best in trying to make sure Izuku  could be alright again

Liam:If they mess with you love,they will have cards in their digestive system
Mycah:If they want to insult or hurt you then they would have to go through your family and us first
Alexander:If they dont listen to that warning then the ending wont be the best for them
Rooklyn:I will go try to search on Google to see if there are ways to hide a body quickly
Adam:Search where to buy gloves for these type of things
Ace:Yes they will not go uninjured
Mikala:I agree,they need to atleast have a few broken bones while here
Izumi:The amount of bomes Izuku broke for them...
Mikala:Then it's the amount of bomes they will break!
Izuku:Thanks guys
Damien:It's no problem at all Izu!
Izumi:Because that's what family is for!
(They kinda think of themselves as family)
Izuku leaned into Liam's chest liking the warmth

Liam:Let's go sit in the charir yeah?
Liam carried Izuku to his chair and sat down with Izuku in his lap.
Izuku's legs were around Liam's waist with his hands around his neck,face in his chest.While Liam had his arms around Izuku's waist and head om his neck
Just then they heard cameras

Damien:That's so cute!
Rooklyn:It really isssss!!!
Izumi:Just wait until I show Himi and Mom
Izuku:You wouldnt!
Izumi:Oh but I definetly would my dear brother!
Izumi:Ya never had a say in this but ok
Izuku:Im going to sleep I should get more coffeee next time

Mycah and Alexander felt a little cold too.So they went to Mycah's desk and sat on his chair with Alexander in his lap cuddling into him
At this point tge rest of them also felt cold so they cuddled with their lovers.
There was no need for them to come to classes as they already know everything.
Izuku made them study everything so that there wouldnt be any problems
Then the VP's decided om that day(The day Izuku helped them study everything) they would study further.
They got Phd's and have degrees(Idk if you call it that) in Psychology,Pure Maths,English,Science amd many other important ones.
They even have IQ's higher than Nezu himself

Ms.Reda walked in to see all of them cuddled up to their lovers she awwed quietly as to not wake them up .They looked so peaceful compared to what they usually are like.You would never guess it was the same people.
Ms.Reda took a couple pictures amd sent them to Inko(Yes theyre like besties)

They just slept and kept some order the whole day.They didnt even realise they were that tired until they slept.
The end of the day came and they all went to the group house.
They went to the movie room and hung out wanting to enjoy the peace and quiet they did their homework and assignments. They all walked to their rooms all of them not letting go of their lovers.Wanting their warmth.Feeling safe and comfort.
Liam amd Izuku just fell asleel the moment they hit the bed.in each other's arms.Liam was cuddling Izuku koala style and Izuku didnt mind it at all.
Mycah was asleep on Izuku's side while Alexander was on Liam's side all tangled in each other's arms.Happy to have each other there.
Soon the sound of snoring filled the room.
The house was quiet.But not a quiet as if anyone were dead.But it was almost comforting
The group are the strongest but they are human like everyone else.They also get tired.

They slept for some time and when it was around 2 am they somehow all got up almost at the same time

They met each other for a reason.
They are like the pieces to a puzzle.
Without one,it isnt comlete.


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