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When we got down I was on a call with my lawyer to confirm that all of Kian's properties are intact which they were. "I'm impressed. Thank you" "It's my pleasure." I got in and Kian was also on a call with a glass of wine at the counter. I walked up to him and hugged him from behind. I guess the years away from him made me realise my love from him. When he felt my hands he politely rounded up his call, turned towards me and said as he lifted me up the counter "You've become bolder nowadays i see" "Shut up" I said as we kissed. But then a thought flashed across my mind as I pulled away and gave him a solid slap. His head turned and the bruise was showing. He turned my way again and said "I'm sorry" "You hurt me. Why? You could have just told me you loved me more than a friend. We could have worked things out but no you broke my trust." I said genuinely saddened by how things turned out between us. "Im willing to make it up to you no matter how long it takes I'll wait till you're ready to take me back". I pouted and drew him closer at each sentence
"You send me WhatsApp messages everyday"
"Show me extra love and care than before"
"Never ever decline my call even if it's at 2am in the morning"
He chuckled
"I'm serious"
"I know."
He smiled at me. As I hugged him and let a few tears drop
"What's wrong T"
"Nothing it's just that I've missed you. You won't leave me again right"
"I promise on our unborn children."
I blushed and we kissed again
It's been a year since Kian and I became an item and it's been going from better to best. Like literally. I love him so much and today we went officially to sign out marriage contract and make it legal.
We were in the car and I buckled in and stared at Kian buckling in. He wasn't feeling so good today but he choose not to cancel our appointment.
He noticed I was staring
He ignored me
"Babbbbbbbbbyyyyyy What now?"
I pouted. He was about to drive off when I said
"I love you"
He smiled. I hardly ever said that but he cherished any time I did
"I love you too Baby."
"I love you more"
"Oh really" I nodded "okay"
I stretched over towards him and touched his forehead. He was blazing hot.
"Ahh Baby let me drive"
"It's fine. I'll drive"
"Who're you doing superman for? Me???"
He chuckled
"You're cute. Let's go"
I nodded in disagreement
"What now"
He leaned over and give me some kisses
"Let's go"
"One more"
He smirked
"One more and I'll vomit into your mouth"
"Ewwwwwwwwwwwww 🥵🥵🤢🤢🤮🤮"
He chuckled at my expressions and we drove home.
It's been 3 years and My baby and I had a baby. He's 2. His name's Max and I love him a little bit more than he's father but surprisingly his father doesn't care.
Anyway all my friends are happy. I'm happy. I couldn't want any more I sincerely owe it all to God Almighty and I love Him the most.
Today we were at an appreciation gala made for me and my hubby for our new lines of businesses and I was supposed to make a speech so I got in stage admist the cheers.
"My name is Tiara Earl-Mlee. And if you haven't had a crazy life then you've probably had a boring life. I say that now so gleefully because now I'm cured. I haven't felt freeer or happier in my life. Here comes the waterworks 😂.". There was laughter "But seriously I feel blessed to have you as my friend and you as my love. Times came and went but they never saw the end of us. I love you both 😘. Cheers 🥂". "Cheers🥂". " Cheers  🥂". Reechoed. There was confetti 🎊,fireworks 🎇 and clinging of glasses🥂 everywhere.
"To Ashley, Alec and Adelaide I love you guys. To Mom and Dad just out of jail (thanks to my lawyers). Thank you for pushing me to fly. I hold nothing against anyone instead I'm grateful to God for this privilege so
Thank you Lord"
I stepped down the stage and gave my hubby a kiss on the lips and my baby a kiss on the cheek admist the cheers. I hugged Ashley,Alec and Adelaide. I love them all so so much. I scooped my baby in my arms and also gave him his well deserved kiss for being a good boy.

After the event we went home. I had just tucked Max into bed when I came downstairs and found his father watching some quiet tv.
I slipped on the couch and laid on his chest
"Youre angry. I know"
"Yea cos I said I'm Tiara Earl-Mlee not Tiara Benjamin. I'm sorry Baby. I'll fix it. I promise."
He chuckled
"I'm not angry"
"You are."
"I'm not. Besides what made you think that"
"You didn't hug me in the limo or talk to me at all"
"you were on series of calls"
"Oh that's true but you didn't ask me to come watch tv with you."
"You are not usually awake by this time"
I rolled my eyes
"When I came you didn't even kiss me or tell me how perfect I am"
He smiled and breathed
"You asked me to 'leave you alone till you say so'"
" Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I growled in frustration and leaned a little bit uprightly
" Babbbbbbbbbyyyyyy"
He started laughing. I took his hand and placed it on my lap.
"I want kisses and I also want you to tell me you love me a lot and that I'm beautiful and perfect. Start."
He did just that and I'm telling you. He's the best. I literally love everything about him.

One time we had a quarell about his next business trip. He was to be out for 2 freaking months. When he told me I went ballistic (and ofcourse Max was not at home).
I slammed the door
"You just came back 2 days ago"
"I know Baby but"
"But nothing. Cancel it"
"You know I can't just do that"
I gave him several onceovers and pushed him aside. I pushed down his already arranged bag, arranged the bed, got down to sleep and started watching loud TikTok.
He massaged his forehead
"Baby" he came closer to me. I got up on the bed
"If you touch me you'll regret it. Go! travel! live life just avoid me."
I knew he was irritated but he said nothing and went to the parlour gently and was watching some quiet tv. He didn't come to bed that night and by the next morning he was nowhere to be found.
He came back the upper day being Wednesday in the morning and packed his bag. Then he came towards me, gave me a short hug and a quick kiss and said he's heading out. And he knew I loved long hugs and multiple kisses which he didn't like but he did anyway.
So I knew he was pissed. So I used my hand to remove his hand from his bag and snaked his two hands by my waist.
"Baby not now"
"Baby its me Tiara"
He looked at me and breathed.
"Babe we'll talk later. I'm late." I started messing with his hair.
"But you weren't to leave till Saturday"
"There's been a change of plans"
"By who" He removed my hands from him and his hands from me
I froze. That meant he changed his traveling schedule just so he could get away from me. I could feel my heart stop and my breathing became faint.
He rushed quickly and grabbed my pills and a glass if water as he helped me take them.
After a while, I calmed and then I fell on the floor wailing
"What now?"
"Baby please..... Please don't leave me. I'm deeply deeply sorry for what I said"
He pulled me up and dragged me to the sofa. He made me sit and he laid his head on my lap. Usually when he does this it's because he's stressed and wants a head massage and today was no exception.
"You're just too annoying. You find faults in everything I do. I'm tired."
I stopped and looked at me and he looked back at me.
"You you want to to leave me?"
He breathed and said
"I plan to exchange you for Cassidy."
I choked on air
"Who's Cassidy"
"My Babe"
I pushed him away to leave.
"I want to go and get my things"
I met him at the door way.
"Don't be stupid"
We kissed for what seemed like forever. Then we broke apart
"You still don't trust me"
He said as he began walking away
But I brought him back and snaked his arms around my waist.
"I'm sorry Baby. Can you teach me to trust you?"
Hr grumbled before smiling and we kissed again.

This is why I love Kian. He's too good to me. He too gentle and considerate. I hope we stay together forever and ever.

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