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Me and my best friends can communicate just with ...... Face Expressions~ROLEX


"Take her to the dungeon" one of the guys said before sprinting towards the opposite direction.

The guy holding my arm sunk his nails deeper before dragging me towards the 'dungeon'.

"I'm not a rogue" I blurted out.

"Really?" asked the guy who was in front of us. His voice held a hint of amusement.

It's obvious they won't believe me but there's no harm in trying, right?

"Yes, I'm not a rogue. I'm running away from my pack"

"Why are you running away from your pack?" The same guy asked again.

The guy holding my arm hasn't said anything to me apart from 'rogue'.

"Because my parents wanted to get me married to our alpha" I replied confidently hoping he bought it.

"Wow!!!" he said, "So what's the name of your alpha?"

I bit my lip before staring at the ground letting my hair cover my now flaming cheeks.

To say I was embarrassed was an understatement.

I didn't know the name of any alphas.

Trying to rack my brain, I blurted out, "Alpha xerox"

They tensed slightly before relaxing 'almost' immediately.

Keyword: almost.

I've heard that name from the older ones in the pack and I had curiously asked who he was but I was ignored as usual.

"Good thing alpha xerox will be here tomorrow"

And the 'rogue' guy finally speaks.

Soon the grasses disappeared as we entered a dark tunnel. My feet felt numb because I wasn't wearing my sneakers. I had lost them the day I lost my family.

I felt a lump starting to form, so I quickly swallowed it not ready to burst into tears in front of these men.

I had a bigger problem at hand to solve.

I was used to walking on grasses and soil not cold, metal and hard floors.

A sickening stench which I might add was awful wafted into my nostrils. I used my other hand to press my nostrils together to prevent the stench from burning my lungs further.

The guy holding me, threw me into a place that looked like a cage where we usually kept animals we hunted but it was slightly bigger than the one we had at the camp, plus there was a bench here which we didn't keep in camp.

The 'rogue' guy locked the door before leaving.

My eyes widened in shock as soon as they were gone.

Running towards the bars, I wanted to shake the bars to make some kind of noise but as soon as my hands came in contact with the bars, I let out a loud shriek.

I watched my hands in horror as they turned red in anger and soon blue and purple joined the color mesh.

"You didn't think they would be that stupid to leave the bars bare, right?"

Letting out a surprised yelp, I fell back on my butt.

Looking towards the source of the voice, I found a girl sitting on the floor with her knees raised to her chest and her arms wrapped around herself.

Her eyes looked swollen and she had dark circles beneath them.

Standing up, I made my way towards the girl careful not to touch the bars separating us.

Finally getting there, I sat down and then stared at her.

"Who are you?" I blurted out.

"I'm a rogue" she replied before adding,"If you mean what my name is then I'm Ariana."

"I'm bloom" I said quietly.

I haven't met a friendly rogue before maybe because all the rogues I've come across are all men.

"Bloom? Nice, very unique"

I blushed and then she started to speak again.

"So how's your hand?"

I held up my hands to show her and then she flinched slightly.

"Sorry" she whispered,"It looks nasty"

I nodded and then folded my hands on my lap.

"What do you mean by leaving the bars bare?" I asked looking at her.

"They coated the bars with wolfsbane obviously"

I stared at her tilting my head in confusion, What the hell is wolfsbane?!

She stared at me strangely, "You don't know what wolfsbane is?"

I nodded my head and then she sighed softly, "How long have you been a rogue"

"Since I was born" I said looking down slightly embarrassed.

She smiled softly at me, "It's okay, honey. There's no need to feel embarrass about anything. You seem like one of the good rogues out there so I completely understand if you've never been in a pack's dungeon before. So don't feel embarrass about being good, okay?"

I nodded and then she smiled.

"So back to your question, wolfsbane is like a plant that weakens werewolves. It's very dangerous especially if it's in the bloodstream. It kills slowly and it's very painful" Ariana said.

I began to panic, I was going to die of something I just found out about.

"Calm down honey, It can't kill you. It'll just leave a permanent scar, that's all"

I calmed down slightly, "Why are you calling me honey?"

"It's a nickname you earned. I give everyone I come across and you my dear earned honey because you are as sweet as a jar of honey"

I blushed again before asking,"Who is Alpha xerox?"

Ariana sighed and then rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Do you like bedtime stories?" Ariana asked.

"Yes, I really love bedtime stories"

"Good cause you're about to hear the longest bedtime story ever"

I sat up straighter than before which made Ariana chuckle.

"Here goes nothing. Once upon a time..."



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