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I knew that Blaze would be distracted by 'cooking' 🤭🤭🤭 and I would be able to sneak out.
After dressing up I grabbed the files and put them in my bag. Then I left the bag on the bed and casually walked up to 'Frustrated Chef Blaze'.
He was having so much difficulty in preparing some toast with extra omelettes. 😓😓😓😓😓 I pitied his future wife.*Sigh* but sadly I had to leave. I walked up to him cheerily peeping to see his artistic work cos I was sure that ain't food but I didn't tell him that so 🤫🤫. I told him I had to make a very long call with my university MSA so he shouldn't looked for me. He gave me a blank look 😒 before realising his food was burning 😱😱😱😠😠😠🤬🤬🤬🥵🥵🥵 (🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is me of course 😏✌️✌️), and shooed me away to concentrate on it. I quickly gave him a peck and ran off cos he was seriously using his curse words. I didn't want him to remember me in such mind conditions he was in

Annnywayyy..... Sadly I sneaked out giving him one last peak. I took his keys and found my way to one of his cars. The weather outside was chilly and I regretted not coming out with my jacket cos it was getting into the car too. I could really use it right now.
Anyway I rubbed my palms together, buckled in and was about to start the car when a jacket was placed on my shoulders. I went cold 😱😱😵🥶
As far as I had known I was the only one in the car but now....who could it be? I turned and saw Blaze staring at me. I was about to speak when he said "I'm not stupid." I felt so bad that I hugged him and told him all about what I had had in mind to do and asked him if he approved for me to continue.
"When you were sneaking out you didn't ask for my consent so why now?" I pouted and gave him my baby face 🥺🥺
He couldn't resist. He insisted on coming with me but he would stay in the car to give me some kind of closure with Kian. I nodded and hugged him again appreciating his extreme love for me and after that we drove off
Kian's POV
I  was sitting 'peacefully' by myself in my house when a car I saw Adelaide Mcbrown walk in. I wondered what this was all about especially since we were not in any way friends. Just people that had to meet each other because of their partners. Sadly I wasn't even sure if Tiara was my partner or Blaze's or perhaps even Alec's. I breathed.
She walked in and knocked. As I opened she bypassed me and got in. When I turned heading towards my living room I saw that she was already seated. I massaged my forehead and sat. Slowly. "I need your help" she began "I need you to do something very simple Kian Benjamin. It's so simple yet so needed that I'm willing to pay for it." I stared at her tiredly "I don't need your money. Besides what can I do for you that you can't do for yourself Daddy's spoiled princess" she gritted her teeth but I didn't care. I stood up to fetch myself some.... Lemonade. After furiously calming down she continued. "I need you to get Tiara and leave the country for a minimum of 5 long good years. I can give you a month to em wrap up your life but nothing more" "You're sick!" "I need you to get her outta here; smuggle her, kidnap her, deceive her whatever just get her out and stay out with her". She paused and then said " I'm willing to pay" I snorted she looked stunned by that but quickly recomposed herself "30 Billion" I shook my head in the negative "40 billon" still a no. "50 billion! 50 billion paid in gold plus 6 different estates of mine all transferred to your name" I sat and smiled wickedly. She shook visibly but still extended her hand "Do do we have have a deal?"
"Not yet. Let's talk business. When do I get it?" "In a month's time the week before your departure once you can promise you won't back out" "is this legitimate I mean can I trust you?" She delayed "Of course I don't intend to cheat you" she smiled batting her eyelashes but I knew her game. I pulled out my phone and said "One moment let me call my lawyer" "Lllllawyer!!???". "Yes you said I could trust you" "Kian em let's not do any of this em lawyer business can't two friends just do some business without the unnecessary paperwork? Hmmmmm?" I stood and put my hands behind me and began walking around her "You and I know we're not friends AT ALL! so don't play with me." Then I stopped and bent for our faces to meet and softly said "Get out!" She shook and I went back to my seat but she was still there and that got me way way upset "GET OUT WOMAN! OUT! GOSH! DAMN! PEOPLE JUST DON'T WANT MEN TO LEAD PEACEFUL LIVES ANYMORE JEEZ! GET OUT!" She scrammed and I could feel my body temperature rising. The nerve

I was still pacing around trying to let off some steam when I saw a car pull up in my driveway and Tiara came out with a bag and shut the door. I immediately calmed down and waited for her to come in. When she came in I rushed to hug her but she smiled uncomfortably and pushed me away. I didn't mind maybe it was her mood for the day. I sat and she sat facing me
"King I want to take to you. So please be a 101% sincere when answering me" The fact that she called me 'King' brought a smile to my face. She used to call me 'weird guy' and subsequently 'King' when we were younger and it's really been a while. However for her to call me that all of a sudden meant she meant business. "I strongly promise to be 110 % honest  with you." I held her hand which she removed and shifted further away from me which made her weirder than usual. Then she handed me some files and asked me to read them carefully. The files looks familiar and I wondered where she got them and where I had seen them before but I took the files and began reading those files. In those files where evidences of our marriage of which she was not aware but now with those files in her hand it was most likely that she had found out and boy she was pissed.

"I can explain." She folded her hands and leaned well against her chair "Go ahead".
Tiara's POV
He breathed signally me to remain calm as he massaged his forehead. "Your father's company was seriously crashing. Investors were pulling out per minute and the only hope your Dad had was to sell. Because of the downfall of your dad's company your Mom's contracts were revoked as sponsors feared that she wouldn't pull them off. As I said your dad's only option was to sell. But. He wouldn't have any of that so he contacted me. Your parents saw that the only thing they had of value that they were willing to exchange for my help as a sort of em collateral was you- their eldest daughter. But I wouldn't have it. So I broke all ties with them threatening to inform the Child abuse agencies if they ever signed this sort of deal with any other contractor cos you weren't an item or collateral in any way. However I didn't see this attempt as just a spur of desperation it seemed like a purposely planned deal. And I became suspicious of them. More suspicious than ever.
So I had a private investigator check you up and what he saw was alarming. The rate at which your parents ignored and stretched you to your limits over and over again. Plus your hospital files were not so good. So I called them back saying I'll take up their offer for personal reasons. They were elated and we signed the contract on the terms that when your father's brand was established he would pay me back but the marriage wouldn't be neutralized. Instead you would be informed on a particular date. If you agreed we would sign the marriage contract if not it would be revoked and the evidence eliminated like it never happened."

I breathed cos that was quite a lot to take in. But then I looked him squarely "You could have told me and asked me to act like I didn't know but no you didn't." "You were in the hospital" "And when I came back to your house what about then hmm?". He was speechless.
I thought so. I breathed and said "let's do this. I'll get my things and leave
Don't try to stop me or get in my way."
I got upstairs and slowly began packing my things and I proceeded downstairs. When I was about to leave I said "I hope I never ever see you again". I said and left. His last expression carried deep sadness and regret like he would have tried to reason with me if not for what I said. But I didn't care.
I left.

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