Training Pt.2

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Mr.Hakes:Andddddd Start!

Damien wanted the match to be quick so he stopped Sero's movements by controlling his(Sero's) blood.He then made a small cage big enough to fit Sero inside and put him in there.He made a rope out of blood and tied it around the cage,he then started pulling it he then made a protective barrier of blood around thr cage and he said.

Damien:Now be free little one!

He pushed the cage outside of the line,then he made the rope,barrier and cage disappear within seconds

Damien:Thank you everyone!

Damien bowed like a magician and went back to his seat hugging Rooklyn and the two cuddled with each other feeling nice warmth they then heard camera clicks and when they opened their eyes they saw the VP's and Izuku's real friends holding phones and with the flash on

Damien:Really guys?
Izuku:I wont lie.You guys were so cute!!
Adam:Mhm I agree with those two.

Mr.Hakes:I wont lie but they are right though.
Rooklyn:Just continue with the matches!
Mr.Hakes:Fine Fine...

Mr.Hakes:Okay next match  is....Adam against Toru!
Izuku:Well I guess she's done for huh?
Uraraka:What do you mean you useless Deku!
Izuku:If Im useless then I dont think you wanna hear from a uselsss person I guess
Liam:Cant that broke a$$ b!tch shut upppppp how were you able to be around her?
Izuku:Dont worry I also re-think about how I was able to.
You can see Adam transforming into a werewolf Toru then made a sound of fear.What a mistake...Adam has enhanced hearing...
Now Adam is circling around the battle field
Adam in werewolf form didnt attack...yet,because he wants to be able to pick up her breathing in order to be able to pinpoint where she is.
Once he was able to pick up where she was,he attacked and,just in mid-air he turned into an eagle and started attacking her with the beak and talons on the feet that it has.Toru was screaming in pain because it was alot for her.After a few more minutes.He chanfed into a Kangaroo and hopped backwards then hopped towrds her and kicked her.After the kick,he punched her out of the bounds.

Mr.Hakes:And...We have a winner and that is Adam! next match in 10 minutes

Adam walked back to the VPs and Ace immediately went to him and told he he did an amazing job.
Adam:Thank you love
Adam had said that while smiling at Ace.
Ace:It's no problem Honey!
Adam:Did you really have sugar before coming here?
Ace:Eh?How did you know?
Adam:I can see a bag of sweets in your backpack
Ace:I guess I've been caught
Adam and Ace go sit down at the benches with the group until Ace had to go for his fight.

Mr.Hakes:Okay Ace and Mina come and do the match!I wanna go home
Izuku:Dont worry me too Coach

Mr.Hakes:And Starttttttt!!!!!!

Mina rushed towards him,palms out ready to shoot her acid
Ace:Oh I know,I wish that your quirks stops for 10 minutes!
And then,Mina's quirk stopped working and  10 minutes is all he needed

Ace ran towrds Mina as she was distracted for a bit.He kicked her in her stomach.Mina did put up a good fight by trying to block out the kicks by using her arms as defence.
He continues kicking knowing that she wont be able to hold onto the defensive strategy any longer.He delivered one final blow that sent her to the ground.
He dragged her by the leg and said.
Ace:I wish for her to be outside of the bounds.
And then she was out of bounds.

Mr.Hakes:Ace wins!Next match is the one and only leader of the VP!Izuku Midoriya!Against UA class 3A's top 1 and 2!Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki!Please may they go to the where they will be fighting,or in Izuku's case,warming up!
The three of them made it to the battle field where they shall be fighting.
Uraraka:They obviously will win!
Momo:Yeah they won just by sheer luck
Iida:Andwe will always be stronger
Tsu:Mhm kero
Kyoka:So they think that UA will win?
Kaminari:I guess so...But it is obvious that we wont win though...

Izuku rolled up his sleeves
Katsuki:Oh sh*ttttt
Izuku then cracked his neck and knuckles along with hearing a crack after stretching his muscles.

The betrayers were shocked not becuase they heard Katsuki swear but because Shoto did.They had never heard him swaer maybe only once or twice.

Izuku decided to fight quirkless because quirks can be just a liability.
Izuku ran towards Shoto and soon the two were doing an intense hand to hand combat but Shoto was slowly losing.As Izuku was too fast with his moves.Izuku kicked Shoto on the side of his head and also at the back of his neck then,Shoto became unconscious as those were pressure points thst were hit.
Izuku turned to Katsuki smirking.
Katsuki was shivering as if it was way too cold or as if it were raining and it was way too cold for him.
Katsuki being smart then said,
Katsuki:I yield!!!
Izuku:Good choice Kacchan!
Katsuki:I didnt wanna be black an' blue!
Izuku:Well I guess you arent then

Bots came to carry Todoroki to the imfirmary to check him up as he was bleeding from the hits and kicks given by Izuku in the hand to hand combat.

Izuku:Hey guys I-
Uraraka:How did you beat them you useless Deku how!
Izuku:Im done with you.
Uraraka:What do you mean!
Izuku:I mean YOU trying to catch MY attention and trying to be with me once again!You think I didnt catchyou trying to smell and touch me?
Izuku:Let me say it louder fo' the people in the back to hear...I AM DONE WITH YOU.OVER! You want me to spell it out?O-V-E-R!Over.Let me break this to you.I am gay.I like getting f*cked until I even forget my name.I dont care avout you no more.Bye bye.
Uraraka ran off with tears
Momo:That is very disrespectful to do to a woman!
Iida:Be a man and dont do that!It is very unherolike!
Izuku:First of all.You cant do that to anyone!And second I choose what I want to be not you.So bye!
Izuku and the VPs walked off to who knows where
Mr.Hakes:Be back for atleast the last class of the day guys!

And so the training finished and they had to go to class.

Author-Thank you all for the love on all my books!Never expected it to be this high but it is!And here I am!So thank you all for being with me and I will post chapters when there is really time for it!Goodbye Fellow Hoomans!(Atleast I hope you coukd be humans but hey Im not judging)

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