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"Thank God we just left. It's seriously raining like seriously." Right immediately we left it started raining. Thank God Kian took the car or else I don't know what could have happened. I'm also grateful that my period isn't as painful as it used to be. Then I feel so elated that I found a ride home-Blaze that is. If he hadn't come over I would have been soaked by the rain that is currently making it difficult for Blaze to drive. "I suggest we take cover. Driving like this could cause an accident." Blaze said peering down at me with his lashes as if asking for my consent. It was only for a second though then his eyes went back to the road. I pursed my lips in thought I was on my period and I hadn't changed. I also needed to eat. I hadn't had a proper meal for days. I shut my eyes tightly and ruffled my hair. I breathed in "Where is your house?" "Hmmm?" "Sorry that came out wrong. Is your house nearby?". He stared at me like stared. Then he shook his head as if coming out of a trance." Yeah yeah no wait sorry I mean to say that it's not that close but it's closer here than yours". Great. I need to change.

After a while, we got to his gate safely I may add. May I add that his house wasn't too exotic just a nice homey looking bungalow. It was raining so we quickly got down and ran in. Surprisingly the door was open and I saw a woman who looked exactly like Blaze even younger sobbing seriously on the couch. I stood still at the door not sure if I was to enter or not considering that my shoes were semi-wet. Blaze stood behind me. "Come in". I nodded but stood still. This caught Blaze's attention. He wanted to say something but the lady noticed that he was home. "Bllllazzzeee...."  she said in fear. Then she burst out sobbing. Blaze raised a brow at her which made him look like a young dad. He passed by me (since it was obvious that I wasn't gonna move) and put on the lights. Then he sunk on the couch and asked in an extremely tired voice "What happened?". "Blaze I'm sorry I didn't mean to break it." He ruffled his hair out of impatience. "Just say what you did!". She broke down in tears and turned to him fully showing him the broken pieces of glass in her hands. She was bleeding. "I broke it....". She sobbed.

He looked at her quietly. This felt awkward... He sighed "Come...". She looked unsure. "Come... Here". He gestured. She glanced at me for the first time as if asking if to go or not. I signalled her to go. She came forward.   He stood up and walked to a shelf by a  mirror in the hallway. He opened it, brought out a first aid box and a waterproof. He came back and sat down. He put the double waterproof on his hand, took her hand and picked out the glass pieces carefully. Some cuts were deep but he cleaned them up. "Would you hold still?". Her hand was shaking. She giggled and covered her mouth. "Sorry!". He shook his head playfully at her. Then he suddenly turned his head to me (still awkwardly standing at the door) as if... "Sorry"  I slipped in and shut the door. I was so uncomfortable. Then the lady beamed at me and waved frantically to get my attention meanwhile I was right there. "Hiiiiii would you like to see Blazey's embarrassing baby pictures". My eyes darted from Blaze to his sister. I smiled. "I would love to but not now. Can I use YOUR bathroom." She looked at me then whispered some audible rubbish to Blaze. He playfully pushed her away pointed towards a hallway and said. "Help yourself.". Then he got up returned the first aid box and walked away.

When I returned after I while and got a shock.................
So get this I heard voices and tried my best to follow the voices. This led me to the kitchen where Blaze's sister was making pancakes. Surprisingly I sat at a side stool on the table and scrolled through my phone when I heard. "Mom......."  Blazey's sister shook her head as if saying 'This boy this boy'. "Mom......." "Yes Love?". That shocked me. "Mum......."
Here comes Blaze coming in angrily with nothing but a bright blue towel. He seemed not to notice me as he passed me and turned his sister forcefully. "Mom what did you do to my towel." She looked at him biting her cheek to prevent her from laughing. Then she looked down and said "It was a mistake" "Oh don't give me that." Then She started crying and suddenly burst out laughing. "It looks good on you" "I hate blue" "But it's the colour of your eyes". All this while I stayed silent my eyes darting from Blaze to his Mom? Then my phone binged and they noticed me.

He stared at me. It took him a minute or two to realise that he was in a towel. For a moment he looked embarrassed, then speechless. "Mom Tiara, Tiara Mom". He said pointing at the two of us. I stared at him then his Mother. I looked at the kitchen window. The  weather seemed clear now. I looked at them again. "I owe you guys a lot but I need to leave.". It hit him. Hard. "Yeah yeah yeah, I'll get my keys." Then he walked down a different hallway. It seemed this house was a lot bigger inside than it seemed outside. There were a lot of hallways it was difficult not to end up lost.

I looked behind me. Then I looked at his Mom? "Okay he isn't here. Tell me are you really his Mom?". She gave me the wait sign✋and bent down under the table and brought out a dusty box with a label sticker on it saying in Red "Never ever open this again Mom I'm serious." She pulled it off without reading it and said "You said you would love to see Blazey's baby pics. So here they are." She pushed the box to me. As I was going the pictures she said "I gave birth to Blazey 22 yrs ago. I was just 16 and at that time it seemed like a mistake but Jeffrey and I don't regret it. I'm Xena by the way. Nice to meet you. You seem awfully familiar though. Anyyyyyywayyyy". She curtsied and almost tripped. "Be careful Mom I won't pay the bill this time." It was Blaze coming in buttoning his shirt. "Love don't stay out late, no alcohol and you know too much niceness doesn't look good on you. Have fun". He looked at her he was gonna puke. Then he turned to me. "Let's go!" "No need Thomas will pick me up.". I didn't mean to be rude but Tom Thomas was sure to show up. He often panicked the few times I came home and stayed out too long. He looked at me. "I didn't get dressed for nothing." Then he turned on his heels and walked out. I had no choice but to let him drop me off.

IT'S ALL TREATS THIS SEASON Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon