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Blaze's POV
Life was going.... Better than I thought it would. And Mom was being a little bit more reasonable than before and we led a quiet and peaceful life. That..... was until Mom thought it wise to make it compulsory that I meet Adelaide tomorrow scratch that TODAY IN HER PRESENCE.
Hmmm no big deal right? Right!
Well that was what I thought until she said she was also inviting her Mom. I shrieked inwardly. It was bad enough that I had to see Adelaide for the first time but now with her Mom too? Is Mom for real?
Well I'm Sorry but the only way I'll marry Adelaide Mcbrown is if her Mom died tomorrow or moved far far away and stayed there forever! But that didn't seem likely. I was disenchanted. I could easily bail for Adelaide but her Mom? Not likely. And as if Mom knew my thoughts she wagged her little finger infront of me. "No no young man there's no bailing out of this one. Okay? Get that straight."
Great what's next.
"Besides what the big deal? You've met her before so why are you freaking out?".
I stared daggers at her.
Is she being real?
"Mom I need you realise that I haven't met Adelaide Mcbrown privately okay?....."
She looked hurt but i didn't see why. After all she of all people should have known that marriage was no joke at all!
"You promised!"
"Yeah I did! But I lied! You you were blackmailing me. You have always blackmailed me to get anything done." She looked at me like really.....
"Yes and usually I give in but now.... now I've had it Mom! I'm done with your endless mind games and scheming! You wanna marry the Mcbrown family then do that. JUST  NOT  WITH  ME!"
She breathed then said
"You have a problem with Heidi not Adelaide correct?"
"Same thing cos in this part of the world you not only marry a wife you marry her family too!"
The room became silent and the tension was getting thick.
"If I can get Heidi far far away will you marry Adelaide?"
"Maybe there's no guarantee cos I don't love her."
"Then who do you love?"
"No one yet explaining why I'm not yet ready for marriage."
"Majesty's daughter has become a bad influence on you hasn't she?"
"This has nothing to do with Tiara Mom and you know it. It has to do with you and your cheap ancient mindset. So deal with it!"
This was the strictest I've ever been with Mom and I knew she could burst out in tears sooner or later so I pointed at her strictly
"You cannot force me to marry Adelaide Mcbrown. Get that straight!" Her eyes began to water when she hissed
"Call her Adelaide like every other normal person".
I rolled my eyes and was about to reply her when.......... ('Ding! ding!') the door bell rang. She bubbled up and down.
"Too late. They're here. Act cherry ☺️" She said and stretched my cheeks forcing me to smile like her before skipping to the door.
I slapped her hands away and adjusted myself a little bit as she opened the door to welcome her.... 'guests'.

The door opened and what followed after was the worst tea and biscuits ever. Mom forced me to 'chat' with Adelaide. For a moment it seemed...... Nice... She was decent and too polite. And she wasn't all touchy touchy. And for a moment I was actually reconsidering the whole 'not getting married to Adelaide thing'. Well I was until Heidi blurted "I've been thinking Xena. Why don't we move in with them for a year after marriage?". I choked on my RC orange that I had secretly poured into mine and Adelaide's glass. Turned out we both didn't really like tea so we had RC and Crunchies Bread in turn. Mom looked gay at the thought and they both squealed up and down holding hands like little girls. But when Adelaide and I choked they seemed to notice cos it all came pouring out 🤮🤮. Mom suffered semi-fake shock
"Blaze  Nicholas Tankerson, Adelaide Blaze Tankerson How could you.... Stoop this low? Huh?".
I stared at them. They said that on purpose. Adelaide seemed to notice too. And last time I checked Adelaide's full name was Adelaide Ophelia Mcbrown. I felt so irritated. I started massaging  my forehead. Adelaide seemed to notice my stress level so she grabbed my hand and stood. "Ma we'll get cleaned up." Her mother waved her off and gave her a weird wink 😜. 😝 I felt like I was gonna puke. She started off down a hallway and another till we were out of our parents range. Then she slowly let go of my arm, looked at me and smiled "It's your house lead the way.".

I stared at her for a while before opening a door by our left. She actually led us to the bathroom! I turned her to face the bathroom then she smiled, said 'Thank you!" and walked in. She left the door open and grabbed a rag to clean up her dress. Her cream outfit had turned to a cream and orange outfit. The stain just couldn't get off. She looked at me starting to freak out. "This" she said holding the dress and addressing me "is Italian silk. ITALIAN SILK! If I can't get this stain out I'll be dead by tomorrow." Her voice quietened as stopped to consider different options in her mind. "Hehem"she glanced at me "if you don't mind may I now use the washroom?". Her expression faltered. She nodded and stepped outside. Thankfully my outfit wasn't that bad and it was cleared up in no time. But the stain on Adelaide's outfit dried making it look like a kind of cute design. Then something hit me as she stared at me 🤦‍♂️. I came out of the washroom and closed the door. I gave her reasonable space and stared at her. Our height difference wasn't much i.e we were pretty much the same height. So I looked at her directly like I would look at Tiara.

"Listen Adelaide. I'm sorry but I would like to put an end to all the drama you and your mother have brought into my life. Before I could handle my Mom's crazy antics but now with you and your Mom it's getting out of hand you know so I need all this to stop."
She shook her head sadly and looked at me
"What's wrong with me?"
"Nothing you are a nice charming girl I mean young lady. And any guy would be lucky to be with you, love you and eventually marry you but that lucky guy.... isn't me".
She looked at me sadly 😔
"Blaze... I... Don't know what to say. When Mom first brought up the idea of an arranged marriage I strongly disagreed. Time passed and Dad demanded that I must marry who my Mom chooses. When I met you I slowly began to loosen up a bit and think this arranged marriage stuff over and over again. I think I can give this a chance but Blaze....... I..."
She breathed and adjusted herself.
"I won't force you to marry me Blaze but...... You have to be the one to end all this. I can 'defy' Mom but not Dad. I hope you understand.".
I stared at her as she turned away and starting walking off. It seemed almost like she had considered the thought of getting married. To me.... What? I paused my thoughts and headed towards the dinning where Adelaide's Mother was going bonkers about her dress. She started off calmly
"This cost millions enough to feed thousands and thousands of less privileged homes"
Adelaide seemed scared like she was to drop
" Mo-mo-ther I- sincerely apologise I-felt un-com-fortable by what you and Mrs Xena said earlier."
Her mother stared at her.
"Elders are not to say such things". She snapped "So what? What's wrong if your mother-in-law and I visit you and your husband after your wedding?"
"Mother I- do not think that I-" she paused and looked at me feeling uneasy "I....... I donotwanttogoaheadwiththisarrangedmarriage" She said in one breath. Her mother suffered visible semi-fake shock while my mother suddenly turned pale. Adelaide was shaking afraid of her mother's reaction and I thought if she could react like this when 'defying' her mom then what about her Dad?

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