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I bent my head down cos he was right but I really needed this favour so I wiped the tear that slipped with the back of my hand, 'prepared' myself mentally, raised my head and said "Let's have some Thandai before business hmmmm?" He glared at me but when the drinks got down he took his glass. After having about half the glass I began "I think that I have been given away to Kian in marriage" He stared at me as he continued sipping his drink "I have my suspicions so Alec thought it best that I inform you about it. That's where the favour come in. I need you to go through my parents' files in their home office for authentic proof" He kept staring at me which made me nervous so I put my head down and meddled with my straw. After a while he dropped his empty glass, sprung up, wore back his dark shades and said "Alright see you in 3 days".
That's it. He was about to leave I had to think of something anything to make him stay and talk. So I I 'mistakenly' pushed down my glass and it broke. Thandai was all over the floor and I had slit my little finger. I started breathing harshly at the sight of blood and Blaze just stood there giving me the 'Really?' kind of look like 🤨😒😒😒 but that didn't bother me I just needed to get his attention and I did! Cos he came to me and took me to the bathroom to get a first aid kit. As he cleaned my dress I just stared at him. I didn't expect him to care for me even after everything. When he cleaned my cut I just said "Blazey won't you look at me?" He ignored me "I'm sincerely sorry for.... everything. I know you may not believe me but I didn't ignore you because I was mad at you or anything neither was I rude to you because of anything Un Ami I love you as much as I love Alec, Ashley and Adelaide. For me there's no difference. You are all my friends and I adore you but I understand if you find me irritating especially after everything so it's fine if you don't want to talk to me after all this. I understand but I love you please remember that" He stared at me and for the first time he looked visibly calm and he hugged me back "I  love you too". "Am I forgiven?" He looked at me like 😏😏😏 "What do you think?"
Adelaide's POV
I paced to and fro lightly tapping my phone on my palm. Blaze had kissed me today and while I was on cloud 9 about that I couldn't help but mentally go through all the people Blaze knew that could call him up and he'll freeze up and then it hit me 🤛 TIARA! Tiara!!!!!!!!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed in frustration and threw my phone on my bed. How did I not see it earlier? It could only be Tiara. There's a reason I just dislike her. She always finds a way to ruin my happiness.

I jumped on my bed and grabbed my phone. After some mini mind reconsiderations I decided to call him up.
It rang he didn't pick.
I looked up in thought and called again
It rang again about to cut but then he picked
No response
"Yo Adelaide I'm not deaf!"
"You didn't reply. Annnywayyy where are you?"
"Where are you?"
"Dang! I'm at home woman!"
"You're at home with a woman????!!!"
"What? Yes! Actually yes! Em I'm here with Diana."
I got up violently from my bed
"Who exactly is Diana?"
"My Gurllllllll"
I heard laughter. He was messing with me again
"Biwi chill I just go back home. I'm in the driveway so relax."
I smiled as I kept turning
"Okay bye"
"Wait wait wait wait "
He groaned
"What now?"
"Tell me whose your girl?"
"I dunno.... Cos I don't have"
I said with my baby voice
He groaned again but I kept mute
Till I heard a weird cough
"You know you hold the key to my heart"
"Always tell me that okay?"
"Yeah in your dreams Byeeee"
"Wait Baby can we see"
"Hmm you can't have too much of who you love right?"
He laughed
"So can we see?"
He cut the call
Blaze's POV
I woke up around 10am this morning. It wasn't late enough so I took my time to perform all my morning routines even more slowly. When the time was right I headed out even more slowly that an old shaky grandma on foot passed me on an expressway! That was too slow anyway I made it just in time to see Tiara's Mom chatting away on the phone and rushing to the car. Her Dad had obviously left for 'important work'. I got down and picked my R who came running towards me once she saw me "No school today" She shrugged 🤷‍♀️ "Mummy too busy maybee tomorrow"
I purposely bumped into Mrs Majesty. "Ah Blaze your em friend isn't here now she's um away so you could come back later?" She turned to go.
"On a second thought why don't you stay and watch over Royalty for hmmm?" She scurried through her bag and brought out some cash "I'll pay you hmmm?" She said fluttering her naturally long eyelashes. I almost choked "Madam please don't I'll stay with R at least for a while"
She stared at me like 'So you'll offer your services but for free!!!??' Then she recomposed herself as if scared that I would turn and change my mind "Very well then. You can have her" Then she stepped into her car and said "And Blaze. Thank you you're a dearie 😘" I cringed but returned the smile as she drove off. This was my chance.

I did everything possible to keep Royalty busy but she seemed to love my involvement in her 'little shady dealings'. Periodically she asked about her 'Sissy' and when I replied she only nodded. Pfft 'Typical Business Woman just like her Mom'. Anyway after some ice creams, a few 'business talks' and some 'life coach sessions'. Royalty finally fell asleep and I had some time to do some diggings and what I saw next shocked me.
Tiara's POV
I was happily eating some banana pudding when Blazey came to me with my medicines and my heart flew out the window. Suddenly the brightly coloured food shack became dim. It meant he had serious business to talk about and I had to adjust my mind to receive it and he had brought my medicine pack just in case it went south. So thoughtful
"I've got your files but I'm not sure you're ready to see them"
I breathed "I'm ready. Please start"
He slid some files across the red Formica table.
I took one, opened it, glanced at him  and began to flip through when he said "Read them carefully or else you'll miss some details"
I gulped and began reading. What I saw gave me goosebumps. My hands began trembling as I opened the files one page after the other. I began panting for air. After about 3 to 4 minutes I calmed and asked him in tears with wobbling lips "So so so what what do I do I do now?"
He came to my side and hugged me allowing me to cry in his chest. They did it. They married me out as I had feared. More tears slipped and I cried till I couldn't cry again. Blazey called Kian who 'let' him take me home. He laid me on my bed, sat on a bedside stool and breathed.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself. You're not at fault"
Before I was whimpering but now I was full blown crying
"*Whimper*I Im not at *whimper* fault but *sniffle* I'm suffering......" I wept the more. He climbed on his bed and hugged me.
It was late at night and I couldn't sleep so Blazey forced me to take some milk and hugged me to sleep.
It was morning I think when I woke up. I had resolved last night to confront Kian on record and use it against him and get my revenge. I was done with weeping. I'm 18 for goodness's sake.
I saw that Blazey wasn't in bed and yes we slept in the same room. He was afraid that I would have another attack and there would be no one here.
Since he wasn't here I sprung up to perform my morning routines. I had a whole bag at Blaze's just in case. When I had finished all that Blaze walked in to inform me that he would be making breakfast cos his Mom was somewhere doing some charity stuff so....
Well we both knew Blaze couldn't cook and I would normally have made something but this was the perfect opportunity I needed to sneak out.

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