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Adelaide's POV
When we settled down he suggested we go to the motel's cafe to get this over with. So we got a seat by the window and settled down. We ordered Chai latte and relaxed as we sipped it with some fluffy pancakes hmmm 😋😋. Well that was until he said "Why don't you like Tiara?" I sighed and massaged my forehead 'please not today' but he was patiently waiting for his answer so I spoke "I don't have anything against her personally except that you'd rather be with her than with me" He looked at me with this 'Really?' kind of look 😏 and rolled his eyes. "I'm serious." He chuckled "You love her admit it" "Yeah I love her" I stared at him."You what?" "I.... Love.... Her...." I started whispering "So that kiss meant nothing to you?" "Yep" he pooped the 'p' sounding so sure of himself and feeling calm. Really? I saw RED! What? I was about to dump my tea on him and walk outta there but he grabbed my arm and leaned close to me "Don't do this here." I calmed and looked at him. He was just messing with me. Now I felt kinda bad for getting mad so I stopped but recalling our closeness I blushed. "To tell you the truth. I love Tiara as my Amiga nothing more nothing less and yes I may or may not choose her over you depending but like you and my Mom she's dealing with her own mental issues and doesn't really bother about someone loving her or her loving someone. She's okay being alone which is something I'm trying to correct cos it's not okay for her or anyone for that matter to be alone. We all need someone sometimes so yeah that's it. Anymore questions?"
That seemed to make sense and I was worrying for no reason but still I needed some confirmation so I said "Yes. Are you still going to marry me?". He tensed and I immediately regretted it. But right then our moms walked in with scarfs on their heads, dark shades and funny unrealistic accents. So to get this over with we paid our bill, finished our course, stood up and dragged them away to our room to talk.

When we got in I expected Blaze to fume and blow up but he didn't he just calmly went to the table and leaned on it. I went and sat on the chair by the table and waited. Our Moms stared at us in fear? But we did and said nothing. After a while I sprung up and wanted to charge at our parents angrily but he put his hand on my shoulders and brought me down. At three different intervals he did it again and I was furious so at the fifth time I stood he held me by my hips! That was where all my reasoning ceased. I just stood then he adjusted himself and put his head on my shoulder close to my neck and breathed. Then he removed his head but kept his hand on my waist. Then he gestured our Moms to get out and pack their things. Our Moms hesitantly went and when they did his hand dropped and I began to overthink.

Last night he didn't sleep here. He was here but he literally didn't sleep at all he just sat at a place and kept mute as he stared at his phone and now today he em huh? He was really becoming confusing. But I went and packed my bags as we all checked out of the Motel.
Tiara's POV
I paced around the room as Kian stared at me with a blank face like I was a lunatic or something but I didn't mind. He was helping Royalty draw and all that so he didn't say a word to me. I kept pacing and tapping my phone on my palm repeatedly but the clock struck 12 and it was time to call Blazey.
Adelaide's POV
We were driving behind our Moms to ensure they went straight home. And we were driving in semi-comfortable silence that was until his phone rang. He glanced at the name as he normally did but then when he saw the name whatever it was he went stiff. Literally! Thank God the express was sort of free. He managed to pull over but he kept staring at his phone. Then he slowly plugged in his earpods to take the call.
He didn't reply
He breathed and checked his watch
He stepped out.
Now the question was who would be calling that he would need to step out to take the call. I slowly began overthinking again
Kian's POV
I lifted my head from watching Royalty's drawing to see Tiara fleeing upstairs. I couldn't bring myself to understand why Tiara would have to go upstairs to make a call. Really what was she hiding?
Tiara's POV
I fled upstairs once he had picked the call and I kept pacing even when on the phone especially since he was not answering. But I knew it was him. I just knew. However I was being very careful. I couldn't risk Kian finding out we're onto him. Anyway I continued "Blazey I want to see you so that we can talk please" There was no reply. I breathed "We really need to talk so em hmm let's meet Velma Cafe somewhere at outside the city at about 8:00pm tonight. Please be there we need to talk"
He cut the call and I couldn't help being on edge. How would I get to Velma Cafe by such time of the night and what if he didn't come? No I shook my head I had to help myself now and get to work.
Adelaide's POV
I saw Blaze shake his head as if agreeing to something before ending the call. When he got in my reasoning ceased and for a while I felt breathless. But I saw him hold my hand and try to get me to calm down but I couldn't. The tears just began to leak and I felt like I was dying. My heart was aching so badly and I needed air so I kept rocking myself to and fro on my chair as Blazey patted my back asking me to keep my eyes open and try to  clear my mind. This went on for about 30 minutes then I unbuttoned my jean jacket and leaned my head on my chair's head rest as everything was beginning to fade
Slowly I began to feel better and breathe better but a major part of my mind couldn't help but ask who that person must have been.

After about an hour Blazey began driving. I sighed and massaged my forehead as I quietly breathed in and out as my mind began to piece things together and the tears began to leak again. There was only one person who could make Blaze stiffen as he did earlier and that was Tiara. He had been very very concerned about her and she had ignored him then but now it seems they were hmmm back together again. And if this was true it meant he actually loved Tiara and not me. He cared for her so much and definitely not me. I let the tears drop but suddenly I choked which made Blaze notice me. (He was on a call). He cut his call and parked. Then he came down and opened my door and brought me out. Then he gave me so much space and he stood there and stared at me. I began to feel embarrassed and self-conscious to be crying even though that place was practically deserted. I just wiped my face and walked up to him
But he kept going back! I stopped and looked back at the car to make sure it was locked. Then I took in deep breaths and I ran after him. And boy he's a good runner and I just couldn't keep up but I learnt something from watching Laxmi on Star life and that was a woman's power.

So I stopped and sat on the grass cos by now we had run into a park. So I just sat there. It didn't take long for him to notice and he observed me carefully to make sure that I wasn't tricking him. When he saw nothing suspicious he came to me. Now for someone who had been running for about an hour or so he didn't even seem tired. He looked like he could run another mile! While I was trying to catch my breath! Anyway while he took his time to walk up to me I enjoyed watching a cute baby practicing to walk. The Mom was so excited and you could see the baby's excitement too. This reminded me that I loved babies and my mom used to call me her baby boo. Then again it just crossed my mind to know if our parents had gotten home safely. But knowing Blaze they had so I relaxed my mind.

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