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The V.P's were walking to the detention room talking and playing around they were not worried for the teacher who wouls be there because he is very nice and funnny Izuku also knew him when he was attending the school.

Izuku:I guess it's time?
Izumi:It is brother
Adam:To the detention room we go...

The three then went in while the rest of the group were left there wondering what the heck just happened.After a few seconds they went into the detention room to find Ms.Dia inside.

Ms.Dia:Izu?Is that you!?
Izuku:The one and only!
Ms.Dia:Come here and give me a hug
The two then hugged then Ms.Dia asked about Japan.Izuku started telling her everything that happened up to the present.

Ms.Dia:They're just jealous of you love
Izuku:Thanks Ms.D
Ms.Dia:No problem,and let me guess it was Mr.Nave who made you come here then the rest of y'all decided to also come with?
Alexander:Yeah,if one of us is in trouble-

Alexander started saying the first part then,

Rest of the V.P's:Then all of us are in trouble
Ms.Dia:Aww,now that's just cute.
Izuku:Thanks Ms.Dia,but it is the truth
Ms.Dia:Looks like it's lunch soon
Ms.Dia:In 5 minutes.Well I could just let you all go early,it's only 5mins
Izumo:Thank you Ms.D
Ms.Dia:Now shoo!
V.P:Yes Ms.D!

The group then went out to lunch

Now when did I leave off on the last chapter?Oh!It was when Mr.Nave got called to the office now let's see what happened!

Mr.Nave:W-why did you call me here sir?
Haide:You're fired
Haide:I have given you many chances to change,but it seems you threw them all away
Mr.Nave:I only disciplined students and tell the teachers what they were doing wrong
Haide:You were not and we both know it.So pack up your stuff and leave now.
Mr.Nave:What?No!I dont want to!

The security gaurds then came in

Security Gaurd 1:Yes sir?
Haide:Take him out of here,and make sure he never comes back.Please take his things out of his classroom,he's fired and permanently banned from ever coming back here ever again.

Security Gaurd 2:Yes sir
Mr.Nave:No,no!Let me go!
Security Gaurd 1: No❤️
Security Gaurd 2: No❤️
The gaurds said at the same time


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