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I was in the kitchen when I saw here walking to and fro with her phone in her hand. It seemed she was either on the phone or about to call him but I didn't care I went back to cooking.
Ashley's POV
I could feel myself being shaken multiple times and I blinked repeatedly as my eyes held contact with Alec. I quickly broke as I realised I was home. "You zoned out for almost half an hour. Are you okay?" I nodded as I tried to open my door but it didn't budge. I could feel the tears drop as I couldn't hold them so I kept facing my window. I could feel him stare at me. "I need you to tell me you're okay and I'll let you be" I breathed to avoid my voice cracking but it still cracked and I even sniffled "I'm fine" He unbuckled his seatbelt and then unbuckled mine as he turned me towards him. "Tell me what's wrong" At that I just broke down as he hugged me. "I-never-meant-to-hurt-you-i-just-didn't-think-everything-through-and-i-just-got-played.".
At this I wiped my face and looked at him "You know you told me you didn't want anything to do with me and that you hated me. I was hellbent on making you regret that statement (so I replicated your words by calling you the worst mistake of my life). But the first week without you I was miserable that was when I bumped into Kian Benjamin at a charity fund raiser and he swept me off my feet you know that was like about 2 years ago you know. I was with this guy for 10 months and when you heard I had moved on you were super pissed and I was basking in glory. Kian made me very very comfortable and happy. Around December he proposed on National TV when we were on an interview.
I was estatic and it made me even more happy when he told me that I was his and he was mine and" I wiped away a tear that slipped "About 6 months into the engagement we were invited to an engagement gala. Kian told me he would meet me at the venue." I closed my eyes as it all came back "Right at the red carpet he denounced me he snatched my hand and pulled out the ring and flinged it. He called me a spendthrift, deceiver and time waster. It was funny that one lucky girl was celebrating her engagement and I was being crushed and broken at the entrance of her event. You accused me of cheating on you when I didn't do that and when I decided to forget about you I landed into pain and sorrow. How did I ever think that Kian Benjamin would ever love me a psychologist? I I really don't know.' I breathed
'About a week later I heard that you were to leave Saturday morning. I thought to see you Friday night and confront you like I should have that year but I got mixed up at your party and drunk and it happened.
When I emailed you that I was pregnant you denied me and called me a prostitute, a liar just looking for men to lure and trap. I spent those 9 months on my own as a psychologist dealing with both my patients' mental states and mine. When I gave birth I was told that it was a stillbirth. A stillbirth. I was broken but 8 months later I found out that you had taken the same children you denied away from me who actually wanted them. And even after all this whenever I see you I still feel like I was wrong like I didn't love you right or you wouldn't have done all that and till now I still beg you to let me see them when I can actually sue you. I don't know which was worse: your accusations or Kian admitting that he used me to get Tiara's attention. Turns out she is his wife and she doesn't even know. The worst was that he paid the media to make sure this never comes up and now I know that I'm the biggest fool to have ever existed. I was played by the two men I loved during the same timeframe.
I don't know what you thought but it didn't work. I didn't die I just became broken."
I turned to look at him. He was suddenly feeling guilty. I stretched and unlocked my car door. Then I said "I want full custody of MY children and I don't want to repeat that again. Do it and it'll be good for you don't and it will be terrible for you. After that I'll be filing a restraining order against you. Don't dare me or you'll get a call from my lawyer.". I finished and calmed then I stared at him to hear his response but he said nothing that was till his phone rang it said 'BABY'. It was Tiara. He picked up
"Yes love" His voice was shaky
"Where are you?"
"I'm at Ashley's place. Is anything the matter?"
"Yes love I want to talk to you alone"
"Baby you know that can't be today. It's almost nighttime and you're supposed to be resting preparing to eat dinner"
"I know Baby but please for me"
He massaged his head in thought
No response
"Love I'll be there in an hour's time now please get some rest"
"Alright Byeeee"
She disconnected the call.
He turned to look at me. Then he bowed his head but I had made my point and made up my mind to never ever forgive him and Kian. NEVER EVER! Besides he had Tiara now and it would be fun to see Kian and Alec fight over Tiara. They would be fun to watch. With that thought I smiled and was about to get out when Alec held my arm. I slapped his arm and scratched it. "DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T YOU DARE!" I said and slammed the car door in his face. It seemed like he reconsidered coming to plead with me but then again there was an appointment with Tiara which he had to keep. I couldn't bear the thought that one of the things between me and the men I loveD was TIARA. I wasn't jealous but I wasn't comfortable with it either.
Kian's POV
I couldn't help but wonder what made her so giddy when talking to Alec. It-He made her happy and comfortable. She was literally rocking herself when on the phone and smiling like a rainbow when eating. For the first time she even commented on my food "Hmm it's..... Nice". I was pained that my wife was enjoying another man's company than mine. I mean she calls him 'baby' or 'love' and she calls me her husband 'Kian'. I swallowed and got back to my food.
Tiara's POV
I kept staring at the clock and counting down till when my baby will get here. I couldn't wait. I needed to see him. I had recently found out something very important that he needed to know and help me deal with. Then I heard a ding. It was HIM. I jumped off my seat, grabbed my coat and rushed to the door. I opened the door and jumped into his arms and he spinned me around 🤭🤫 "Baby I missed you!" He put me down and planted a kiss on my forehead. "I have always been here you just didn't see me" I smiled and took his hand "Come I need to talk with you". He nodded and we got into his car. He drove off to a quiet and calm place and I switched off my phone. When we got down we sat on a bench and watched the still lake scenery. Then I became serious "Alec I think that I'm..... Kian's wife." He turned to me. "I overheard him talking to my parents over the phone. They were appreciating him for being a responsible husband to me and loving and caring for me. I am confused" "Ashley mentioned it today but I brushed it off. If this is true then when were you married off that you didn't know and why?" "I don't know. I have know Kian since we were kids I can't think of when this happened and it bothers me because I am not ready to be a man's property. I am still dealing with my numerous issues and I don't need more complications. And if I find out that this is true then I will get both him and my parents arrested for an arranged marriage without my awareness and consent." I breathed and turned to Alec. He seemed deep in thought "Where do your parents keep their personal files." "In their home office. Why?" "We need to get there. There might be a clue on all of this there. You can't go. I can't go so we need someone else say Blaze". I shuddered at Blaze's name. I had avoided him since Alec came for no reason and now I was regretting it. I told this to Alec. "It would be really bad to call him up just because I need a favour. I don't think it's right" "You have to patch up with him. Talk things out. The sooner we understand all this the better." I nodded in agreement. Right now Blazey was our only hope.

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