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I made sure that Tom Thomas assured me that the car I picked was working cos I was in a no nonsense mood today. When I was sure it was safe I took off at a fast speed for no reason for minutes. Slowly I slowed down and eventually parked. My hands were shaking so I managed to reach into my bag, pull out my pills and a bottle of water. How I took it God knows and I put my head on the back of the seat waiting to calm down. It seemed my 'days' were too closely knitted and far more severe than before. It was clear I needed therapy. I made a mental note to contact Ashley as soon as I'm home and fix up a meeting date. When I was sure that I was back in control of my body I went back on the road - this time more carefully around the bends and curves on my way to the airport.

I got there just in time for Mom to make her grand appearance with Baby in a baby carrier at her front and her belovéd husband my father at the back like her bodyguard. I was used to all of this but still I felt like I was gonna puke. I mean who carries a one year old in a baby carrier? Next thing she's gonna say is "Her feet were tired","I couldn't bear to see her strain herself", "She's too young to walk all by herself", "She's just one you know", etc, etc the list could go on and on and on. Honestly I wish they could all      disappear.

I walked away back to my car. I made a mental note to remind myself of the mental note I had made when I was younger -My hubby ain't gonna be like my daddy. I said that to myself when I was 10. I had just found out that my dad was actually my Mom's Mom's youngest bodyguard😦😮. My grandma was betrothed to a ruthless king who thought making her sad will make her run away cos it was a for ex marriage. Abuelita (my grandma) apparently was chill when she found out so chill that it didn't bother her. I mean she even came for their wedding! But she made sure to get pregnant as soon as she could. And  one drunk night it happened. Mother was conceived. She thought it would be a boy. But much to her disappointment she had a girl. That struck her. That struck her hard. A few years rolled by and the young king found himself dying. Abuelita struck claiming her right on him as his first wife (meanwhile he had married the other woman first). But then she pointed to the betrothal. A few months passed and the king had no choice but to to divide his fortune into two - One for his elder daughter and one for his son (incidentally after that he died).  Now Abuelita thought about it and thought it wise for her daughter to marry. The only problem was that it would be her youngest bodyguard! Now this was the point where any normal or sensible girl would say "No!" but again as her mother did Mom didn't mind at all. Wedding preps were made and soon after her younger brother's coronation Mom got married. Two years later I was born. Seventeen freaking years later....Surprise! 🥳🎉🎊💃👯👎👎👎 Baby was born. To think of having another baby when your first was about to graduate enter Uni was........ That was wicked!

I looked through my car window to see my fam approaching. Mom got in then Dad. I had taken their luggage earlier so we were good to go. "Wait! Let's take a selfie". I looked at her then Dad who had lovestruck eyes. "Alright" I said with a British accent. She looked at me weirdly and got out so did her puppy. "Aren't you coming?". "I am!"I screamed. More like going. I reversed and got out of there with a terrifying speed. The last look on Mom's face didn't look very pleased. I was in for a hearing but dad as always didn't notice. Again lovestruck puppy. He never seemed to notice anything apart from her. Again yuck! 😝.

I got home and surprisingly they were there. Okay........ I expected a scolding or lecture but Mom was too busy going through some well organized looking files. It took a minute or two for it to sink in. Those were my files - my medical files to be precise. Mom took off her reading glasses and looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me that you were having..... Those days?". Her voice was calm and it would have fooled almost anyone to think that she cared but not me. I snorted. "I'm 18. I'm allowed to decide if I want to tell you anything or not." Mom suffered fake shock from me snorting. Then she blinked her eyes and breathed inwardly while speaking. "Okay okay fine be like that but please I beg you" her hands were like this🙏. " don't let anyone know.". I stared at her. I should be used to this but every time it takes me aback. "Your daughter is suffering from severe acute depression and all you care about is just her not letting the media know?". She looked at me like 😒. Then she wagged her tongue. Then she pointed at me fiercely 👈 "Just do as you're told". I looked at her then she turned on her heel and 3-2-1 she fell and started wailing 😭. Then she turned to dad who picked her up bridal style and tired 'comforting' her. "Alex your daughter will be the end of us...". She wailed the more. Dad looked at her rocking her like a baby to and fro "Sush! Don't cry it's not good for you you know that!". Mom started 'calming down'. Then she said "I wanna go to our room." 🥺. "Ofcourse my love." And up they went my guess to make another baby. Again 👎.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few hours past then a day and before I know it a week had gone by and I felt like I was..... 😟 Numb. I struggled within myself and somehow it happened I mistakenly called Kian. It rang several times and as it was about to timeout he picked. There was silence over the line but I knew he was there. "Kian... How are you doing? Okay don't answer but at least say something. Anything...". He cut the call. I covered my mouth and screamed. I felt dizzy, my head was spinning and I was struggling to breathe. My hands were shaking. Tears rushed down my face. I struggled within myself and found the strength to get back up on my back and reach out to my bag on the bedside stool. It fell and my pills fell out. The sound shook me and I fell down too I struggled and grabbed the few pills that fell out from the bag. My hands were shaking and a few fell out but I threw the rest in and swallowed it. I forcefully sat up stretched to grab water and gulped that. I then did breathing exercises until the bitter aftertaste started creeping in. I got up and sank into my covers on my bed. "Time to call up Ashley"I breathed.

After a lengthy discussion with Ashley, Ashley advised me to leave home.
"Where you are right now there's a lot of pressure that you can't handle." I looked at her." Where do you think I should go?".  "Anywhere but not alone.". I nodded and signed off. I sunk deeper into my covers. I was about to catch some zees when.........

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